"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: phiaq

ciaqphiaq | be determined to; insist on | 食癖; 任性; 固執; 執意
cipphiaq | obstinate; stubborn; headstrong; die-hard | 執癖; 頑固
ciwphiaq bae | be quarrelsome in one's cups; ugly drunkenness | 酒癖壞
ciwphiaq | alcoholophilia | 酒癖
gvexphiaq | tough; hard; hard disposition | 硬癖
gvixphiaq | tough; hard; hard disposition | 硬癖
hoan'ar-phiaq | quick tempered; quick temper | 番仔癖; 急性子
høfphiaq | good tempered | 好癖; 癖性好
kauxphiaq | many special liking | 多癖; 厚癖
khiøhphiaq | to feel enraged | 嘔氣; 鬧彆扭; 拾癖
khyphiaq | to get angry | 起癖
kixphiaq | to avoid, to shun | 忌僻
koaephiaq | eccentric; strange-acting; eccentricity; strange habit; odd behavior | 怪僻; 怪癖
koaixphiaq | contrary, perverse | 執拗
kophiaq | (of a person's disposition) eccentric; or idiosyncratic; holding oneself aloof; disinclined to associate with others | 孤僻; 孤癖
kuiphiaq | to evade (obligations or duties); to shun or avoid | 規避
kviuxphiaq | contrary minded, obstinate in opposing | 樣壁; 乖戾; 背道而馳,固執地反對
phiaq | mean; low; rustic; out of the way; secluded; avoid by going out of the way | 僻; 癖; 遠
phienphiaq | out-of-the-way; remote; seclude; out of the way; not easily accessible; secluded | 偏僻
phienphiaq-ji | words rarely used | 罕用字; 偏僻字
phienphiaq-lo | rarely used street | 偏僻路
phienphiaq-zngf | out-of-the-way village | 偏僻庄
phvae-ciwphiaq | be quarrelsome in one's cups; ugly drunkenness | 酒癖壞
phvayphiaq | bad tempered; hard; cursed; stubborn; finicky | 歹癖; 壞脾氣
pvixphiaq | a distinguishing feature of sickness | 病癖
sayphiaq | show temper | 使癖; 使性子
serngphiaq | disposition; temper | 癖性; 性癖; 脾氣
siafmphiaq | get out of the way when wanted; be on the run | 閃避; 藏匿
siaphiaq | lasciviousness, licentiousness | 斜僻; 邪癖
tøphiaq | to run away from; to dodge; get temporarily out of the way of danger | 逃避
zawphiaq | make an effort to avoid or hide | 走避
zhutphiaqar | measles | 出癖仔

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