"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: niaw

Zoakhafng thaux niawchysiu | bureaucrats shield each other | 官官相為
bin niauniaw | pockmarked face | 面貓貓; 麻臉
chi niawchie ka porte | to have someone you helped turn on you (Lit. Feed a rat and it bits a hole in the sack.) | 飼鳥鼠咬布袋; 吃裡扒外
cviniaw | leopard cat | 豹貓; 山貓
hayniaw | black tailed gull | 海貓; 黑尾鷗
hiongpalyniaw | Wicked shape wicked shape | 兇巴里貓; 惡形惡狀
hoeniauniaw | messy | 花貓貓
hoepaf-liniaw | overly colored | 花巴哩貓
hoepaf-lyniaw | overly colored | 多斑而醜
hoepaliniaw | messy | 花巴哩貓
hofthaau niawchyboea | start doing something with vigor but fail to see it through; impressive in the beginning but disappointing in the end | 虎頭鳥鼠尾
hor thaau, niawchie boea | start with enthusiasm, end up with gusto. | 虎頭鼠尾
iafniaw | fishing cat; Felis viverrina | 野貓
koehniaw | plant for decoration of used in mediciane | 蕨貓
køefcyniaw | Formosan gem-faced civet (anim) | 果子貍; 果子貓; 白鼻貓
mxcvianiaw | regular cat | 毋成貓
niau'niaw | wrinled; many scars on the face; male role with heavily painted face | 花臉; 很多痘痕; 花花的
niau'niaw-khvoax | expect to see someone who never came | 貓貓看; 望眼欲穿
niauniaw | ugly-looking, ugly | 花花的; 貓貓
niaw khaux niawchie kea uxsym | pretend to be sad (Lit. The cat cries over the death of a rat.) | 貓哭耗子假慈悲。
niaw | cat; pockmarked; scarred. Sodomite; catamite | 貓; 麻點
niaw-soafsiu | like cats keep moving home | 貓移窩
niawar | claw | 爪仔
niawchie | mouse; rat | 鳥鼠; 老鼠
niawchie-iøqar | rat poison | 鳥鼠藥
niawchyafbak | small; protruding eyes | 貓鼠仔目; 眼睛小
niawchyafkviar | baby rat | 鳥鼠仔囝
niawchyafoafn | family feud | 鳥鼠仔冤
niawchyafseg | grey | 鳥鼠仔色
niawchyafzexng | acute mouse bacterial infectious disease | 鳥鼠仔症
niawchyar | weaver's shuttle | 貓梭仔
niawchybaq | mouse meat | 鳥鼠肉
niawchyhvi | mouse ear | 鳥鼠耳
niawchykhafng | rat hole | 鳥鼠洞
niawchyphiag'ar | mousetrap | 鳥鼠擗仔
niawchysiu | rat's nest | 鳥鼠窩
niawchytak'ar | mousetrap | 鳥鼠觸仔
niawchytauq | rat trap | 捕鼠器
niawchytngf | rat trap | 捕鼠器
niawchyzexng | pestilence | 貓鼠疫
niawguo | bird's twitter | 鳥語
niawkharmtoo | bird's-eye view; view from high above | 鳥瞰圖
niawkhaxm | bird's-eye view | 鳥瞰
niawky | Torii- Japanese gate | 鳥居
niawlui | birds; avis | 鳥類
niawluixhagkaf | ornithologist | 鳥類學家
niawluixhak | ornithology | 鳥類學
niawsiux | birds and beasts | 鳥獸
niawzhexng | hunting gun | 鳥鎗
niawzhuo | mouse; rat | 鳥鼠; 老鼠
niawzhuo-hvi | rat's ears | 鳥鼠耳
niawzhuo-iøh | poison for killing rats | 鳥鼠藥; 老鼠藥
niawzhuo-khafng | holes where rats hide | 鳥鼠洞
niawzhuo-tauq | mousetrap | 捕鼠器
niawzhuo-tvar | timid like mouse | 貓鼠膽
niawzhwafoafn | feud | 鳥鼠仔冤
niawzhwafseg | mouse color- gray | 鳥鼠仔色
niawzhwafzexng | acute mouse bacterial infectious disease | 鳥鼠仔症
niawzhwar | mouse, rat, any of several members of the family Muridae | 鳥鼠仔
niawzhwphiag'ar | mousetrap | 鳥鼠擗仔
niawzhwtak'ar | mousetrap | 鳥鼠觸仔
niawzhwtngf | mousetrap | 鳥鼠張
oniaw | black cat; modern girl; black cat; beautiful young ladies; a girl who is very fussy about her clothes and her appearance | 黑貓; 摩登女郎
peqniawchie | white rats | 白鳥鼠
peqniawzhuo | white rats | 白鳥鼠
pørniawchyafoafn | revenged | 報鳥鼠仔冤
pørniawzhwafoafn | revenged | 報鳥鼠仔冤
pøx niawchyafoafn | take a petty vengeance on another | 報小仇
siawniaw | crazy cat | 痟貓
siaxhiongniaw | lesser civet, pale little-spotted civet | 小靈貓; 麝香貓
svakhaniaw | three feet cats- implied those tractors | 三跤貓
sviwniawkuix | watch birdy season | 賞鳥季
svoaniaw | wildcat | 山貓
syniaw | dead cat | 死貓
thau niawchie | to poison rats | 毒殺鳥鼠
tngf niawchie | set a trap for rats | 當鳥鼠; 設捕鼠器捕鼠
tngf niawzhuo | catching mice | 張鳥鼠
zoeaniaw | make prostitute | 做貓; 賣男色

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