"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: løf

Høløflaang | present day Taiwan people | 福佬人; 現在的台灣人
Tviwløfhoe | Presbyterian Church | 長老會
Tviwløfkaohoe | Presbyterian Church | 長老教會
Tviwløfkaux | Presbyterian Church | 長老教
befløfge | cornelian | 瑪瑙牙
bofngløf | beg | 罔囉; 常常向人要
cviuløfiuu | camphor oil | 樟腦油
cviuløfliaau | hut or shed where camphor is distilled | 樟腦寮
cviuløfoaan | moth balls | 樟腦丸
cviuløfzefng | essence of camphor | 樟腦精
goadha løfjiin | old man in the moon--he is supposed to unite by an invisible thread those persons destined to be married | 月下老人; 月老
goadha-løfjiin | the god who unites persons in marriage; a matchmaker | 月下老人
goanløfvi | Senate (of Roman Empire) | 元老院
hoeliløf | in a mess; muddle | 花釐囉; 亂七八糟
høxløfhøxsø | idle about; loaf | 游手好閒
iofngløfhuix | money saved up for old age | 養老費
iofngløfvi | nursing home | 養老院
iøløfcirnkhiq | tincture of iodine | 碘酒
kaløfar | asket for storing rice | 茭荖仔
lamlie løfiux | males and females of all ages; all people; regardless of age and sex | 男女老幼
lililøløf | speak indistinctly; utter inarticulate words | 話無清楚
lily-løløf | prolixity; speak indistinctly, utter inarticulate words | 哩哩囉囉; 拉拉雜雜; 囉哩囉嗦
løf | to peck; suck or gobble up like a duck | 鴨; (鵝)用嘴取食的動作
løfboo-chimsoaxn | scheming and calculating | 老謀深算
løfchiuo | an old hand | 老手
løfciar | an old man | 老者
løfcienpoex | a senior (person); one's (elders and) betters; a predecessor | 老前輩
løfcioxng | an old officer; a veteran | 老將
løfciuo | vintage wine | 老酒
løfgarn | eyesight is dimmed | 老眼
løfhiuo | old and useless; old and worthless; decrepitude; time worn | 老朽; (自稱)
løfhoax | to become old, to become aged, to worn out | 老化
løfhu | old woman | 老婦
løfhun | be irritated and filled with hatred | 惱恨
løfhw | my old self | 老夫
løfiaa | the Honorable Oldman, lord | 老爺
løfiuo | an old friend, an intimate friend | 老友
løfiuu | camphor oil | 腦油; 樟腦油
løfiux | everybody old or young | 老幼
løfjiin | old in age | 老人
løfjiok | aged and weak | 老弱
løfkerng | late years of one's life | 老境
løfkofciøh | coarse coral; coral reef | 珊瑚礁
løfkuun | the fist | 老拳
løflaizuo | a son born in one's old age | 老來子
løfliaau | hut or shed where camphor is distilled | 腦寮
løflieen | old age; old age; advanced age | 老年
løflien | diplomatic; ripe; tact; sophisticated | 老練
løflienkii | old age | 老年期
løfliern | shameless | 老臉
løfloo | an old servant | 老奴
løfloong | old farmer; a veteran farmer | 老農
løflui | tears of an old person | 老淚
løfmai | senillity, decrepit, aged | 老邁
løfmai-buleeng | old and powerless; aged and impotent | 老邁無能
løfno | be irritated and angry | 惱怒
løfofng | an old man; respectful address to an old man | 老翁
løfpang-sengzw | a pearl from an old oyster; a son born in one's old age | 老蚌生珠
løfpeng | a chronic ailment; an inveterate habit | 老病
løfphox | old shop | 老舖
løfpi | an old housemaid | 老婢
løfpiao | old cousin | 老表
løfpoex | ancestors; seniors | 老輩
løfpok | old servant | 老僕
løfseeng | (adj) experienced; trained | 老成
løfsiao | old and young | 老少
løfsiaux | young and old | 老少
løfsoef | old and weak | 老衰
løfsyn | an elderly woman referring to self | 老身
løftiaf | one's father | 老爹
løftø | a Taoist priest | 老道
løfzhøfji | confused or carelessly written characters; ill formed or scrawled character | 潦草字
løfzhøfsiar | write in a confused or scribbled manner; scribbled writing | 潦草寫
løfzhør | scratchy; slipshod; careless in managing affairs; in a careless off hand manner | 潦草; 草率
løfzoad | my clumsy self | 老拙
pvoarløflau | middle aged | 半老老; 中年老
pvoax-løflau | middle-aged | 半老老
siaolieen løfseeng | young but competent; accomplished though young | 少年老成
siøløf | pleasantly warm (weather or food); uneasy feeling due to excessive expenditure of money | 暖和; 心痛; 過度花費
tinnii løfciuo | alcoholic drinks that have been preserved for a long time; aged wine | 陳年老酒
zhaohøefløf | scorched; burnt | 臭黑囉; 燒焦
zørsu cyn-løfzhør | do things carelessly | 做事很草率

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