"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Chiahkharmlaau | formerly Fort Provintia in Tainan City; was built in 1653 by the Dutch during their colonization of Formosa. | 赤崁樓
Chiahkhaxm-laau | Sakam Tower- fort provintia | 赤崁樓
auxlaau | rear building | 後樓
bøeflaau | top floor of a building | 尾樓; 頂樓
bøo laau ite | put a man too much to shame; as by severe scolding before others | 無留餘地
ciaxmlaau | stay for a short time | 暫留
ciwlaau | restaurant; bar; tavern | 酒樓
cviuxlaau | go upstairs | 上樓
ginlaau | jewelry store; jeweler's shop | 銀樓
goaxlaau | out flow | 外流
gunlaau | Jewelry store | 銀樓
haychi sixnlaau | mirage; image of towns and markets in mirage | 海市蜃樓
haychi-sixnlaau | image of towns and scenery in mirage | 海市蜃樓
haylaau | ocean current | 海流; 洋流
hiexnlaau | salvage right away | 現撈
hionglaau | swift-flowing, swift current | 凶流; 急流
hoafnlaau | turn and begin to flow | 反流
hoan'aflaau | western-style house | 番仔樓
hoanlaau | turn and begin to flow | 翻流; 漲潮
hoelaau | bower, trellis, flower pavilion | 花流; 花亭
hviarlaau | at law ebb; ebb | 向流; 退潮
hvoailaau | cross-current | 橫流
jixlaau | first floor (Eng), second floor (Am) | 二樓
khelaau | stream | 溪流
khoelaau | stream | 溪流
khøelaau | river; current; stream | 溪流
khøflaau | low tide | 洘流
koanlaau | tall buildings; skyscrapers | 高樓
koealaau | be stale (e.g.; fish) | 過留; 無新鮮
kvelaau | watchtower | 更樓
kvialaau | water flowing | 行流
kvilaau | watch tower | 更樓
kvoailaau | tall building | 高樓; 懸樓
kvoaxlaau-saptiq | beads of perspiration; perspiration much like running water | 汗流如水
kwlaau | to stay for long | 久留
køhlaau | attic | 閣樓
kølaau | tall and big buildings | 高樓
laau auxpo | leave ground for retreat | 留後步
laau bagsae | weep; shed tears | 流淚
laau bixnphøee | guard someone's good name; protect the reputation of someone | 給面子
laau chirnkvoa | cold sweat | 流凊汗
laau langkheq | detain or ask one to stay on as a guest; to lodge or receive strangers | 留客
laau phvixhoeq | bloody nose | 流鼻血
laau phvixhuiq | bloody nose | 流鼻血
laau phvixzuie | snivel; snot nose | 流鼻水
laau texpo | reserve some plan or force yet unused; be ready for an emergency; not to push one's advantage too far; not to go to extremes | 留地步; 留餘地
laau thaumngg | allow the hair to grow | 留頭髮
laau y toax`leq | get him to stay longer | 留他住下
laau zhuiechiw | grow a beard; have a beard; grow a moustache | 留鬍子
laau | detain; obstruct; to keep; to delay; remain; to stay; be at a standstill; leave behind; preserve | 留; 流; 層; 樓
laau-bagsae | weep | 流目淚; 流目屎; 流淚
laau-bøextiaau | unable to detain; unable to make someone to stay | 留無住
laulaau | flow | 流流
laxnglaau | playing cymbals after a ceremony for dead people | 弄鐃
lymlaau | high tide; rising tide | 斂流; 漲潮
mothienlaau | skyscraper | 摩天樓
nihnihlaau | person who cries easily; a crybaby | 淚人兒
pailaau | celebration arch | 排樓
parnglaau | release | 放流
parngsytuaflaau | dump dead pigs to the river | 放死豬仔流
parngzuylaau | water flow | 放水流
pvoarlaau | medium sized tide (around the 7th or 8th of the lunar month) | 半潮; 頂樓
suxnlaau | favorable tide | 順流
suykeaflaxnglaau | float up | 水雞仔弄鐃
svalaau | the second floor (Eng.), the third floor (Am.) | 三樓
svazarnlaau | building of three stories | 三層樓
svialaau | tower in a city wall | 城樓
tahlaau | build sories higher | 搭樓
tanglaau | flow together, do the same thing | 同流
thaolaau | rapids | 透流
thaqlaau | build a story higher | 疊樓
thealaau | ebb tide | 退潮
thiaolaau zuxsad | jump to death from a building | 跳樓自殺
thiaolaau | jump from a building | 跳樓
tidtidlaau | flow directly | 直直流
tihtihlaau | dripping | 滴滴流
tiornglaau | upflow | 漲流
toaxlaau | a multistoried building; mansion; palace; edifice | 大樓
tuixlaau | commit suicide by jumping from a building; to fall from a building | 墜樓
tulaau | go against the stream | 推流; 逆流
tvixlaau | high tide | 滇流
viulaau | foreign styled building | 洋樓
voaivoailaau | leaking water all over the place | 四散流; (形容到處是水)
zenglaau | bell tower | 鐘樓; 鐘塔
zhaylaau | temporary platform decorated with festoons for celebration | 彩樓
zhoahlaau | strongly flowing stream or river | 急流; 水流急
zulaau | library | 書樓
zuxlaau-tøe | a private plot, a household plot | 自留地

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