"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: kviax

aubixnkviax | a concave lens | 凹面鏡
bagkviax ab'ar | eye glass box or case | 目鏡盒仔; 眼鏡盒子
bagkviax | eyeglasses; eye-glasses; spectacles | 目鏡; 眼鏡
baxnhoakviax | a triangular prism | 三稜鏡; 萬花鏡
boakviax | polish bronze mirror | 磨鏡; 磨光銅鏡
boxng'oafnkviax | telescope | 望遠鏡
chienlykviax | telescope | 千里鏡; 望遠鏡
chiwkviax | hand mirror | 手鏡
ciamboxngkviax | periscope | 潛望鏡
ciøhkviax | learn a lesson from another person's experience | 借鏡; 借鑑
ciørkviax | to face a mirror; look at oneself in a mirror | 照鏡; 照鏡子
ciørsinkviax | full length mirror | 照身鏡
gafnkviax | glasses; spectacles | 眼鏡
harmkviax | magnifying glass; magnifying glass | 擴鏡; 譀鏡; 顯微鏡; 放大鏡
hiefnbikviax | microscope; ultramicroscope | 顯微鏡
hixkviax | otoscope | 耳鏡
hoafnkongkviax | reflecting mirror; reflector | 反光鏡; 反射鏡
hoafnsiaxkviax | reflecting mirror; reflector | 反射鏡
hoekviax | glasses for the aged | 花鏡; 老花眼鏡
hongkviax | goggles | 風鏡; 阻風鏡 (如機車前面)
horngtoaxkviax | magnifying-glass | 放大鏡
hunkongkviax | spectroscope | 分光鏡
hvixkviax | tympanum; tympanic membrane; ear drum | 耳鏡; 耳膜
kixnsixkviax | spectacles for near-sightedness | 近視鏡
kngkviax | mirror | 光鏡
koax bagkviax | wear glasses (ring; wrist watch) | 掛眼鏡; 戴眼鏡
koax bagkviax`ee | bespectacled | 掛眼鏡的; 帶目鏡的
kviax | mirror | 鏡
kviaxsox | number of things; items; suits; etc. | 件數
kviaxsyn | strong body; strong in body; in good health | 健康; 身體強壯
kviaxzaang | plants grow luxuriantly | 健欉
lapkviax | concave lens | 凹鏡; 凹透鏡
lauxlaang-bagkviax | convex glasses for one suffering presbyopia | 老人眼鏡
lauxlaang-kviax | presbyopia eyeglasses | 老人鏡; 老花眼鏡
løqtexkviax | floor mirror | 落地鏡
ojinbagkviax | sunglasses | 烏仁目鏡
olinbagkviax | sunglasses | 烏仁目鏡
pengbixnkviax | plane mirror | 平面鏡
pengkofng-bagkviax | flat light glasses | 平光目鏡
pengkongkviax | flat light mirror | 平光鏡
phoarkviax tiong'vii | reunion and reconciliation (said of a divorced or separated couple; Lit. broken mirror is round again) | 破鏡重圓
phoex bagkviax | get the right lenses for eyeglasses; be fitted for eyeglasses | 配目鏡; 配眼鏡
phorngbixnkviax | a convex mirror | 凸面鏡
phorngkviax | a magnifying glass | 凸鏡
piahkviax | wall mirror | 壁鏡
pvikviax | a plane mirror | 平鏡; 平面鏡
pøfkviax | treasure mirror | 寶鏡
pølekviax | mirror | 玻璃鏡
samleeng-kviax | a prism | 三棱鏡; 三菱鏡
sianggafnkviax | two eyes | 雙眼鏡
simkviax | reflected in the heart | 心鏡
suxkviaxtiofng | in the event | 事件中
søezngf-kviax | dressing mirror | 梳粧鏡
tangkviax | bronze mirror | 銅鏡
thaokviax | lenses | 透鏡
thienbuun boxng'oafnkviax | astronomical telescope | 天文望遠鏡
tiaokviax | mirror suspended on a frame or wall | 吊鏡
tiexnzuo hiefnbikviax | electronic microscope | 電子顯微鏡
tudthaokviax | convex lens | 凸透鏡
wnheeng-bagkviax | contact lens | 隱形目鏡
zuxkongkviax | condensing lens | 聚光鏡
zuykviax | goggles | 水鏡; 潛水鏡

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