"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: niuu

Zuosveniuniuu | goddess of childbirth | 註生娘娘
Zuosviniuniuu | goddess of childbirth | 註生娘娘
aniuu | lady | 阿娘
auxniuu | stepmother | 後娘; 繼母
bogsuniuu | priest's wife; pastor's wife | 牧師娘
bogsw-niuu | ordained minister's wife | 牧師娘
byniuu | provisions; food; food; provisions | 米糧; 糧食
chianiuu | inclined beam | 斜梁
ciaqniuu | work for government; to be a soldier; foodstuff; food grains; provisions | 吃糧; 食糧
cviuxniuu | to put a beam on a house; put the ridge pole of a house in its place | 上樑
geqniuu | moon | 月亮; 月娘
goeqniuu | the moon | 月娘
gøeqniuu | the moon | 月娘; 月亮
hienniuu zuxcin | hang oneself | 懸樑自盡
hienniuu | suspend from a beam; hang oneself | 懸梁; 縊死
hongteaniuu | emperor's mother | 皇帝娘; 皇后
hvoainiuu | lateral beam | 橫樑
høfthvy tiøqaix zeg hoxlainiuu | take preventive measures (Lit. During good weather put aside some food to eat in rainy weather.) | 好天得要積雨來糧; 未雨綢繆
isengniuu | Madam, doctor's wife | 醫生娘; 醫生太太
kanniuu | dry food; dry provisions; canned or packed food ready to serve | 乾糧; 乾娘
khawniuu | grain rations; food ration | 口糧
khiaxniuu | placing a column | 立樑; 豎樑
khoatniuu | lack food | 缺糧
kiøniuu | bridge; bridge span | 橋樑
koniuu | young lady; Miss; Lady; unmarried girls | 姑娘
kunniuu | food supplies for military units; military supplies | 軍糧
kvoaniuu | army provisions and payroll; official foodstuff | 官糧
labniuu | make tax payments in kind; usu. in rice; pay taxes in grain | 納糧
lang sinniuu | custom at marriages ─ to tease the new bride (generally takes place at night; just before the bride enters her bridal chamber with her husband for the first time) to make her laugh | 鬧新娘; 鬧洞房
lang-sinniuu | make rough fun with a bride after the marriage | 弄新娘; 鬧新房
lauxkoniuu | old spinster; old maid | 老姑娘
lauxniuu | my old mother (occa. used as a pronoun. by an elderly woman) | 老娘
lawpafnniuu | proprietor's wife; proprietress; proprietor's wife; boss's wife; mistress | 老闆娘
laxngsinniuu | tease the bride | 弄新娘
lym sinniuu ciuo | attend a wedding feast | 喝喜酒
nau-sinniuu | custom at marriages ─ to tease the new bride (generally takes place at night; just before the bride enters her bridal chamber with her husband for the first time) to make her laugh | 鬧新娘; 鬧洞房
niuniuu | mother | 娘娘
niuu bie | measure (the quantity of) rice | 量米
niuu jip uii zhud | regulate expenses according to income | 量入為出
niuu thefwn | take the temperature | 量體溫
niuu | big beam or ridgepole of a house | 樑; 糧; 娘; 梁; 量
ongbøfniuniuu | | 王母娘娘
paix goeqniuu | worship the moon | 拜月亮
pengniuu | military food supply; soldiers rations | 兵糧
phosatniuniuu | kind goddess | 菩薩娘娘
phvixniuu | ridge of the nose | 鼻樑
phvoa sinniuu | men and women who accompany the bride to the bridegroom's home | 伴新娘
phvoaxniuu | bridesmaid | 伴娘
sidniuu | foodstuff; provisions | 食糧
siensveniuu | doctor's spouse | 先生娘
siensviniuu | wife of doctor; wife of one's teacher; master | 醫師娘; 先生娘; 師母; 太太,
sinniuu bang'ar | bridal veil | 新娘網仔
sinniuu | bride | 新娘
sinniuu-paang | bridal chamber | 新娘房; 新房
sinsveniuu | teacher's wife; doctor's wife | 醫師娘; 太太,; 師母; 尊夫人
siøfkoniuu | missy; a young girl | 小姑娘
suniuu | consider; turn something.; over in one's mind | 思量
svoaniuu | Formosan blue magpie | 臺灣藍鵲
taniuu | dryfood; dry provisions; canned or packed food ready to serve; K-rations | 乾糧
tengniuu | measure again; re-measure; weigh again; to levy grains | 徵糧; 重量
thaukeniuu | wife of the boss | 老闆娘; 頭家娘
thaukeniuu`hvoq | are you boss's wife? | 頭家娘乎
thongniuu | through beam (roof) | 通梁; 橫樑
tianiuu | dad and ma; father and mother; parents | 爹娘
tiofnglør-niuu | wife of an elder | 長老娘
tiongniuu | ridge pole; the central beam; the roof beam | 中樑
toaxniuu | mistress of the house (when exist two wives) | 大娘; 原配
toaxnniuu | run out of food | 斷糧
tuxnniuu | hoard up; stockpile grains | 囤糧
tviwlør-niuu | wife of an elder | 長老娘
twnniuu | stocking up grains | 囤樑
uxnniuu | transport provisions (for the army) | 運糧
zabniuu | not the major grain | 雜糧
zabpøeq-koniuu | pretty teens (female) | 十八姑娘
zhawniuu | grass grain | 草糧
zhoaxsinniuu | take a bride | 娶新娘
zhunniuu | spring food | 春糧
zhutniuu | pay | 出糧
zhwniuu | take grain | 取糧
zoadniuu | run out of food | 絕糧
zoex-sinniuu | be a bride | 做新娘
zwnsinniuu | bride to be | 準新娘

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