"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: kuo

ar iawkuo | and also | 而又
bagniq-kuo | in a short period | 目眨久; 目𥍉久; 目瞬
bykuo | an admirable enterprise | 美舉
bøjoaxkuo | not for a long time | 無若久; 沒多久
bøkuo | soon | 無久; 不久
bøloaxkuo | not very long | 無若久
bøo joaxkuo | not too long | 無多久
bøo loaxkuo | not for long | 無多久
ciahkuo | to wait for so long | 這久
ciahniq kuo | so long; this long time; recently; Such a long time! | 這麼久
ciarmkuo | to occupy | 佔據
cidbagniq-kuo | in a very short period of time | 一目瞬久; 一瞬間
cidkuo'oe | in a word, in a nutshell | 一句話
cidpof-kuo | half day long | 一晡久; 半天
cidtiap'afkuo | for a moment, a very short time | 一霎仔久
cidtiap'ar-kuo | in a little while | 一會仔久
cinkuo | for a long time | 很久
citkuo | now; just now | 現在; 此時
cittiap'ar-kuo | this long | 這摺仔久
cviakuo | for long; for ages | 很久
gixkuo | a great move for public good; philanthropic move a patriotic move | 義舉
hiahkuo | so long (adj; adv) | 遐久; 那麼久
høfkuo | long time | 好久
høkuo | a bold move; magnificent act | 豪舉
iafkuo | yet; still; still a long time to | 還久; 尚且
iawkuo hør | excusable; tolerable; passable | 還好
iawkuo | as before; as usual; still | 依然; 仍然; 尚且
itkuo | at one stroke | 一舉
itkuo-ittong | every movement and every action | 一舉一動
itkuo-liofngteg | kills two birds with one stone | 一舉兩得
joaxkuo | how long | 多久
khahkuo | longer | 較久
khaikuo | recommend; recommendation | 開舉; 推薦
khengkuo | heedless (reckless) undertaking; rash action | 輕舉
khengkuo-boxngtong | heedless (reckless) undertaking; commit a rash act | 輕舉妄動
khøkuo | The civil examinations in empire days | 科舉
kiafmkuo | to lay bare evidences of a corrupt official; to inform the authorities of an unlawful act; plot; etc | 檢舉
kinkuotøe | base; base of operation | 根據地; 基地
kuikuo | order; discipline; regularity | 規矩
kuo | for a long time; elevate with the hands; to raise | 久; 舉
kuo'ar | a saw | 鋸仔; 鋸子
kuo'iuo | to take possession of; to appropriate | 據有
kuo`laai | over time | 久來
kuoheeng | pattern sentences | 句型
kuohiarm | to hold strategic positions | 據險
kuohoad | syntax | 句法
kuohuxn | sawfish | 鋸鰩; 鋸鱝; 鈍鋸鰩,; 尖齒鋸鰩,; 鈍鋸鱝,
kuohwn | smoke (cigarette; pipe) | 抽煙
kuokaw | saw-shark | 鋸鮫
kuokhie | teeth of saw | 鋸齒
kuokux | every word | 句句
kuolie | to argue vigorously on the basis of sound reason or justice | 據埋
kuosiofng | cauterize, brand | 鋸灸; 灸傷; 灸傷口
kuosit | with the fact, according to the fact | 據實
kuosiuo | to hold a position against attack; to make a stand; to stand one's ground | 據守
kuosoad | It is said that … | 據說
kuosoaf | saw-shark | 鋸鯊; 鋸鮫
kuosud | sawdust | 鋸屑
kuosud-hurn | powder of sawdust | 鋸屑粉
kuosut | sawdust | 鋸屑
kuosut'hw | sawdust | 鋸屑灰
kuotau | choice of words, style of composition | 句讀
kuothaau | beginning of a sentence | 句頭
kuothok | choice of words, style of composition | 句讀
kuotiarm | full stop, period (punctuation); [[kietiarm]]; a foothold, a stronghold | 句點; 據點
kuotiau | amputate | 鋸斷
kuotng | amputate | 鋸斷; 鋸掉
kuotøf | back-saw | 鋸刀
kuozai lie korng | You may say whatever you like | 隨你說
kuozai | allow (sb. to do as he pleases); as one pleases; at one's discretion. Usually followed by a personal pronoun | 據在; 聽任; 任憑; 隨; ...; 聽憑; 隨便; 任由
kwkuo | for a long time | 久久; 長久
køkuo | elevate, raise high | 高舉
lakuociexn | a seesaw battle | 拉鋸戰
lauxkuikuo | old rules; old practice | 老規矩
liedkuo | (make a) list; to enumerate | 列舉
loaxkuo | how long | 偌久
lwkuo-lwhør | the longer (in time) the better | 愈久愈好
mxkuo | but; however; nevertheless | 毋過; 不過; 但是; 然而; 可是
naixkuo | lasting a long time; durable | 耐久
nikuo gøeqchym | for many years; as years go by | 年久月深; 經年累月
nngxkuo'ar | two sentences | 兩句仔
oaqkuo | live long | 活久
paxng kuozai y khix | let him alone; let him go his own way | 放任他; 任由他去
pvoarkuo'oe | half sentence; barely speak up | 半句話
pøfkuo | kep forever | 保久; 保舉
pørkuo | recommend for employment | 保舉; 推薦就業
sengkuo | grand event | 盛舉
siaxngkuo | the longest time | 上久
siekuolieen | quartet | 四句聯
siekuolien'ar | quartet | 四句聯仔
siexnkuo | good acts | 善舉
sioxngkuo | longest | 最久
soafnkuo | election | 選舉
soafnkuo-koaan | right to vote, franchise, suffrage | 選舉權
sviasviaf-kuokux | each word | 聲聲句句
svoa-mokuo | Taiwan beech | 山毛櫸
svoaf-mokuo | Taiwan beech | 山毛櫸
tahkuo | stick for a while | 貼久
taokuo | match; compete who was last | 比久
thaikuo | extol, exalt, say too good or someone | 提舉; 抬舉
themiaa soafnkuo | nominate for election | 提名選舉
thoakuo | delay for a long time | 拖久
thuikuo | recommend for promotion | 推舉
tiafmgoaxzengkuo | over an hour | 點外鐘久
tiap'afkuo | a while; a moment; for some time; in just a moment | 摺仔久; 一會兒
tiap'ar-kuo | a moment, a short time | 摺仔久; 一會兒
tngkuo | for a long time | 長久
toarkuo | been a long | 蹛久
toxng-bøexkuo | can't last; be going to die | 耐無久; 命將終; 不長久
toxng-bøkuo | can't last; be going to die | 耐無久; 命將終; 不長久
vikuo'ar | a circular saw; [[vikiear]] | 圓鋸仔
zexkuo | sat for a while | 坐久
zhuikuo | elect to an office; recommend for a post | 推舉
zoeakuo | at the longest | 最久
zorngkuo | great achievement; daring act; courageous feat | 壯舉
zoxkuo | secondary proposer | 助舉; 附議

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