"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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baq kiw`khix | muscular dystrophy | 肉縮去
baxnlieen kiwoarn | lasting very long; perpetual; eternal | 萬年久遠
baxnnikiwoarn | forever | 萬年久遠
chikiwciexn | protracted drawn out struggle | 持久戰
chikiwlek | durability; persistence | 持久力
chiuo kiw`khylaai | withdraw one's hand; withdraw | 手縮起來; 撒手
hamchiaux kiwzoaan | be able to smile in Hades; die with satisfaction | 含笑九泉
khaf kiw`khylaai | draw up the legs; sever one's connection with; withdraw from an undertaking | 腳縮起來; 縮腿; 退出某事;
khyhvoa kiw`khix | receding gums | 牙齦縮起; 牙齦萎縮
kiukiw | (v) shrink; cower; (v) flinch; spiritless; be lacking in energy; indecisive | 畏縮
kiw | shrink | 縮; 勼
kiw'oarn | long-lasting | 久遠
kiw`ee | shrinked | 縮的
kiw`khix | shrinked; shortened; reduced | 縮去
kiw`khylaai | retreat | 縮起來
kiwbuun | (literally) I have heard of your name for a long time | 久聞
kiwgiorng taixbeeng | I have long heard of your name | 久仰大名
kiwgiorng | (literally) I have heard of your illustrious name for a long time--Glad to know you; I have long desired to know you. (conventional phrase on being introduced) | 久仰
kiwgiuu-itmoo | drop in the ocean | 九牛一毛
kiwgvor-cied | 5% discount | 九五折
kiwgvor-cizwn | (literary) imperial throne | 九五之尊
kiwhaan | [[kiwhan]]; long drought | 久旱
kiwhau | to wait for a long time | 久候
kiwkiexn | to the literary form of Long time no see; I have not seen you for a long time. Long time no see. | 久見; 久違; 好久無見
kiwkiong'ar | tree that is good for making cane | 九芎仔
kiwkiuo-piør | multiplication table | 九九表
kiwkw | reside for long time | 久居
kiwlien-sengkngx | Mastery is the result of long practice (training) | 久鍊成鋼
kiwliuu | all kinds of people; stay longer | 九流; 久留
kiwoarn | a long time; forever; long and far-reaching; permanent; perpetual | 久遠
kiwpad bøieen-khieiuu | number ninety-eight non-lead gasoline | 九八無鉛汽油
kiwphirn | former official grades or ranks | 九品
kiwphirn-thiensiin | nine choirs of angels (Catholic) | 九品天神
kiwpiet | long separation; long separated | 久別
kiwpve seeng liong'y | long illness makes one a good doctor ─ long experience makes a man skilful at what he never formally learned | 久病成良醫
kiwsiaw | beyond the farthest limits of the sky; far far away | 九霄
kiwsuo-itsefng | imminent danger; narrow escape from death; extreme danger | 九死一生
kiwuii | the literary form of Long time no see; I have not seen you for a long time (conventional). | 久違
kiwzexng | correct | 糾正
kiwzoaan cy ha | underworld; Hades | 九泉之下
kiwzoaan | in grave; the underworld; under the earth; Hades; grave; Hades | 九泉
kiwzvoaa | hell, the Hades | 九泉
lauxtørkiw | bent with aged; stooped | 老倒縮; 老而返矮
naixkiwlek | durability; endurance | 耐久力
samkaux-kiwliuu | Lit. the three religions (Confucianism; Buddhism and Taoism) and the nine schools (Confucianist; Taoist; Astrologist; Legalist; Nominalist; Mohist; Diplomatist; Miscellanist and Agriculturist) ─ people of all walks of life | 三教九流
thienkiwpaai | gambling card game | 天九牌
tørkiw | shrink back | 倒縮; 退縮
zhunkiw | stretch | 伸勼

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