"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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chiaw mixhurn | knead wheat flour into dough | 拌麵粉
ef mixhurn | mill flour | 碾麵粉
iuomixmi | tender | 幼麵麵
iux-mixmi | smooth and tender; delicate | 幼麵麵; 細嫩
liabmixang'ar | make characters with flour | 捏麵尪仔
mixchy | gluten | 麵筋
mixciah | pasta | 麵食
mixciax | broil | 麵筋; 麵炙
mixhurn | flour | 麵粉
mixhurn-te | flour bag | 麵粉袋
mixhwnchviuo | flour mill | 麵粉廠
mixhwnkoea | flour kueh | 麵粉粿
mixhwnkoo | roux | 麵粉糊
mixhwnte | flour sack (bag) | 麵粉袋
mixhwnte'ar | flour bag | 麵粉袋仔
mixhwnzhex | dough | 生麵糰
mixkaau | Taiwanese flour food with random shape | 麵猴
mixkvax | yeast | 麵酵
mixkvoaf | dry noodles | 麵干
mixkw | soft round buns with sweet filling; turtle-shaped flour cake | 麵龜
mixkøea | Tiawanese cake | 麵粿
mixlek | cajolery, flattery, flirtation | 麵力; 媚力; 哄騙; 奉承; 調情
mixlui | noodles kind | 麵類
mixnoa | persistent | 綿爛
mixpau'ar | dinner roll | 麵包仔; 小麵包
mixpauchiaf | bread van | 麵包車
mixpauhw | bread crumbs | 麵包屑
mixpausap'ar | crumbs of bread | 麵包屑仔
mixpausud | bread crumbs | 麵包屑
mixpaw | bread; loaf of bread; slice of bread | 麵包
mixphoee | dough | 麵皮
mixphøee | dough | 麵皮
mixpong | bread | 麵磅; 麵包
mixpviar | thin wheat wafer cakes; a host (Catholic) | 麵餅; 餅乾
mixsit | food made from flour | 麵食
mixsvoarkoo | noodle paste | 麵線糊
mixsvoax | vermicelli | 麵線; 細麵條
mixsvoax-thngf | thin noodles soup | 麵線湯
mixtee | broth or tea made with wheat flour that has been cooked with flavoring and other ingredients; tea of roasted flour with other ingredients | 麵茶; 油茶; 炒麵
mixthaau | dough | 麵頭; 饅頭
mixthy | glutinous wheat dough; flour gluten | 麵黐; 麵麶; 麵筋
mixthøo | imitation peaches made of sweetened flour (use in the worship of idols) | 麵桃
mixtiaau | noodle | 麵條
mixtiarm'ar | noodle shop | 麵店仔
mixtiaxm | noodle store | 麵店
mixtvarafau | noodle shop | 麵擔仔後
mixtvarar | noodle peddler | 麵攤子
mixzhek | noodle ladle | 麵勺; 煮麵用的深漏勺
mixzhex | noodles | 麵粞
of-mixpaw | brown bread | 黑麵包
tang'ar-mixsvoax | vermicelli boiled in a earthen jar | 筒仔米線; 筒仔麵線
thay mixhurn | sift or screen flour | 篩麵粉
tikhamixsvoax | pig feet noodle | 豬跤麵線
tukhamixsvoax | pig leg rice noodle | 豬跤麵線
ø'afmixsvoax | vermicelli with oyster | 蚵仔麵線
øafmixsvoax | oyster noodle soup | 蚵仔麵線

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