"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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bøexkixm`tid | cannot stop doing | 未停得; 袂禁得; 情不自禁
bøkixm bøkhi ciah pahji | There is no taboo; you can live to be a hundred | 無禁無忌吃百二
giamkixm | strictly forbid; prohibit or forbid strictly | 嚴禁
haykixm | restrictions at ports of entry and exit | 海禁
hoaxnkixm | to violate a ban; violate prohibitions laid down by some authority | 犯禁; 犯禁令
iukixm | to confine; to put under house arrest | 幽禁
joafnkixm | keep under detention in person's house; restrain someone of his liberty | 軟禁
kamkixm | captivity | 監禁
karmkixm | imprisonment; prison; confinement; imprison; confine; detain | 監禁
kaykixm | remove prohibition | 解禁; 開禁
khaikixm | remove prohibition | 開禁
khuikixm | to start prohibition | 開禁
khukixm | detain; imprison | 拘押; 拘禁
kixm | forbid; prohibit; stop; set a limit; refrain from; prohibition; restriction; forbid; confine; restrain | 禁
kixm-bøextiaau | cannot bear it; cannot help; involuntary | 禁無住; 忍不住
kixmpøo | aunt's mother; wife of maternal grandmother's brother | 妗婆; 舅婆; 舅奶奶
kvakixm | to confine; to imprison; to immure; throw into prison | 監禁
kvoaikixm | lock in, imprison, jail | 關禁
kvuikixm | imprison, jail, lock one in | 關禁
lexkixm | severe restrictions | 厲禁; 例禁
nngfkixm | house arrest; house confinement; restrict someone from leaving the house | 軟禁
putkixm | to be unaware to, cannot help to | 無禁
siaukixm | curfew | 宵禁
sitkixm | incontinent (medical) | 失禁; 大小便失禁
siukixm | captivity; chain; imprison; confine; detain | 囚禁
siuxkixm | be suspended, be restrained | 受禁; 被禁止
toaxkixmzhuix | gossip | 大妗喙
uikixm | defy a prohibition | 違禁
zakixm | prohibit or ban after investigation (usually said of pornographic books; immoral shows; gambling) | 查禁
zeeng pud zuxkixm | seized with an impulse; feel an irresistible impulse | 情無自禁
zexkixm | confine oneself | 坐禁
zhakixm | ban | 查禁
zuxkixm | restrain oneself | 自禁; 自我約束
øexkixm-tid | can stop (a habit, or some action in progress) | 會禁得; 止得住

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