"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Cinar | China | 中國; 支那
Engkog Onghuy Tae'annar | Britain's Princess Diana | 英國王妃黛安娜
Huixnar | people's name | 惠娜
Ioknar | Jonah (Protestant) | 約拿
Mafnar | Manna (Protestant) | 瑪拿
afnnar | how about that | 按那; 按怎; 怎樣,; 為什麼; 怎麼樣; 如何
axnar | as if | 又那; 也像
binnar axm | tommorrow night | 明仔暗
binnar expof | tomorrow afternoon | 明仔下晡
binnar extaux | tomorrow from P.M. 12 - 2. | 明仔下晝
binnar tiongtaux | tomorrow at noon | 明天中晝
binnar zaykhie | tomorrow | 明天早起
chioknar | catch | 捉拿
chipnar | arrest; catch | 緝拿
gynnar | child | 囝仔; 小孩
huxnar | son-in-law of the emperor | 駙馬
itsatnar | in a moment | 一剎那
itzhatnar | in a split second; in a flash; in the twinkling of an eye | 一剎那
kafnnar | (v) as if; seem like ? | 假那; 好像
kannar | Chinese olive | 橄欖
khimnar | nabb; arrest; to capture | 擒拿
korng nar bycyn | say in vain; say for nothing | 比喻說了也沒用
kvafnar uxsviaf | It seems that there is sound | 似有聲
kvafnar | as if it seems; it seems has happened; look like; sound like | 像是; 敢若; 敢如
kvanar | Chinese olive | 橄欖
mxcviagynnar | scrawny looking child; mischievous child | 無毋成囡仔
nar chinchviu | it looks like; just as if | 好像; 正如
nar e | How can it be? How could it be? | 怎會
nar nar | do two things at the same time | 一邊 ...一邊 ..
nar thafng afnnef | How is it you can do it (that way)? | 怎可如此
nar u nar bøo | vague; shapeless; intangible | 若有若無
nar u | how can there be...? | 哪有
nar | hold in the hand; to grasp; take; arrest | 拿; 哪; 掏,拿; 若; 愈
ngsngf-gynnar | thin sickly child; face turned a yellow color | 黃酸黃酸; 瘦弱而臉黃
o'kao gynnar | handsome man | 英俊的小伙子
oannar | also; still | 也那; 還; 仍
sixafnnar | why? | 是按怎
taxngtiøh gynnar | an illness in pregnant women superstitiously thought to be caused by such things as building construction or repairs begun without proper rites | 動到胎氣
thaikef nar tiøh eng gutøf | Why use a cattle knife to kill a chicken? ─ Great talent can be used for better purpose or for greater results | 殺雞焉用牛刀
thuinar | to massage, massage therapy | 推拿
tihtuq gynnar | mischievous child; naughty child | 頑皮孩子
unnar mauq | munch slowly; as a toothless person does | 慢慢地嚼
zhatnar | flash | 剎那
zhøfkannar | oliver | 草橄欖
zwnnar | suppose | 準那; 好似

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