"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: khay

ciaukhay | convene (a conference or meeting); to convoke; to call together | 召開
cixnthaxn cixnkhay | spend whatever one earns | 盡趁盡開; 賺多少花多少
gaau khay | spendthrift | 𠢕開
hiexnthaxn-hiexnkhay | live from hand to mouth | 現賺現花
hunkhay | break down into smaller parts; segregate; to divide into individual parts or portions | 分開
huun khay kiernjit | turn of fortune for the better (When the clouds part; the sun comes out.) | 雲開見日
ixsiorng-thienkhay | have fantastic notions | 異想天開
kamkhay | willing to spend money | 甘開; 捨得花錢
kekhay | spend too much (money) | 加開; 多花錢
khaikhay`leq | waste the wealth | 開開咧; 花光
khay gafnkaix | enlarge the field of vision; see new things | 開眼界
khay zabor | go whoring | 嫖妓; 開查某
khay | open; begin; make out (a bill or a prescription); to dig (a well); to bloom | 開; 花費
khayboo | model; example; pattern or model | 楷模
khayji | standard script of handwriting | 楷字; 楷書
khaykøf | song of victory; song of victory or triumph | 凱歌
khaysoaan | to return in triumph | 凱旋
khaysoaan-mngg | a triumphal arch or gate | 凱旋門
khaysw | standard script of handwriting | 楷字; 楷書
khietkhay | open up | 揭開
kii khay teksexng | win in the first battle; game; match | 旗開得勝
kongkhay ciøpiøf | open tender; competitive bidding; public tender | 公開招標
kongkhay | to make public; open (letters; etc); to exhibit; open to the public | 公開
laxmkhay | spend recklessly | 濫界; 濫用錢
nafkhay | to move away | 挪開
paikhay | to spread out | 排開
phahkhay | open | 拍開
piedkhay sengbien | introduce a novelty or novel feature | 別開生面
pvoax kongkhay | semi-open | 半公開
sarnkhay | diffuse; spread out; come apart; disperse | 散開
sinkhay | newly open | 新開
sokhay | evacuate; disperse | 疏開
svazabji khay | thirty-two mo (printing) | 三十二開; (紙張)
tiaokhay | call a meeting | 召開
zablagkhay | sixteen or sextodecimo; the suffix mo refers to book size or paper size resulting from folding a ream sized sheet of paper into sixteen leaves of equal dimension in preparation for printing a book | 十六開
zofngkhay | wide open | 總開

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