"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: pøeh

chitcied-pøehkhaux | various deductions; big discounts | 七折八扣
chitkhaux-pøehtuu | not much left after various deductions | 七扣八除
chitzhuix-pøehcih | all talking at once | 七嘴八舌
paai pøehji | combine the 8 letters of the horoscope (as the geomancer does when telling fortunes) | 排八字
pvoarkyn-pøehniuo | eight ounces and half a catty ─ six of one and half a dozen of the other; half and half; equal; no difference | 半斤八兩
pøeh | pull out, unseethe (sward, knife) | 扒; 拔
pøeh'ee | eight number of (things) | 八個
pøeh'iaa | native Taiwanese god (The eighth father god) | 八爺
pøehbøea | eight number of (fish) | 八尾
pøehciaq | eight number of (animal) | 八隻
pøehgøeh | August | 八月
pøehhngf | cover eight sides (all over the place) | 八方
pøehhøex | eight years old | 八歲
pøehia | flying ant; termite | 飛蟻
pøehii | flying fish | 飛魚
pøehji | the eight characters (of the horoscope of two persons considering marriage; for the year; month; day; and hour of the birth of each); eight zodiac character times used to determine one's fortune | 八字
pøehjixmia | eight words of a man's horoscope: year; month; day | 八字命
pøehjixthiab | document containing eight zodiac character times; often exchanged before marriage | 八字帖
pøehkag | eighty cents; an herb with eight petals | 八角
pøehkhof | eight dollars | 八元
pøehkor | eight threads entwined together | 八股
pøehliap | eight number of (circular objects) | 八粒
pøehpaq | eight hundred | 八百
pøehpo | eight steps patterns (in Chinese opera) | 八步; 搞小花樣
pøehsviaa | 80 percent, almost | 八成
pøehtex | eight pieces | 八塊
pøehzap | eighty | 八十
pøehzøeq | eight seasonal festivals | 八節

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