"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: søex

bengsøex | in detail | 明細
biefnsøex | tax-free; duty-free | 免稅
biefnsøex-tiaxm | duty free shop | 免稅店
bisøex | unimportant; very small; tiny | 微細; 微小
chiasøex | car tax | 車稅
ciwsøex | to excise on spirits | 酒稅
cviasøex | very tiny | 很細
enggiabsøex | business tax | 營業稅
enggiap-søex | a business tax | 營業稅
goxlogsøex | amusement tax | 娛樂稅
gulogsøex | amusement tax | 娛樂稅
haykoafn-søex | customs due, duty | 海關稅
hoxsøex | poll tax | 戶稅
huosøex | taxes | 賦稅
iamsøex | salt tax | 鹽稅
iensøex | tax | 捐稅; 稅捐
irnhoasøex | money expended for revenue stamps | 印花稅
iuosøex | young and small; young and still needing help | 幼小; 幼細
jibkafngsøex | harbor tax | 入港稅
jibkhawsøex | import duty | 入口稅; 進口稅
jienliauxsøex | fuel (consumption) tax | 燃料稅
jinthausøex | poll tax | 人頭稅
joee-hof søex | break up into small pieces with the palms; fingers or the sole of the foot | 揉乎細
ka'og-søex | house-tax | 家屋稅; 房捐
kanciapsøex | indirect taxes | 間接稅
kansøex | a spy, a traitor | 奸細
khørsøex | tax; levy tax | 課稅
kiusøex | to contract; to reduce; to lessen | 縮小
kiøsøex | taxes of bridges | 橋稅
koansøex | customs duty; tariff; tax; taxation; customs duties; tariff duties | 關稅
koksøex | taxes collected by the national government | 國稅
koksøex-kiok | the Department of taxes collection of the national government | 國稅局
kvoasøex | taxes of government | 官稅
labsøex | pay taxes | 納稅
langthaau-søex | the poll tax | 人頭稅
lap zhuosøex | pay house rent | 繳房租
lauxsøex | evade tax; esp. by smuggling | 漏稅; 逃稅
lawsøex | younger brother | 老細; 小弟
luykiafmsøex | regressive taxation | 累減稅
oefsøex | short and small; low and small; undersized | 矮細; 矮小
pafnsøex | publication loyalty | 版稅
pangkoansøex | house tax | 房捐稅
phahsøex | tax | 打稅; 拍稅; 課稅
pørsøex | to file a report on one's liable taxation | 報稅; 報歲
safnsøex | thin and small | 瘦細; 瘦小
siongsiogsøex | inheritance tax | 繼承稅; 相續稅
siusøex | collect taxes | 收稅
sixsøex | junior (in age) | 序細; 年幼者; 晚輩
sofiuo-søex | income-tax | 所有稅
softeg-søex | income tax | 所得稅
soksøex | to reduce, to make smaller | 縮小; 縮細
suzhutsøex | export duty | 輸出稅
søeasøex | little | 細細; 小小
søex | rent; duty; tax | 租; 細; 稅; 歲; 撒
søex`laang | rent to people | 細人; 稅人; 租給人
taxngsøex | heavy taxes | 重稅
tengsøex | levy and collect taxes | 徵稅; 丁稅; 人口稅
texhngsøex | local taxes | 地方稅
texkeasøex | assessment tax | 地價稅
theasøex | tax rebate | 退稅
thiusøex | levy taxes | 抽稅
thofte zengtadsøex | land value increment tax; tax levied on increment of land value | 土地增值稅
thonghengsøex | a toll | 通行稅
tiarmsøex | rent for a shop | 店租
tidciapsøex | direct taxation | 直接稅
tinsøex | levy and collect taxes | 徵稅
toaxsøex | all sizes, all persons (elderly and youngsters) | 大細; 大小
toaxsøex-sym | partial, unfair | 大細心; 偏心
toaxtoa-søeasøex | the big and the small ─ the whole family | 大大小小
tozvaysøex | slaughter tax (levied for animals slaughtered) | 屠宰稅
tvar toa sym søex | brave but cautious; courageous but careful or circumspect | 膽大心細
tøefsøex | details | 底細
tøexkeasøex | land tax | 地價稅
uisafnsøex | legacy tax; inheritance tax | 遺產稅
zabsøex | miscellaneous tax | 雜稅
zaisafnsøex | property tax | 財產稅
zawsøex | tax evasion | 走稅; 漏稅
zengsøex | minute and precise | 增稅; 精細; 徵稅
zengtadsøex | tax on increased value of land | 增值稅
zhuosøex | house tax | 厝稅; 房租
zhutkhawsøex | export duty | 出口稅
zosøex | rental fee | 租稅; 租金; 租賃
zuxsøex | from the time of childhood | 自幼; 自細; 從小
zwsøex | careful, prudent, carefully, prudently | 仔細
øeasøex | dirty; filthy | 齷齪
øefsøex | shorty | 矮小
øehsøex | short (person) | 矮小; 矮細

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