"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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hvi'ar phakphag | ears standing out so much as almost to cover the opening (like a pig's) | 耳仔趴趴; 垂耳
kalafnphag | put a thing upside down; lie face downward | 伏臥趴; 倒放
khuxn kannafphag | sleep with one's face downward | 俯著睡; 睡矸仔仆
khuxn-thafnphag | sleep in a prone position; lie on one's face | 睡袒腹; 伏臥
kuixphag | to kneel down and to fall flat on the ground; kneel and prostrate one's self | 跪伏
pefngkalafnphag | sleep on one's stomach | 反佳懶伏; 伏臥
pefngphag | to turn into a prostrate position; upset; to invert with mouth down; to turn on the face or belly | 俯臥; 反覆; 伏臥; 翻反面
pefngthafnphag | to upset; invert with mouth down | 翻躺伏; 翻身伏臥
pefngtharn-phag | to turn into a prostrate position | 俯躺伏
phag | to fall forward; a Chinese hackberry; simple; to cover; fall down; fall prostrate; bend as a suppliant; to overturn; to upset; to invert | 仆; 朴; 樸; 覆; 伏
phag'iaam | sun dry salts | 晒鹽
phag'of | to tun, sunburned | 晒黑; 曝烏
phag-løqkhix thokhaf | fallen to the ground; to fall prostrate | 仆倒在地上
phag-teq khuxn | sleep face down | 俯著睡; 伏著睡
phag-teq paix | kneel and bow very low | 伏著拜
phag-teq thviaf | listen secretly (with head bent down close to a door) | 伏著聽
phaggidthaau | sun exposure | 曝日頭
phaghør | exposed | 曝好
phagjidthaau | sun exposure | 曝日頭
phagjit | getting tanned; expose in the sun; to air or dry in the sun; let the sun shine on; take the sun; bask (laze) in the sunshine | 晒日; 曝日; 晒太陽
phagkoex | exposed to the sun | 曝過
phagkvoaf | dry (eatables) in the sun | 打乾; 曝乾; 曬乾; 食物晒成干
phaglidthaau | sun exposure | 曝日頭
phaglit | sun exposure | 曝日
phagphak | expose | 曝曝
phagphak`leq | dry them in the sun | 晒晒咧
phagpox | dry clothes | 晒布
phagsie | die of scorching heat (men; rice plants etc.) | 晒死
phagsvaf | sun dry cloth; to air clothing | 晒衫; 晒衣服
phagtaf | dry in the sun | 晒乾; 曝焦
phagtiøh | expose | 曝著
phagzheg | sun or dry rice; place unhulled rice in the sun to dry before storage | 晒穀; 晒稻米
phagzøx | exposed as | 曝做
phakphag | head down | 趴趴
phakphakphag | head down completely | 覆覆覆
phihphag | lie down with face down | 趴伏
phihphag-vax | turn one's face downward | 趴伏俯; 躄覆向
thafnphag | turned with face down; inverted so as to have the bowl or cup concave side down; inverted position | 顛倒; 坦覆; 覆臥; 俯臥
tørphag | face down | 倒覆

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