"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Hiliap | Greece | 希臘
Hiliap-buun | Greek written language | 希臘文
Hiliap-guo | Greek spoken language | 希臘語
biliap | microscopic particle | 微粒
byliap | grains of rice; rice grains | 米粒
chitliap | seven (circular objects; such as balls or oranges) | 七粒
ciamkhafng liap'viafky | surveillance camera | 針孔攝影機
cidliap | a (for a circular type of object; such as ball or fruits) | 一粒
citliap | this particle, this ball, etc | 這粒
ciøqthauliap | stone | 石頭粒
goxliap | five counts of round objects | 五粒
hoatliap | fermentation | 發粒
kawliap | nine (round objects) | 九粒
keq cidliap svoaf | separated by a mountain | 隔一座山; 隔一粒山
kietliap | to form a bead; to form a pill; begin to bear fruit | 結粒; 開花後結成一粒一粒果實
kuiliap | a whole ball, a whole fruit | 整粒; 規粒
lagliap | six (rounded object) | 六粒
liabliap | rice not fully cooked | 粒粒; 米飯水分無夠
liabliap`leq | pinch | 捏捏咧
liap | measure word for round object; the chase; hunting; field sport; hunt wild animals; pursue | 粒; 獵; 捏; 鱲
liap'erng | take a photograph | 攝影
liap'hap | to try to make a pair into a union | 捏合
liap'heeng | to act for another; to act in some capacity | 攝行
liap'hoxsvoax | the prostate gland; the prostate gland | 攝護腺
liap'huun | to summon souls of the dead | 攝魂
liap'oar | tightening | 攝倚; 縮緊
liap'oe | to take care one's health | 攝衛
liap'ui | to assume the throne in place of the legitimate ruler | 攝位
liap'viar | photography; take photographs | 攝影
liap`si | Celsius | 攝氏
liapbin | to tattoo the face | 涅面
liapboaan | Nirvana | 涅槃
liapji | tattooed letters or characters | 涅字
liapkerng | wrinkle; wrinkles; lines | 皺痕; 皺摺; 皺紋
liapkhie | to blacken the teeth | 涅齒
liapkhix | contract shrink; concentrate one's force; wrinkle; shrink back cover | 收縮; 起皺; 退縮
liapkhoxng | to fabricate a charge or accusation | 捏控
liapkin | come close | 攝近
liapliab | wrinkled; dry and cracked; (of person) thin; skinny; emaciated; shrunken; fallen in; shrink back; cower | 退縮; 乾癟; 皺皺的
liaplie | divine providence | 涅理; 真理; 天意
liapmiaa | a false name | 攝名; 偽名
liapphoaan | Nirvana; completion of life; nirvana; as a human aim | 涅槃
liapphvi | cover noze | 捏鼻
liappoaan | nirvana | 涅槃
liappopoo | wrinkle | 皺脯脯; 皺皺的
liappor | wrinkled and dry | 乾皺
liappøx | to fabricate a report or charge | 捏報
liapsae | timid; fainthearted | 攝屎; 怯懦; 畏怯
liapsefng | cultivate health | 攝生; 養生
liaptvar | scared | 攝膽; 膽小
liapzerng'oong | Prince Regent | 攝政王
liapzex | produced by; to produce (a move); to produce (said of a movie or documentary) | 攝製
liapzexng | to act as regent or deputy; be associated in the government; govern as regent | 攝政
liapzhuo | absorb (nutrition); to take in; take a photo; take in | 攝取
liapzø | to fabricate (evidence) | 捏造
liapzøee | evenly produced | 攝齊
liwliap | to fidget, to mince | 扭懾; 絞碎
liwliuo-liapliab | unmanly in behavior, swinging from side to side | 扭扭擰擰
muyliap | every particle, every ball, etc | 每粒
nngxliap | two(count of something round) | 兩粒
pinkhofng liapzø | without substantial support or proof | 憑空捏造
pngxliap | grain of cooked rice | 飯粒
puhliap | germination | 萌粒
pøehliap | eight number of (circular objects) | 八粒
sealiap | little one | 細粒
sieliap | four pieces | 四粒
soaliap | sand grains | 沙粒
suiliab'afsuiliap | one at a time | 隨粒仔隨粒
svaliap | three | 三粒
sviliap | grow grain | 生粒
søealiap | little round object | 細粒
tagliap | every particle, every ball, etc | 逐粒
thoatliap | to husk, to shell | 脫攝; 脫粒
thviasviaf-liap'viar | make groundless accusations | 捕風捉影
viliap | pellets | 圓粒
voa thngf bøo voa liap | change form but not content (essence) | 換湯無換粒; 換湯無換藥
zabliap | ten granular pieces | 十粒
zhekliap | rice grain | 稻粒

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