"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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aemai heng'uii | scandal (especially an illicit affair) | 曖昧行為
aemai | ambiguous; obscure; vague | 曖昧
aymai | dubious | 曖昧
chiekhvoarmai | try me | 試看覓
engmai | young and old | 英邁
gumai | stupid; ignorant | 愚昧
hømai | bold and generous; heroic | 豪邁
khvoarmai | to take a look at; to examine and survey; to visit or call on; to see the sights | 看覓; 試試看; 看看
lienmai | advanced in age; side by side | 年邁; 年袂
løfmai | senillity, decrepit, aged | 老邁
løfmai-buleeng | old and powerless; aged and impotent | 老邁無能
mai | younger sister | 妹
maix jiarng | don't make such a noise; quiet please | 別嚷
maix khix | Don't go | 無要去
maix korng | Don't talk; Don't tell. (him) | 無要說
maix sviu | do not expect it | 甭想
maix | don't (very often used in subjunctive mood) | 勿; 莫; 不; 甭; 無要; 不要
maixchiarnglie | singing girl | 賣唱女
maixchiaux | to work as a prostitute; sell laugh | 賣笑
maixcixn | push straight forward; strive for | 邁進
maixhioxng | towards | 邁向
maixiin | to earn a living a sa prostitute; prostitution | 賣淫
maixjip | enter; step in | 邁入
maixkafn | prostitution | 賣姦
maixkog | quisle; treason; betray country | 賣國
maixkokzhat | one who collaborates with an enemy country; a traitor (to one's country) | 賣國賊
maixlong | show off | 賣弄
maixpo | to walk vigorously | 邁步
maixsyn | to sell oneself as a slave; to sell one's body | 賣身
moxmai | presumptuous; rash | 冒昧
nimai | advance in age | 年邁
nofmai | aged; senile | 老邁
siømai | a dim sum item | 燒邁
sviuxkhvoarmai | let me think | 想看覓

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