"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: nngf

ciah-nngfpng | to live on the earning of a prostitute | 吃軟飯; 食軟飯
ciaqnngfkviagve | bully the weak but scared of the strong | 食軟驚硬
ciaqnngfkviagvi | bully the weak but scared of the strong | 食軟驚硬
ciaqnngfpng | live off a prostitute or a barmaid; to pimp | 吃軟飯
narnngf | inexperienced; naive | 靦腆
nngf | arrange things in a bag; hole; put wood on the fire; shove (a stick) endwise into a hole; put (a pillow) into its case; put a cap on a fountain pen | 套; 穿
nngf`jibkhix | shove a long thing into a hole; as one's arm or leg into coat; trousers or boots | 穿進去
nngfar | easy to get | 軟仔; 輕鬆可得 [*]
nngfbok | ditto | 軟木
nngfchi | soft market | 軟市
nngfchiuo | soften | 軟手; 手軟; 軟化
nngfcviar | weak; feeble; delicate; feeble; weak as to power or influence; to weak for hard work | 軟弱; 軟汫
nngfcvii | ill-gotten wealth or gains | 軟錢; 容易賺的
nngfcy | palmitin | 軟櫚; 軟脂; 棕櫚酸
nngfcy-sngf | palmitic acid | 棕櫚酸; 軟脂酸
nngfgek | nephrite | 軟玉
nngfhoax | soften; become more placatable; melt; become conciliatory | 軟化
nngfiøf | soft waist | 軟腰
nngfjiok | weak, feeble, cowardly | 軟弱
nngfjun | soft and tough | 軟韌
nngfkag | weak; in poor health; weak | 軟角; 軟弱; 虛弱; 個性軟弱
nngfkauhkauq | extremely soft | 軟𩛩𩛩
nngfkauqkauh | very weak in constitution; too soft and unpleasant to eat (food) | 軟綿綿; (食物)
nngfkhaf | weak; feeble; flabby; having weak legs (congenital or as a result of long sickness) | 腳軟; 軟跤; 兩腿無力; 跛腳
nngfkhaf-pvi | beri-beri | 軟腳病; 腳氣病
nngfkhag | soft shell | 軟殼
nngfkhahee | coward (soft feet shrimp); weak; feeble | 軟腳蝦; 軟弱的人
nngfkhii | slug | 蛞蝓; (一種軟體小蟲)
nngfkhuix | gentle; relaxed | 軟氣; 輕鬆
nngfkiuhkiuq | very soft (dough; food; body) | 軟綿綿
nngfkiuu | softball | 軟球
nngfkixm | house arrest; house confinement; restrict someone from leaving the house | 軟禁
nngfkiø | soft sedan | 軟轎
nngfkoax | soft bone of a baby's skull | 軟掛; 軟頭蓋骨
nngfkud | cartilage; cartilage; gristle; be unable to walk | 軟骨
nngfkud-pvi | osteomalacia | 軟骨病
nngfkutpve | rickets | 軟骨病
nngfkviw | soft palate, velum | 軟齶; 軟顎; 帆布
nngfky | trailing plant | 軟枝; 如蔓的樹枝
nngfkøf | ointment; salve; ointment | 軟膏
nngfkøkøo | extremely soft | 軟膏膏
nngflat | save energy; labor-saving; working with aid of an appliance | 省力; 巧勁; 輕力
nngflaxm | springy; elastic; soft (cushion) | 柔軟富彈性
nngfliarm | fleshy part of man or beast (as of the upper arm) | 軟肉; 腰左右無骨之處
nngfliøh | soft; elegant and graceful | 軟略; 柔弱; 柔軟
nngflo | gentle; relaxed; profitable; making large profits; earning big wages | 軟路; 斜路; 輕易賺取的; 輕鬆
nngflun | soft and delicate | 軟膜; 軟韌
nngfmoh | Pia master | 軟膜
nngfnii | ooze? | 軟旗; 軟泥
nngfnng | large egg about ready to be laid (but with the shell still soft) | 軟蛋
nngfnngfar | soft | 軟軟仔
nngfnngfnngr | very soft | 軟軟軟
nngfnngr | feeling soft; feeling tender; soft; weak; pliant; poor to quality | 軟軟; 軟軟的
nngfphafngpharng | extremely soft | 軟紡紡
nngfphvix | film; film (for a camera) | 軟片
nngfphøee | soft skin | 軟皮
nngfpng | soft-cooked rice; soft diet; easy life with other's supply; live on the earnings of a woman; parasite | 軟飯
nngfpo | conciliatory measure; appeasement policy | 軟計; 柔策
nngfpof | conciliatory measure, appeasement policy | 軟晡
nngfsae | loose or soft stool | 軟屎; 稀的大便
nngfseg | the soft kind or type (like tennis balls or contact lenses) | 軟式
nngfsek | soft (cushioned) seat | 軟席
nngfsex | work which doesn't need much effort or is done easily | 輕力
nngfsexng | soft; mild; bland | 軟性
nngfsi'ar | soft | 軟絲仔
nngfsirmsixm | flexible; elastic (like a good mattress) | 軟綿綿
nngfsixm | soft; elastic; flexible | 軟㽎; 軟而有彈性
nngfsiøhsiøq | extremely soft | 軟惜惜
nngfsiøsiøo | extremely soft | 軟荍荍
nngfsngf | sour | 軟酸; 骨節酸疼
nngfsvoax | flexible wire; fuse wire | 軟線; 保險絲
nngfsym | tender hearted; kind hearted | 心軟; 軟心
nngfsyn | soft body | 軟身; 質地軟
nngfsøsøo | no energy | 軟趖趖; 有氣無力
nngfte | damp place | 軟地
nngfthea toxngbut | mollusks; molluscs | 軟體動物
nngfthea | software | 軟体; 軟體; (體)
nngfthea-toxngbut | mollusca | 軟體動物
nngfthng'ar | soft gelatinous candies; sweetmeats | 軟糖仔
nngfthngg | fondant, soft sweets | 軟糖
nngfthochimkut | take advantage of vulnerable people | 軟塗深掘
nngfthoo | soft soil; If the earth is soft, people will dig the hole deep. If a person is good-natured, people will take advantage of (tease) him. | 軟土
nngfthoo-chimkut | If the earth is soft; people will dig the hole deep. If a person is good-natured; people will take advantage of (tease) him | 軟土深滑; 得寸進尺
nngfthuy | escalade | 軟梯
nngfzhngg | a stretcher | 軟床
nngfzhuix | sweet talk | 軟嘴
nngfzuie | weak; feeble; flabby | 軟水; 軟弱
puinngfafpuinngr | plump | 肥軟仔肥軟
puinngfar | plump | 肥軟仔
sngnngfthviax | weak and worn out; in a state of lassitude; all weary and aching | 酸軟痛
sonngfar | melt | 酥軟仔
thienjienseg ee nngfphvix | Technicolor film | 天然軟片

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