"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: poex

Lunpoex | a city in Yunlin County | 崙背
auxpoex | younger generation | 後輩; 晚輩
boafnpoex | the younger generation; younger generation | 晚輩
boxng'wn poexgi | ungrateful; ingrate | 忘恩背義
cidpoex | one life | 一輩
cienpoex | a senior (person); one's (elders and) betters; a predecessor | 前輩; 前輩,先輩
cinzw-poex | pearl-oyster | 珍珠貝; 真珠貝
expoex | younger; next generation | 下輩; 下一輩
gvofpoex | people of our group | 我輩
haxpoex | the next generation | 下輩
hiøxpoex | juniors; inferiors | 後輩; 晚輩
hoxpoex | latter generation; one's junior; next generation | 後輩
hunpoex | decibel | 分貝
kanpoex | scallop; opening-closing ligament of a bi-valve shell-fish (highly prized as delicacy) | 干貝
kaxngpoex | same generation | 同輩; 仝輩
kexpoex | lower generation | 低輩
khimpoex | admire, respect, admiration | 欽佩
khøpoex | copy; a film print | 拷貝
kongpoexsox | (in math.) common multiple | 公倍數
køhunpoex | high decibel | 高分貝
lau-cienpoex | one's senior in age or position | 老前輩
lauxcidpoex | older generation | 老一輩
lauxcienpoex | polite address for one's senior or aged person | 老前輩
lauxpoex | one's senior | 老輩
lawpoex | a person of higher rank than oneself; the older generation | 老輩
lepoex | spiral shell | 螺貝
lixhiofng poexzvea | turn one's back on one's native place | 背井離鄉
lixhiofng-poexcvie | to travel to a distant land | 離鄉背井
lixhiongpoexlie | away from home town | 離鄉背里
lopoex | slave | 奴輩
lun poex bølun høex | consider a person's generation; not his age | 論輩無論歲
løfcienpoex | a senior (person); one's (elders and) betters; a predecessor | 老前輩
løfpoex | ancestors; seniors | 老輩
nipoex | seniority according to age | 年輩
nor-cienpoex | one's senior in age or position | 老前輩
otiap-poex | pearl oyster | 黑蝶貝
pengpoex | of the same generation | 平輩
poex | a shellfish; a generation; barium; Buddhist chanting of prayers; shells (formerly used as currency); cowries; thus: valuables; precious | 貝; 輩; 鋇; 唄
poexau | behind one's back; back-side; in the rear; at the back; behind one's back; on the back side (of one's body) | 背後
poexbeng | disobey orders | 背命
poexbin | back side, reverse side | 背面
poexbiu | fallacy | 背謬
poexbo | visit the grave | 培墓
poexbong | to pay respects to a dead person at his tomb; clean or repair a grave at the time of chheng-beng; and pay respects to one's ancestors at the grave | 培墓; 掃墓
poexgek | disobedient; unruly; rebellious; refractory; to rebel; to revolt; disobey a sovereign or good doctrine | 悖逆; 背逆
poexhoarn | to revolt against | 背反
poexhok | respect, have confidence | 背負; 佩服
poexhu | carry on the back (Lit) ─ betray; be disloyal or ungrateful to | 背負
poexhwn | baked | 焙薰
poexiog | break an agreement, break a promise | 背約; 爽約
poexkaf | to double | 倍加
poexkaux | go against what one is taught; renege; apostatize | 背教
poexkerng | background; backdrop; moral support; financial backing | 背景
poexkhix | turn one's back on; renounce; betray | 背棄
poexkiaxm | back sword | 背劍
poexkngf | back the light, reject a truth, refuse to do the right thing | 背光
poexkud | to revolt against | 反骨; 謀逆相
poexkutgyn'ar | betray child | 背骨囡仔
poexkutlo | spine | 背骨路
poexliam | recite | 背念
poexlie | offensive to good taste | 背理
poexluun | against logic | 背倫
poexpaw | a knapsack | 背包
poexpoan | to betray, to rebel, to forsake | 背叛
poexsiong | recitation | 背誦
poexsixn | a breach of faith; breach of trust (confidence); betrayal | 背信
poexsox | multiple | 倍數
poexsuie-tin | backwater | 背水陣
poexsw | endorse; recite a lesson; commit a lesson to memory | 背書
poexsym | vest, waistcoat, sleeveless garment | 背心
poextaf | dry by a fire | 焙乾
poextee | roast tea leaves | 焙茶
poexteg | immoral | 背德
poextii | run away | 背馳
poextiøh | carried | 背著
poextø | apostatize | 背道
poextøf | wear a sword | 背刀
poexun | to be out of luck, unlucky, unfortunate | 背運
poexviar | sight of one's back | 背影
poexzheq | memorize book | 背冊
poexzor | defame one's ancestor; transgress and abandon ancestral customs | 背祖
poexzvea lixhiofng | turn one's back on one's native place | 背井離鄉
pvepoex | of the same generation | 平輩
pvipoex | same generation | 平輩
pøfpoex | precious; valuable; treasure; precious things; treasures; cherished object; darling | 寶貝
seapoex | younger generation in a family or clan | 小輩
siaolienpoex | young generation | 少年輩
siaxngpoex | same generation | 同輩
sienpoex | senior in age; standing or length of service | 前輩; 先輩
siøfpoex | members of the younger generation in a family or clan | 小輩
sun'afpoex | grandchildren | 孫仔輩
sunpoex | grandchildren | 孫輩
taixsanpoex | big mountain back | 大山背
tangpoex | the same generation | 銅輩
tefngpoex | seniority; eldership; parents and their equals in genealogical rank | 長輩; 頂輩; 上輩
tiofngpoex | the senior generation; seniority; eldership; senior generation; an elder; elder brothers and persons of the same generation with our parents or higher | 長輩
tongpoex | same generation | 同輩
uipoexciar | violators | 違背者
uipoextiøh | violate | 違背著
ypoex | back of a chair | 椅背
zengpoex | a senior; a superior; an elder; an older graduate; elder; senior; eldership; antecessor | 前輩
zhoanpoex | fritillary | 川貝
zhwpoex | gang | 鼠輩
zoeasiør kongpoexsox | least common multiple | 最小公倍數
zupoex | pearl shellfish | 珠貝

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