"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: kurn

axm'afkurn | neck | 頷仔頸
axmkurn | neck | 頷頸; 脖子
chiachiakurn | bustling | 戕戕滾; 熙來攘往
chiangchiangkurn | popular and lively | 沖沖滾
chiaxngchiaxng'kurn | turn white hot; boiling; ebullition; boil noisily (water); be in a hullabaloo; be in tumult (as a crowd in a market) | 熱滾滾; 喧騰; 沸騰; 翻騰
gaukurn | fond of making a racket; fond of making practical jokes or playing tricks | 會滾
hoaxhoaxkurn | uproarious; tumultuous; bawling and making a great noise like a crowd | 喧譁的; 譁譁滾
hviaa-hof kurn | boil | 燒開; 燒沸
kaxkaxkurn | very noisy (as children at play) | 咬咬滾; 鬧哄哄
khiokkurnkiuu | polo | 曲棍球
kurn | boil; boiling; ebullition; be boiling; boiled | 開; 滾; 沸騰
kurn'ar | club, cudgel | 棍仔
kurn`khylaai | to start boiling | 滾起來
kurn`zhutkhix | to roll out; Get out! | 滾出去
kurn`zhutlaai | to roll ou | 滾出來
kurnthuii | stick and hammer | 棍槌
kurnzao | to roll ou | 滾走
kwnkurn | (of flowing water) rolling | 滾滾
lauxjiedkwnkurn | noisy- full of people | 鬧熱滾滾
lauxliedkwnkurn | noisy- full of people noisy- full of people | 鬧熱滾滾
lawtiøh axmkurn | get a crick in the neck | 扭傷脖子
neh axmkurn | seize by the neck | 掐脖子
parngkurn | fishing line with many fish hooks attached | 放蚓; 一條長繩綁許多魚鉤而放入水中來捉魚
phuxphuxkurn | rush | 浡浡滾
siøkwnkurn | broling hot | 燒滾滾
sngx axmkurn | fasten neck | 勒頸
thihkurn'ar | iron club | 鐵棍仔
toaxkurn | big boiling | 大滾
toxkurn | earthworm | 蚯蚓
tve axmkurn | seize someone by the neck; take by the throat; to throttle | 掐脖子
vii-kurnkuxn | very round; fat and plump | 渾圓的; 圓極了; 胖嘟嘟
vikurnkuxn | round | 圓棍棍
vikwnkurn | round | 圓滾滾
zhakurn'ar | wooden stick | 柴棍仔
zhaxzhaxkurn | Noisy | 鬧哄哄

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