"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: pad

Ciuozoa ho padlaang sie | to harm someone by association; (because I make a promise difficult to fulfill it also hurts other people who are involved with me or who work with me to complete the promise.) | 咒詛給別人死
jixpad-kajiin | sixteen-year-old beauty | 二八佳人
kiwpad bøieen-khieiuu | number ninety-eight non-lead gasoline | 九八無鉛汽油
lixlixpad | 2/28/194- incident that KMT massacre thousands of Taiwanese | 二二八
nafpadar | Common guava | 番石榴
pad | eight; eighth | 八
padafphiøx | returned check | 菝仔票
padafsae | miser; skinflint | 吝嗇鬼
padar | guava; guava (fruit) | 芭樂; 番石榴
padciorng | other kind; different kind | 別種
padee | other one; else; another; another one; distinct from the one named | 別的; 別个
padhang | different sorts; some other kinds | 別項
padhø | different number | 別號
padjidar | some other day; in the future | 別日仔; 改天; 將來
padjit | some other day; in the future; some other day; another day | 別日; 改天
padkef | different family | 別家
padkefng | different room; different store | 別間
padkhafng | extra fortune | 別孔; 另外之財路
padkhoarn | other kinds | 別款; 別種
padkhoaxn | another kind | 別種
padkog | other countries | 別國
padlaang | somebody else; anybody else; different person; another man; others; outsiders; people who do not belong to one's own circle; organization or family | 別人
padlidar | some other days | 別日仔
padlit | another day | 別日
padliuu | different style | 別流
padlui | different kine | 別類
padmiaa | different name | 別名
padmih | other thing | 別物
padmiq | besides; separately | 別物
padni'ar | some other year | 別年仔
padnii | different year | 別年
padpaai | other brand | 別牌
padphaix | different style | 別派
padpurn | different book | 別本
padseg | different color | 別色
padsofzai | different place | 別所在
padtaq | other deck | 別搭
padtex | different piece | 別塊
padtiaau | different song | 別條
padtoo | another work | 別途; 另一種工作
padtui | different team | 別隊
padui | another person (polite), other place | 別位; 別地方; 別處,別位
padui'ar | other place | 別位仔
padviu | another fashion; another sort | 別樣
padzerng | different species | 別種
poaqsibpad | gamble with 3 dice (the highest throw is 18) | 賭骰子
sampad | ridiculous (woman); silly; impudent and talkative (woman); dumb broad | 三八; 十三點
siax ho padlaang | relieve oneself of responsibility; spread infectious diseases | 推給他人
siøpad | know eacher | 相捌
thofpadar | organic guava | 土菝仔
tvix-sampad | play silly | 裝三八
zoarn-padtoo | change one's trade or profession | 轉別途; 轉行

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