"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: laxm

khongtiofng-laxmchiaf | cable car; funicular | 空中纜車
larmlaxm | not tight; (dress) loosely; hanging too loosely about one (clothing too loose or long) | 攬攬; 寬大而下垂; 寬長而下垂
laxm | boggy; spongy; marshy; muddy | 窪
laxm'iim | immodest; debauched | 濫淫
laxm'iong citkoaan | misuse one's powers; abuse one'so+D318 authority; wide misuse of official authority | 濫用職權
laxm'iong | to misuse; to spend excessively; to abuse; use too freely; use extravagantly; spend excessively; misuse; to abuse | 濫用
laxmcy | lavish expenditure | 濫支
laxmhoat somliim | log without (or not according) plan; excessive felling of trees | 濫伐森林
laxmhoat | excessive or undue penalty; punishment | 濫罰
laxmhoeq | mixed with blood | 濫血
laxmhuix | spend money immoderately; to waste money | 濫費
laxmkaw | to be friend at random; to make friends indiscriminately; form undesirable companionships; befriend at random | 濫交
laxmkhay | spend recklessly | 濫界; 濫用錢
laxmkhurn | cultivate farms in areas where soil conservation should be maintained | 濫墾
laxmlam | to mix; to blend | 濫濫; 混合
laxmlam-zhamzhafm | jumble up; be mixed together; be commingled; be mingled with | 濫濫摻摻; 混淆
laxmlam`leq | mixing | 濫濫咧; 混在一起; 混合
laxmlaxmzhamzhafm | jumble up; be mixed together; be commingled; be mingled with | 混混參參
laxmluix | (of clothes) tattered; torn and ragged | 襤褸
laxmsad | to kill at random; to kill indiscriminately | 濫殺
laxmsafmlaai | disorderly; at random; in any way whatever | 濫糝來
laxmsarm ciuozoa | random or false swearing | 亂散; 發誓言
laxmsarm korng | talk at random; speak falsely | 亂散講
laxmsarm zøx | behave in an improper or disorderly way | 亂散做; 冒然而為
laxmsarm | disorderly; at random; in any way whatever; without settled plan or arrangement; false; vicious; corrupt | 亂散; 濫糝; 胡亂; 亂來
laxmsiofng | origin; originate | 濫觴
laxmsuo | disorderly; at random; in any way whatever; without settled plan or arrangement; false; vicious; corrupt | 亂史; 濫使; 胡亂
laxmsøq | cable | 纜索
laxmthngg | mixed with sugar | 濫糖
laxmthøx | trite; cliches; superfluous expressions | 濫套
laxmtiau | platitudes; hackneyed words and phrases; cliches | 濫調
laxmtiaw | platitude, stock argument | 濫調
laxmtin | overrun | 濫陣
laxmtiøh | mixed | 濫著
laxmtui | fleet; naval task force; naval squadron | 艦隊
laxmtviuo | commanding officer of a warship | 艦長
laxmzhafm | to mix | 濫摻
laxmzhuo | take what one does not deserve; take excessively | 濫取
lienhap laxmtui | united fleet | 聯合艦隊
liwchiuxlaxm | willow | 柳樹湳
løqlaxm | dilemma | 落湳
nngflaxm | springy; elastic; soft (cushion) | 柔軟富彈性
okulaxm | | 烏龜湳
penglaxmgiaam | warship rock | 兵艦岩
thaolaxmtiøh | mixed | 透濫著
zhozex-laxmzø | turn out products in large quantity without any regard for quality | 粗製濫造

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