"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: lao

bylao | rice crispy snack bar; puffed rice snack bar; brittle hollow confection made of puffed rice and sugar | 米荖; 米粩; 爆米糖; 米做的甜食
chiuo lao`tiøh | sprained one's arm | 手扭著; 扭傷手
kolao | mean (disposition); small and petty in dealing with others | 孤癖
lao | old; aged; venerable (term of honor and respect); skilled; accustomed; expert; for a long time; long established; well cooked; experienced | 老; 佬; 扭
lao'exhaai | chiseled jaws and strong chins | 落下頦
lao'iah | missing page | 漏頁
lao'iuu | leaking oil | 漏油
lao`tiøh | sprain | 扭到; 筋骨扭傷
laoboo | make every move only after mature deliberation | 老謀
laohafm | pitch (fungus) of bamboo or sugar cane | 落䈄
laohefng | low-cut dress; plunging neckline | 落胸; 低胸
laohiøh | shed leaves; shed leaves in great abundance | 落葉; 脫葉
laohofng | not air-tight; leak out; imply things went wrong; release air from; deflate (a tire); flat tire; puncture | 漏風; 落風; 漏氣
laohonglaohofng | tire not fully filled with air; (speaking) unprecise tones | 落風落風
laoji | caret; to take off words; to escape words | 脫字
laokaukhix | careless; drop the ball | 落勾去
laokaw | omit; omission; miss; omit; pass over by mistake; be left out | 落勾; 遺漏; 忽略
laokefng | round shouldered | 垂肩
laokhafng | end up in nothing; suffer loss | 落空
laokhangchiaf | bring back an empty car; drive an empty car | 開空車
laokhangzoa | empty hand | 落空行
laokhao | words escape from one's lips | 脫口
laokhix | air leaking | 落氣
laokhox | dropping pant; wearing pant not in the right position | 漏褲; 掉褲子
laokhuix | lose face; be unmasked; show the cloven hoof; blushed; feel mortified; disgrace oneself; expose one's defects | 漏氣; 露出馬腳; 出醜
laokngkngf | lost all | 落光光
laokux | skip sentences | 漏句
laolaux | loose | 漏漏; 落落; 鬆垮地要滑落的樣子
laoliern | chain out of rail | 落輪
laopag | diarrhea | 漏腹; 拉肚子; 跑肚; 腹瀉
laophaau | to run away; to flee; to escape | 落跑; 逃跑; 開溜; 落荒而逃
laophviaa | to rid of roof shingles | 漏坪; 除屋頂瓦
laosae | diarrhea; common word for the runs; have loose bowels; diarrhea | 落屎; 瀉肚子; 瀉肚; 拉肚子
laosae-bea | poor; scum of a community; degenerate | 落屎馬; 罵人差勁的話
laosae-chvy | meteor | 落屎星; 流星; 賊星
laosae-zexng | diarrhea | 落屎症
laosaybea | clumsy person | 落屎馬; 差勁
laosaychvy | meteor | 落屎星
laosayzhvef | meteors; falling stars; shooting star | 落屎星; 彗星; 流星
laosiah | a strainer; a colander | 漏杓
laosiarthox | vomit and running stomach | 落瀉吐
laosiax | dysentery | 漏瀉; 痢疾
laosiax-iøh | laxative | 漏瀉藥
laosidar | frun away females | 落翼仔
laotafn | left alone | 落單
laothe'iøqar | medicine causing abortion; an abortive | 漏胎藥仔; 打胎藥
laothef | premature birth; miscarriage | 小產; 落胎; 流產; 墮胎,流產
laothorzexng | cholera | 漏吐症; 霍亂
laothox | cholera | 霍亂; 漏吐症
laothox-zexng | cholera | 漏吐症; 吐瀉; 霍亂
laotiau | drain off (a swamp); pull the stopper out of a sink; have a miscarriage | 洩掉; 漏掉; 小產
laotin | behind; not catching up the crows | 落陣; 離開遊行(行列)
laozam | skip a section | 漏站; 漏一段
laozao | fugitive | 溜走
laozaxng | untidy; loose; disorderly | 漏粽; 無整齊
laozuie | go into the water; (woman) become prostitute; draw the water (out of a plumbing system); to drain water | 落水; 瀉水; 放水
lawlao-sidsit | honestly | 老老實實
moabylao | Taiwanese desert typically coated with sugar | 麻米粩
moalao | brittle confection made of sesame | 麻荖; 麻花捲
pekcied putlao | unmoved by a hundred difficulties; unflinching; unbending | 百折無撓
putkhud putlao | not to be bent or cowed; unswerving; fight to the very end; not to give up | 無屈不撓
thotauxjinlao | hulled peanuts pastry | 塗豆仁粩
thotauxlao | peanut pastry | 塗豆粩
toaxlao | great swindler | 大扭; 大騙子

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