"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Ienpengkuxn'oong-suu | temple; a landmark in Tainan | 延平郡王祠
auxkux | next sentence | 後句; 下一句
baxnliam kuxhoef | completely discouraged; extremely pessimistic; totally devoid of ambition and hope | 萬念俱灰
bengkux | famous sentence; famous line of verse | 名句
bexnglexngkux | imperative sentence | 命令句
bogkuxn | wood rod | 木棍
bunkux | sentence | 文句; 句子
bunkuxtiaxm | a stationer | 文具店
buxnkux | an interrogative sentence | 問句
bwkuxkofng | uncle on the mother side | 母舅公
bøefkux | the last sentence | 尾句; 末句
bøo kunkux | groundless, unfounded, ungrounded | 無根據
chiapkux | to usurp | 竊據
chiwkux | hand saw | 手鋸
ciamkux | acupuncture and moxibustion; acupuncture and cauterization | 針灸; 針炙
ciarmkux | lock-in; inhabit; occupation; occupy | 佔據
cidkux | a sentence | 一句
ciongkux | syntactic and semantic analysis of ancient writings | 章句
citkux | this word | 這句
citkuxnjit | last few days | 這近日
ciøhkux | a written acknowledgement for a debt | 借據
exkux | next sentence, next paragraph, the following word | 下行; 下一句
gwkux | phrases and sentences | 語句
gykux | phrases and sentences; sentences | 語句
høfkux | good wordings | 好句
ikux | according to, to be cased on | 依據
jixkux | words and phrases; a written proof; a receipt; phrase | 字句; 字據; 句子
kakux | great sentence; good writing | 佳句
kakuxhaang | furniture store | 傢具行; 傢俱行
kefngkux | aphorism | 警句; 箴言
kefngkuxn | baton (policeman's); truncheon; billy club | 警棍
kheakux | written agreements | 契據
khykux | the opening line (of a poem) | 起句
kinkux | basis; evidence; the grounds; the authority; a root; source or origin; in accordance with (the regulation; etc.); on the strength of | 根據
kirmkux | forbidden sentence | 禁句
koarn'ioxngkux | an idiom | 慣用語; ( 慣用句)
koaykuxn | abductor, swindler | 拐架者; 柺子
kongkuxn | a bachelor or unmarried man | 光棍
kuikux | a whole word, a whole sentence spoken | 整句; 規句
kunkux | to use as a logical basis; basis; authority; foundation; according to; based on; on the basis of; proof; foundation | 根據
kunkux-tøe | a base (of operation); a home-base | 根據地
kuokux | every word | 句句
kux | sentence; basis; proof; evidence; according to | 句; 鋸; 據
kuxaxn | outstanding (unsettled) lawsuits; old case | 舊案
kuxbiern | croaker fish | 黃花魚; 巨鮸
kuxbuo | maternal aunt (mother's brother's wife) | 舅母
kuxbuun | an old story | 舊文
kuxciog | (literary) sufficient | 具足
kuxcirnthauar | old bad habits; old sickness | 舊症頭仔; 舊習
kuxgiah | a huge sum (of money); large amount | 巨額
kuxheeng | old style | 舊型; 舊式
kuxhux | to refuse payment; [[kixhu]] | 拒付
kuxhøex | old goods | 舊貨
kuxiog | The Old Testament | 舊約
kuxiuo | to have or to possess; used to have | 具有; 舊有
kuxjiaq | ancient ruin, old scar | 舊跡; 遺跡
kuxjiin | giant | 巨人
kuxjiin-zexng | gigantism | 軍人政; 巨人症
kuxkaw | old friend; old friendship | 舊交
kuxkhoarn | old-style; old-fashioned; out-of-date | 舊款
kuxkiao | refuse to pay (taxes or money one is obliged to pay) | 拒繳
kuxkied | to enter into a bond; to submit a pledge or guarantee to government office for fulfilling of all obligations agreed upon; (in law) to sign a bond to tell the truth | 具結
kuxkoafn | former appearance; previous look; former condition | 舊觀
kuxkofng | grand-uncle (grand-mother's brother) | 舅公
kuxku | old, used | 舊舊
kuxkuxkiøx | belly (abdomen) makes sound because of hunger | 肚子叫
kuxle | conventional; old custom; precedent | 舊例
kuxlek | lunar calendar | 陰曆; 舊曆
kuxli | distance | 距離
kuxliau | used material | 舊料
kuxlo | old road | 舊路
kuxlogpo | club (i.e. a group or organization); club (transliteration of the English word; club) | 俱樂部
kuxloksog | very old | 舊漉束; 很舊
kuxmiaa | put one's own signature | 具名
kuxn | stick; stick; cudgel; club; rascal | 棍
kuxn'oar | near | 近倚
kuxn'oong | a rank of nobility next to prince | 郡王
kuxnchyn | closer relatives | 近親
kuxnhorng | recent circumstances; recent situation | 近況
kuxnii | last year; the Lunar New Year | 舊年; 去年
kuxnii-bøea | the whole year end | 整年尾
kuxnii-laai | the whole year | 整年來
kuxnii-thaau | the whole year beginning | 整年頭
kuxnkii | recently | 近期
kuxnkun | near | 近近
kuxnlaai | recently; lately | 近來
kuxnlit | recently | 近日
kuxnnii | recently | 近年
kuxnsi | shortsighted | 近視
kuxnsiuo | magistrate of a prefecture | 郡守
kuxntai | modern times | 近代
kuxnzuo | a princess; infanta | 郡主
kuxoafn | old feud; old enmity | 舊冤
kuxparn | old version; former (old) edition | 舊版
kuxpi | possess; have; be provided with; all complete; made ready; fully outfitted | 具備
kuxpiao | maternal uncle and cousin | 舅表
kuxpor | to resist arrest | 拒捕
kuxpve | chronic disease; old complaint | 舊病
kuxpvi | the old illness; old disease | 舊病; 老毛病
kuxseg | old-style; old-fashioned; out-of-date; old-fashioned; out of date; of the old type; antiquated | 舊式; 舊式的
kuxseg-hun'yn | old-style-marriage; old-fashioned wedding | 舊式婚姻
kuxseg-kateeng | old-fashioned household; old style family | 舊式家庭
kuxsexng | the old nature | 舊性
kuxsi | macroscopic | 巨視; 宏觀的
kuxsi-kwtong | large scale behavior, macroscopic behavior | 舊時舉動; 巨視舉動
kuxsi-zoxngthaix | macro state | 舊時狀態; 巨視狀態
kuxsiaux | old debts; old bills | 舊數
kuxsii | old time | 舊時
kuxsiofng | scar | 舊傷
kuxsionghør | old friend; old friendship | 老相好
kuxsvaf | old clothes | 舊衣
kuxsviux | old fashion; the old way to do things | 老氣; 舊的; 舊相
kuxtaxn | dome | 巨蛋
kuxtek | to resist the enemy; to ward off or defend against the enemy | 拒敵
kuxthaau | tycoon; magnet | 巨頭
kuxthea keaoe | practical plans | 具體計劃
kuxthea paxnhoad | practical methods of managing | 具體辦法
kuxthea | concrete; specific; the whole body | 具體
kuxthefhoax | embody; concretize; to incarnate | 具體化
kuxthefteg | concrete; concretely | 具體的
kuxtorng | old party | 舊黨
kuxtøea | originally | 舊底
kuxviu | old-style | 舊樣
kuxzeeng | former friendship; affection | 舊情
kuxzerngthauar | old bad habits; old sickness | 舊症頭仔; 舊習
kuxzex | former system; old system | 舊制
kuxzexng | former illness; old illness | 舊症
kuxzheq | a second-hand book | 舊冊; 舊書
kuxzhux | old house; former house | 老家; 舊房子
kuxzng | old statement | 舊狀
kuxzoad | refuse, reject, refusal, rejection | 拒絕
kuxzoat | to decline; to refuse; to reject | 拒絕
kuxzuo | one's former master | 舊主
kuxzuun`nii | the year before last year | 大前年; 舊存年
laokux | skip sentences | 漏句
lau-kongkuxn | old bachelor | 老光棍; 老練的騙子
lexkux | a sentence serving as an example; sentence serving as an example (in a textbook; to show proper structure; arrangement of words) | 例句
lienkux | joint authorship of poems; with a chanting one line to be followed by etc. until a poem is completed; couplets (on scrolls) | 聯句
liofngpai kuxsiofng | both are wounded and defeated; both are hurt; nobody wins | 兩敗俱傷
lixkux | receipt | 字據
luxnkux | basis of opinion | 論據
mngxkux | an interrogative sentence | 問句
muykux | every word | 每句
oafnkuxtiaxm | toy shop | 玩具店
oexkux | speech; saying; word | 話句
okkuxn | villain; rascal; hooligan | 惡棍
paikux | haiku | 俳句
phakuxnlo | take a shortcut | 拋近路
phankux | to occupy, to hold a place illegally | 盤據; 盤踞; of; to; illegally; place; hold; from; may; Mandarin); be; a; (reading
phaytangkuxsiaq | used copper and old tin- for recycle | 歹銅舊錫
phiørkux | receipt | 票據
phvaytaang kuxsiaq | old; broken brass or pewter articles; junk | 破銅爛鐵
phvaytaang-kuxsiaq | scrap copper rotten iron; scrap copper and iron | 破銅爛鐵; 廢銅爛鐵
phvaytangkuxsiaq | bad copper and used tin- for recycle | 歹銅舊錫
pinkux | evidence; confirmation; proof | 憑據
putliam kuxog | forget past grudges; let bygones be bygones | 無念舊惡
pvoarkuxløh | half worn out; worn; but still quite usable | 中古的; 半新無舊
pøfchii kuxli | keep at a safe distance | 保持距離
samkux putli pwnhaang | talk shop frequently when conversing with people outside the talker's own profession; talking about one's own trade | 三句無離本行
sengkux | sentence | 成句
sengseg kuxle | speak in a harsh tone and with a severe expression | 聲色俱厲
serngkengkux | Bible sentence | 聖經句
sidkux | actual sentence | 實句
sikux | stanza or line in a poem | 詩句
siongsefng ee pinkux | pledge of Everlasting Life | 常生的憑據
siu kuxzoat | rebuff | 受拒絕
siukux | receipt | 收據; 收條
siwkuxphaix | conservative party | 守舊派
sorkux | data | 數據
sukux | sentence; wording; words and phrases | 辭句; 詞句
sviasviaf-kuokux | each word | 聲聲句句
tagkux | every word | 逐句
taokux | match sentence | 湊句; 鬥句; 對句
tengkux | repeated sentence | 重句
tiafmkux | punctuate | 點句
tiong'wn kuxbang | revive an old dream; reproduce the good old days; rekindle the old flame of love | 重溫舊夢
tiongsiw kuxhør | renew friendly relations; reconciliate | 重修舊好
tngtefkux | long and short sentence | 長短句
torngkuxn | drag; brake | 動槓; 煞車槓
tuiekux | antithetical sentence | 對句
tvoakux | a note, a bill, a receipt | 單據
u-kunkux | well-founded, well-grounded | 有根據
vii-kurnkuxn | very round; fat and plump | 渾圓的; 圓極了; 胖嘟嘟
vikurnkuxn | round | 圓棍棍
voa cidkux oe laai korng | in other words | 換句話說
ynkux | quote | 引句
zerngkux | proof; attestation; evidence; witness; testimony | 證據
zhahkux | interrupt | 插句
zhehkux | book sentence | 冊句; 書句
zoadkux | excellent sentence | 絕句
zofngkofngcidkux | in summary | 總講一句
zofngkorng`cidkux | in a word; to sum up; to sum it all up in one sentence | 總而言之
zwnkux | criterion | 準據
zørkux | make up a sentence | 造句
zøxkux | compose sentence(s) | 造句

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