"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: liam

armliam | recite; repeat from memory; recite from memory; recitation | 暗唸; 默記; 背誦; 背念; 默唸
baxnliam kuxhoef | completely discouraged; extremely pessimistic; totally devoid of ambition and hope | 萬念俱灰
begliam | recite; recitation; to teach with book closed; silently think of; repeat a passage; read meditatively; silently; ponder or think | 默念
bøo liamthie | shameless; devoid of honor | 無廉恥
chviuoliam | rap | 唱念
cidciunii kieliam | first anniversary | 一週年紀念
ciunii kieliam | commemoration of an anniversary | 週年紀念
giliam | suspect in mind; doubt in mind | 疑念
gixbu koanliam | sense of duty | 義務觀念
gvauqgvauqliam | muttered; mutters; mumbling; chattering | 咬咬唸; 咕噥; 喃喃
hienliam | to be concerned, anxiety, concernment | 懸念; 賢念
hiongthor-koanliam | provincialism; narrow minded loyalty to one's hometown | 鄉土觀念
hoailiam | pine after; to have sweet memory of; miss; think of | 懷念
ieliam | an idea; a thought | 意念
imliam | lust | 淫念
iogliam | desire; longing; craving | 慾念
itliam | a thought | 一念
itliam-cy-kafn | just at the moment | 一念之間
itliam-cy-zhaf | (full adage: ‘itliam cy zhaf, ciongsyn cy hoex') a wrong decision made in a moment of weakness; a false step | 一念之差
jiafzhao liamhoef | have one love affair after another (said of males) | 惹草拈花
jibliam | to put a corpse in a coffin | 入殮
jidsw-iaxliam | think about day and night | 日思夜念
kaeliam | concept | 概念
kafmliam | gratitude | 感念
kauxkauxliam | nagging | 詬詬唸
khaeliam | concept; notion; conception; general idea; notion | 概念
khaikog-kieliam | commemoration of the foundation of a country | 開國紀念
khatliam | long for (e.g.; an absent friend); to miss very much | 渴念; 渴慕
khauqkhauqliam | complain continually | 愕愕念; 嘀咕個無停
khiezoat sialiam | reject impure thoughts (Catholic) | 棄絕邪念
khoarliam | be anxious about; have on one's mind | 掛念
kieliam | remember; commemorate | 紀念; 記念
kieliam-but | a keepsake, a memento, a token | 記念物
kieliam-jit | day of commemoration; memorial day | 紀念日
kieliam-py | monument | 紀念碑
kinpurn koanliam | radical concept | 根本觀念
koanliam | a concept; an idea or view; idea | 觀念
koarliam | be anxious about; have on one's mind | 掛念
kokkaf koanliam | sense of nationality | 國家觀念
korliam | to care for; to be worried about | 顧念
kyliam iuphiøx | commemorative stamp | 紀念郵票
kyliam ivi | memorial hospital | 紀念醫院
kyliam | remember; commemorate | 紀念
kyliam-ciofng | memorial badge, memorial pina | 紀念章
kyliam-jit | memorial day, anniversary | 紀念日
liam huciux | recite charms; chantan incantation; mutter spells | 念咒; 念符咒
liam siarzoexkefng | say the act of contrition; give sacramental absolution (Catholic) | 念赦罪經
liam thørthaau | polite and customary forms of expression used on meeting and conversing with people; especially in beginning a conversation or when going to ask a favor; trap a person into telling the truth | 以話暗示
liam | though, reflections, think of, consider, remember, to chant, recite, repeat from memory, to recall | 捻; 念
liam'afhii | catfish | 鯰仔魚
liam'ar | sickle | 鐮仔; 鯰魚; 鯰仔; 鎌刀
liam'ek | mucus; viscous liquid; mucilage | 黏液; 粘液
liam`tiøh | think of | 念著; 思念
liambeeng | incorruptible and intelligent (of officials); clean handed and clear headed | 廉明
liamciap | nimble; shrewd | 連捷; 敏捷
liamcid | upright, correct in conduct | 廉質
liamcied | sharp sense of integrity; frugal; thrifty; not avaricious | 廉節
liamhap | to cohere, to stick together | 黏合
liamhii | a catfish | 鯰魚
liamhoef | twist flowers; womanize | 拈花
liamhuu | flat head lake fish with no scales | 鯰魚
liamhviw | to offer incense in worship; offer incense (powder before a coffin just before burial) | 上香; 拈香
liamjiong | sell (property) for a low price | 廉讓
liamkaf | glue | 粘膠; 黏膠
liamkex | cheaply-priced; cheap; reasonable prices; low price | 廉價
liamkhaf | walking softly and noiselessly; walk softly on one's tiptoes | 躡足
liamkhaf-liamchiuo | walking with light steps; walking stealthily | 躡手躡腳
liamkhakviaa | walking softly so as to avoid making a noise | 躡足走
liamkhauar | draw lots | 拈鬮仔
liamkhaw | draw lots | 拈鬮; 抽籤
liamkied | purity; honest; not corruptible | 廉潔
liamkiet | probity, integrity, uprightness | 廉潔
liamleg'ar | sickle for rice harvesting | 鐮刀仔; 鎌刀; 割稻刀
liamliaam | be sticky; be glutinous; be adhesive | 粘粘; 粘粘的
liamlii | very moving; overwhelming; powerful | 淋漓
liamløo | sticky, adhesive | 濃濁
liammi'ar | just a second | 連鞭仔
liammilaai | will come shortly | 連鞭來; 馬上來
liammisii | in a short moment | 連鞭時; 馬上
liammoh | mucous membrane | 黏膜; 粘膜
liammoqar | mucous membrane | 黏膜仔
liammy | at once; right away; immediately | 連鞭; 馬上
liampox | plaster; adhesive tape | 膠布; 黏布
liampvisii | in a short moment | 一會兒; 馬上
liampvy | immediate; prompt; promptly; at once; be about to (do something); right away; immediately; instantly; presently; shortly; in one moment; immediately | 連鞭; 待會兒; 馬上
liamsexng | viscosity | 黏性; 粘性
liamsiaq | to solder | 銲錫
liamsiaq`ee | a tinsmith | 錫匠; 馬口鐵匠
liamsii | provisional; provisionally; special; temporary; suddenly; just at the moment; on the spot | 臨時
liamsiuu | bargain sale; sell cheap (at a reduced price); sell for a low price | 廉售
liamsvakuun | one-piece dress | 連衫裙
liamtaq | to paste, glue, stick | 黏填; 黏貼
liamthie | sense of honor; modest; bashful; decorous; sense of honor; bashfulness; modesty; integrity of character | 廉恥
liamthithy | sticky | 粘黐黐
liamthoo | clay | 黏土; 黏塗; 粘土
liamtiaau | stick together | 粘住; 黏牢
liamtiautiaau | stick together well | 黏牢牢
liamtit | honest and upright | 廉直
liamtiøh | to adhere | 黏著
liamtongsii | abruptly; unexpectedly | 臨當時; 突然
liamzhanvef | dragonfly | 拈田嬰
liamzhanvy | dragonfly | 拈田嬰
liaxmliam putboong | remember and not forget | 念念無忘
liaxmliam | talking always, deeply reminded | 念念
libliam | place body into coffin | 入殮
liuliam | to accept or keep as a souvenir; leave or take as a keepsake; souvenir | 留念
loaxnliam | nagging | 亂念
lyliam | reasonable concept; ideality | 理念
oadliam | recite; repeat from memory | 虹誦; 越唸; 背念
oaqliam | memorize | 活念; 背誦
okliam | evil thoughts; evil intentions | 惡念
pharnliam | think of longingly | 盼念; 想念
phøx-liamthie | shamelessness, infamy | 抱廉恥; 寡廉鮮恥
poexliam | recite | 背念
putliam kuxog | forget past grudges; let bygones be bygones | 無念舊惡
seqseqliam | nagging | 踅踅念
sialiam | evil thoughts or intentions | 邪念
siaoliam | give thought to (a person); to miss (something or someone) | 想念
siexnliam | kindness | 善念
simliam | thnk of | 心念
simsym-liaxmliam | mindful | 心心念念
sipliamthoo | wet stick coating | 溼黏塗
sirnliam | belief; conviction; faith | 信念
siuliam | put a corpse into a coffin; coffining rites | 收殮
suiliam | have gracious thoughts towards | 垂念
suliam | think of; remember; remember or miss (the old days; friends; parents); to recall | 思念
susuliaxmliam | miss badly | 思思念念
sviuxliam | give thought to (a person); to miss (something or someone) | 想念
taeliam | out of regard for a person; in consideration of; with attention to | 顧念; 帶念; 體諒
taixliam | cover a coffin ready for interment | 大斂
thamliam | greed | 貪念
thefliam | be understanding; make allowances for; be sympathetic toward | 體念
thiusiong khaeliam | abstract concepts or ideas | 抽象概念
thiusiong-kaeliam | abstract concept | 抽象概念
thiusiong-koanliam | abstract idea | 抽象觀念
tiernliam | to reflect on | 惦念
tiexnliam | to reflect on, to be concerned about | 電念
tuiliam | remember with nostalgia or gratitude; to think on kindness or good deeds done to us in times long past; review the past | 追念
tørliam | repeat backwards | 倒念
tøxteg koanliam | moral concept | 道德觀念
zabliam | intrusive thought; nag; incessant complain; speak out of turn; shoot off one's mouth; grumbling; make idle complaints; worldly thoughts | 雜念; 雜唸; 嘮叨; 多嘴
zauqliam | censorious, hyper-critical | 糟念; 嘮叨; 批評
zekjim koanliam | sense of responsibility | 責任觀念
zenghwn kieliam | crystal (the 15th) wedding anniversary | 晶婚紀念
zhauqzhauh-liam | keep on talking | 嘈嘈唸; 喋喋無休
zhengliamkvoaf | an official of integrity | 清廉官
zuxliam | gather | 聚歛
zuyliamtong | cave behind water falls | 水簾洞

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