"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Hoatlixsaelaang | Pharisees | 法利賽人
Huilixbuun Sw | The Epistle of Paul to Philemon (Protestant) | 腓利門書
Ialixbie | Jeremiah (Protestant) | 耶利米
Maflixaf | Mary; Maria; the Virgin Mary | 瑪利亞
Maflixlok Hoe | MM; Maryknoll Missioners (Catholic) | 瑪利諾會
Peklixheeng | Bethlehem; town in Palestine where Jesus Christ was born (Protestant) | 伯利恆
Pylixsii | Belgium | 比利時
Satkalixaf | Zechariah (Protestant) | 撒加利亞
Serngbør Maflixaf | Virgin Mary | 聖母瑪利亞
Tongzefng Maflixaf | Virgin Mary (Catholic) | 童貞瑪莉亞
Zatkalixaf | Zacharias (Catholic) | 撒加利亞
asaflix | straightforward; clearcut | 阿莎力; 乾脆
beflixzvae | last two fingers | 尾二指
cidlixn | one round | 一輪
ciernlixphirn | spoils, booty gained in the war | 戰利品
cviax-lixzuo | positive ion, cation | 正離子
exng laang ee lixpien | to help people; to make things easier for people | 予人的利便
ginhaang lixseg | bank interest | 銀行利息
haixjiin-lixkie | benefit oneself at the expense of others | 害人利己
hoklixsia | a store doing business on the premises of a school | 福利社
hu-lixzuo | negative ion, anion | 負離子
hunlixphaix | secessionists | 分離派
hør-lixlo | profitable way to make money | 好利路; 賺錢的好法
ioong-lixzuo | positive ion, cation | 陽離子
iulixky | radical (chem.) | 游離機; 游離基
jixgoanzuo-lixzuo | diatomic ion | 二原子離子
khie`lix | move up | 上去
khiøhlixzoar`ee | scavengers | 抾字紙的
khylix | up and go | 起去; 去
kimlixthaq | pyramid | 金字塔
koealixkhix | filter; strainer | 過濾器
kongkiong lixeg | public interests | 公共利益
kølixtai | high interest loan | 高利貸
kølixtaix | lend at usury | 高利貸; 放高利貸款
lielix`leq | tear papers | 撕撕咧; 剺剺咧
liie'lixli | leave far away | 離離離
lirnlixn | rolling | 滾滾
lirnlixn-lorngloxng | loud noise and turmoil (of heavy things moved about; men treading heavily; or loud rapid knocking) | 輾輾隆隆
liulixsit'sor | displaced | 流離失所
liulixsitsor | displaced | 流離失所
lix | crack; break; split; rend; rip open; tear; be ripped; be rent; a crack; a rent | 裂; 剺; 撕,
lix`khuy | to open by tearing (as envelope) | 撕開
lixbo | subtitles | 字幕
lixbuo | letter | 字母
lixchi | (v) fast seller; very marketable; (v) sell fast; marketed widely | 利市; 暢銷
lixchiafm | wordmark for drawy regarding personal life | 字籤
lixchiuo | leave hand | 離手
lixchiwhex | used second hand merchant | 二手貨
lixcid | to leave or resign from one's office; no longer at post; leave or resign from office; retire from office; retire from office | 離職
lixcit | dysentery; Red dysentery; diarrhea | 痢疾
lixeg kinterng | equal rights | 利益均等
lixeg | profit, benefit | 利益
lixeng | make use of, take advantage of | 利用
lixgarn | vocabulary | 字眼
lixgiap | to desert, to abandon | 離業
lixgoaan | natural resources | 利源
lixhai | fierceness; formidable; good and harm; severe; injurious; dangerous | 厲害; 利害
lixhai-koanhe | have a concern in | 利害關係
lixhap | separation and reunion | 離合
lixhau | to leave the school | 離校
lixheeng | to enforce; rigorous enforcement | 厲行
lixhiofng poexzvea | turn one's back on one's native place | 背井離鄉
lixhiofng | to leave one's native place | 離鄉
lixhiofng-poexcvie | to travel to a distant land | 離鄉背井
lixhiongpoexlie | away from home town | 離鄉背里
lixhiøqlixky | broken leaves and branches | 離葉離枝
lixhng | stay away | 離遠
lixhunsw | certificate of divorce; divorce decree | 離婚書
lixhuun | opening on fracture or split | 離痕
lixhwn | to divorce; divorce one's spouse | 離婚
lixhwn-sw | a certificate of divorce | 離婚書
lixhø | store name | 字號
lixieen | divorce; divorce one's spouse | 離緣; 離婚
lixiok | cupidity | 利慾
lixiong hoeabut | utilize waste materials | 利用廢物
lixiong kihoe | take advantage of an opportunity | 利用機會
lixiong liongky | do things just at the right moment; strike while the iron is ht | 利用良機
lixiong | make use of; take advantage of; utilization; make use of | 利用
lixiukhix | oil filter | 濾油器
lixiuo | lure by money offers; to tempt with money or material gain | 利誘
lixji | to defect; be disloyal at heart; alienated | 離貳
lixjim | a sharp knife; no longer at post | 利刃; 離任
lixjiø | dieresis | 利尿
lixjiø-zef | diuretic | 利尿劑
lixjiøxzef | diuretic | 利尿劑
lixjun | profits (from business or capital investments) | 利潤
lixkaf | going away from home | 離家
lixkafn | to alienate(allies; etc.); to drive a wedge between; drive a wedge between; alienate (allies); sow discord | 離間; 離間計
lixkankex | trick of sowing dissention and thus defeating the foe; alienate one person from another; intrigue for causing a rupture | 離間計
lixkazhutzao | run away from home | 離家出走
lixkefng | beyond belief; preposterous; absurd; intemperate; dissipated; strayed from the path; wayward; absurdly | 離經; 離譜; 荒謬
lixkhachiuo | grown up- no longer need parents' help | 離跤手
lixkhao | leave the mouth | 離口
lixkhix | abandon; cutlery; cutting instruments; cutting instruments; cutlery; very useful and effective tool | 離棄; 利器
lixkhuy | leave; depart; apart; leave (a place); part (from a person) | 離開
lixkhuy`khix | leave; depart; apart; move away from | 離開去
lixkie haixjiin | benefit oneself at the expense of others | 利己害人
lixkie zwgi | selfishness; egoism | 利己主義
lixkie zwgixciar | egoist | 利己主義者
lixkie | be selfish; benefit oneself; selfish; self-seeking; egoistic | 利己
lixkie-zwgi | egoism | 利己主義
lixkied | profit and lucky | 利吉
lixkii | (adj) odd; eccentric; warped; strange; intriguing | 離奇
lixkiofng | temporary imperial headquarters away from the capital; temporary abode for an emperor on tour | 離宮
lixkoaan | rights and privileges | 利權
lixkuie | a fierce ghost; a malicious spirit | 厲鬼
lixkuun | stray from the group | 離群; 利群
lixkux | receipt | 字據
lixlat | centrifugal force | 離力; 離心力
lixli | distant in location | 離離
lixli`leq | filter the liquid | 離離咧
lixliim | arrive at | 蒞臨
lixlixpad | 2/28/194- incident that KMT massacre thousands of Taiwanese | 二二八
lixliø | diuretic | 利尿
lixlo | to take in; income; revenue | 利路; 利潤; 收入
lixlun | profit, benefit | 利潤
lixlut | rate of interest | 利率
lixm | lower or incline the head; doze; a nap | 低; 低頭
lixm'ix | arbitrary | 任意
lixm`cide | incline the head; take a light rest; take a siesta; nap; snooze | 低一下; 假寐
lixmbeng | appointment | 任命
lixmbu | mission | 任務
lixmcid | hold office | 任職
lixmhøo | any | 任何
lixmkii | term of office | 任期
lixmlai | during term of office | 任內
lixmngthafng | aluminum doors and windows | 鋁門窗; 鋁窗
lixmseg | recognition; understanding; realize | 認識
lixmty | acknowledgement; recognize | 認知
lixn | roll; roll over; trundle about; stir about with the hand; round; spherical | 圈; 輾; 轉; 滾
lixn'iorng | adopt | 認養
lixn'uii | think; believe | 認為
lixnbad | recognize | 認識
lixnchyn | acknowledge relationship | 認親
lixncyn | diligent in one's duty; painstaking | 認真
lixnhun | accept one’s destiny | 認份
lixnji | recognize (remember) Chinese characters | 認字
lixnjiin | bootlicker | 佞人
lixnlo | know the way | 認路
lixnngbaq | layer of fat under skin | 膩瓤肉; 皮下脂肪層
lixnngg | layer of fat under skin | 膩瓤; 皮下脂肪層
lixnniar | claim | 認領
lixnseg | misery, niggardly, parsimonious, stingy | 吝嗇
lixnseg-ciar | a miser, a niggard | 吝嗇者
lixnteng | identify | 認定
lixntoong | agree | 認同
lixnty | cognition | 認知
lixnzexng | to approve | 認證
lixnzoe | confess one's sin, acknowledge one's fault | 認罪
lixoeh | word stroke | 字劃
lixpaang | 2nd son’s family | 二房
lixpeeng | part of a harnji | 字爿
lixpex | (n) pluses and minuses; advantages and disadvantages; advantage and disadvantage | 利弊
lixphor | ridiculous; absurd; nonsense; too far away from what is normal or acceptable; far off the beam | 離譜
lixpien | convenient; handy; handy; expedient; serviceable | 利便; 便利
lixpiet | leave; bid farewell; part from; bid goodbye; to separate | 離別
lixpiexnsexng | convenience | 利便性
lixpii | helping to stimulate appetite | 利脾; 健胃
lixpo | formerly; the Ministry of the Interior | 吏部
lixpoxchit'ar | skillful | 二步七仔
lixpvi | dysentery; with traces of blood | 痢病; 赤痢
lixseg | interest of money | 利息
lixsek | to leave a dinner party; conference; etc.; leave a dinner party; conference; leave one's seat | 離席
lixsex | leave the world ─ die | 離世; 隱居
lixsid | interest | 利息
lixsimkhix | centrifuge | 離心器
lixsimky | centrifuge | 離心機
lixsimlek | centrifugal force | 離心力
lixsiong kali | compound interest | 利上加利
lixsiøfciar | 2nd daughter of the boss | 二小姐
lixsuun | profits | 利純; 利潤
lixsvoax | be scattered about; be separated from one another | 離散
lixsym | centrifugal | 離心
lixsym-khix | a centrifuge | 離心器
lixsym-lat | centrifugal force | 離心力
lixsyn | spare time from main work to attend to something else | 離身; 分身
lixte | rise from the ground; distant from the ground | 離地
lixtek | profit and blessing | 利澤
lixthaau | profit | 利頭
lixthafng | aluminum doors and windows | 鋁窗; 鋁門窗
lixthea | font | 字體
lixthvaf | altruism | 利他
lixthvaf-zwgi | altruism | 利他主義
lixthvazwgi | altruism | 利他主義
lixti | administration (good; bad) of officials | 吏治
lixtiau | filtered | 濾掉
lixtiern | dictionary | 字典
lixtuy | from the heap | 離堆
lixtøe | to leave the ground; above the ground | 離地
lixtøee | to depart from the topic; to digress | 離題
lixtør | outlying islands | 離島
lixui | to leave one's post | 離位
lixun | luck | 字運
lixviu | words | 字樣
lixzeeng | divorce | 離情
lixzoaflarng | garbage can for paper | 字紙籠
lixzoar | written paper | 字紙
lixzuie | filtering | 離水
lixzuie-khix | water filter | 離水器; 濾水器
lixzuo | ion | 離子
lixzuo-tøxtien | ionic conductance | 離子導電
lixzuykhix | water filter | 濾水器
lixzuyzaan | water filter layer | 濾水層
lixzvae | index finger | 二指
lixzø | to leave one's seat | 離坐
longtienzuylixhoe | Farmland Water Conservancy Association | 農田水利會
lui`khylix | pull it up with a rope | 挽上去; 推上去
molixlut | gross profit margin | 毛利率
parnglixseg | lend money for interest | 放利息
patlixkhaf | splayed feet | 八字跤
paxng-lixseg | lend money to make high interest | 放利息
phahlixky | typewriter | 拍字機
phauzhef-lixzuo | abandon wife and kids | 拋妻離子
pi'hoafn lixhap | sorrows of parting and the joys of reunion that life has | 悲歡離合
piexnlixpaw | convenience bag | 便利包
poexzvea lixhiofng | turn one's back on one's native place | 背井離鄉
pofpii lixsuie | tonic; diuretic | 補脾利水
put'lixheeng | to breach, a breach | 無厲行; 不厲行
pøh-lielix | very thin | 極薄的
sealixgarn | cautious | 小心眼
sernglixciar | winner | 勝利者
siarlixzuo | relic | 舍利子
siulixli | takeaway | 收離離
suxnsuxnlixli | smoothly | 順順利利
svaf-lixpiet | take leave of one another | 相離別; 相別
svef lixseg | produce interest (by deposit or loan) | 生利息
swnjiin lixkie | profit oneself at the expense of others | 損人利已
texlixkae | 2nd time | 第二改
texlixzhwn | 2nd marriage | 第二春
thiab lie ee lixseg | to give some interest when borrowing from a friend | 貼你利息
thiaupoaq lixkafn | stir up ill-will or bad feelings; sow discord | 挑撥離間
tiaohor lixsafn | induce the enemy to leave their entrenchments | 調虎離山
tvoagoanzuo-lixzuo | monoatomic ion | 單原子離子
vii-lirnlixn | round (as a ball or egg); quite round | 圓溜溜
vilirnlixn | round and rolling | 圓輾輾
ym-lixzuo | negative ion, anion | 陰離子
zablixhwn | very | 十二分
zhaf cyn-lixkefng | very different | 很離譜; 差真離經
zhørhap-lixzuo | complex ion (chemistry) | 措合離子; 錯合離子; 絡離子
zoanlixkoaan | patent right | 專利權
zoanlixphirn | patented articles | 專利品
zuxlixn'uii | I think | 自認為
zuylixhoe | water conservancy | 水利會
zuylixkiok | Water Conservancy Bureau | 水利局
Angsiblixhoe | Red Cross | 紅十字會

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