"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: safn

Alysafn | a mountain in Chiayi County | 阿里山
Giogsafn | Jade mountain (Mt. Morrison) in Taiwan; Mount Morrison; highest peak in Taiwan | 玉山
Hengsafn | a city in Hsinchu County Taiwan | 橫山
Iongbengsafn | a resort in suburban Taipei; Taiwan (Yangmingshan) | 陽明山
Khunluun-safn | the Kunlun Mountains (between Tibet and Sinjiang; extending to Central China) | 崑崙山
Kimsafn | a city in Taipei County | 金山
Kioxngsafntofng'oaan | communist | 共產黨員
Kioxngsafntorng | Communist party | 共產黨
Kisafn | a city in Kaohsiung County | 旗山
Koansafn | a city in Taitung County | 關山
Kongsafn | a city in southern Taiwan; Gangshan in Kaohsiung County | 岡山
Kuisafn | a city in Taoyuan County | 龜山
Liongsafn-si | an old temple in Taipei | 龍山寺
Lisafn | pear mountain | 梨山
Losafn cyn-biexnbok | The real appearance of Lu Shan (which is often shrouded in fog) ─ the real appearance (of a thing or person in disguise) | 廬山真面目
Moesafn | a city in Chiayi County | 梅山
Oansafn | a city in Yilan County | 員山
Pøfsafn | a city in Hsinchu County | 寶山
Siongsafn | a district in Taipei | 松山
Siuxsafn | A mountain in southern Taiwan | 壽山
Swn Tiongsafn | | 中山
Tanhiongsafn | Honolulu | 檀香山
Teksafn | a city in Nantou County | 竹山
Thaepengsafn | Victoria Peak is a hill on the western half of Hong Kong | 太平山
Thaesafn | a city in Taipei County | 泰山
Tiongsafn | a place in Koelaang Chi | 中山
Toaxkongsafn | a southern Taiwan city | 大岡山
Tongsafn | a city in Tainan County | 東山
Zhengsafn | Aoyama | 青山
baxnsafn phiern'iar | found everywhere (Lit. so numerous it covers the mountains and the plains) | 漫山遍野
beeng lok sunsafn | fail in examination; the name is not in the list of successful candidates | 名落孫山
bengsafn | famous mountain | 名山
chiensafn baxnsuie | a thousand mountains and rivers; distant places; journey from afar.. | 千山萬水
chiensafn-baxnsuie | numerous mountains and rivers; a long and arduous journey | 千山萬水
chimsafn | deep in the mountains | 深山
cip'hoad juu safn | uphold the law strictly; to adhere to legal principles without letup or fear usually referring to law enforcing officials or judges | 執法如山
cviaa-khinsafng | very confortable, fresh, relaxed, free | 很輕鬆; 誠輕鬆
gieen zhud juu safn | A promise is a promise | 言出如山
giogsafn | Mount Ali | 玉山
gukofng isafn | determined effort can move a mountain; Where there's a will; there's a way | 愚公移山
gymsiux-høsafn | land of splendor--one's fatherland | 錦繡河山
hansafn | poverty; unpresentable dress or gifts | 寒酸
haxsafn | down the hill | 下山
haysafnbee | seafood congee | 海產糜
haysafnmoee | seafood congee | 海產糜
hoaan gvor høsafn | a slogan meaning; Let's restore our lost land! | 還我河山
hoaisafn | mountain yam as a mediciane | 淮山
hongsafn-iafgoa | desolate mountain and field | 荒山野外
hongsafn-khorng'iar | wilderness; open field | 荒山曠野
hukhaf-safngchiuo | to serve; attend to comforts of parents; receive guests very graciously (Lit. support by the hand by the foot) | 扶腳扶手; 誇大的招待; 奉侍
huosafnbut | by-product | 副產物
huosafnphirn | by products | 副產品
huxsafnkhøf | department of gynecology and obstetrics; birth clinic | 婦產科
høsafn | rivers and mountains; territory | 河山
høxleng juu safn | Military orders are as inviolable as a mountain | 號令如山
iafsafn | wild mountain | 野山
isafn tørhae | move mountains and empty the water out of the sea--mighty power | 移山倒海
isafn | to move the mountain | 移山
iusafn oafnsuie | enjoy the scenery of mountain and water (lake or ocean); mountain climbing | 遊山玩水
iwgarn putseg Thaesafn | fail to recognize a great person | 有眼無識泰山
ixsafnkii | due date | 預產期
jinsafn jinhae | great number gathered together | 人山人海
jit lok sesafn | sunset | 日落西山
kangsafn | the national territory; rivers and hills ─ the country; the land; the state; scenery | 江山
kangsafn-byjiin | throne and the beauty | 江山美人
kausafn | monkey | 猴子; 猴山
kausafn`ar | monky | 猴山仔
kengsafnhu | multipara | 經參數; 經產婦
khaibuun-kiernsafn | talk or write right to the point | 開門見山
khaisafn | founder of religious sect; cut into a mountain | 開山
khinkhinsangsafng | easily | 輕輕鬆鬆
khinsafng | fresh; relaxed; free; relaxed; comfortable; easy (as a job or business) | 輕鬆
kok'iuo zaisafnkiok | The Bureau of National Assets (under the Ministry of Finance) | 國有財產局
koksafnchiaf | domestic car | 國產車
koksafnphirn | national products | 國產品; 國產
kokzex kioxngsafntorng | Communist International | 國際共產黨
kymsiux-høsafn | land of splendor ─ one's fatherland | 錦繡河山
køsafn | mountain | 高山
køsafn-zurnniar | lofty mountains | 高山峻嶺
lanlansansafn | sporadic | 零零星星
lansafn | fragmented; fractional; not as a whole | 零星
lansafn-boea | mantissa | 零星尾; 零數; 尾數
lansafn-bøe | retail | 零售買
lansafn-bøea | small purchase | 零星買
lansafn-mih | small item | 零星物
lansafn`ee | petty cash | 零星錢
limsafnbut | forest products (lumber; camphor) | 林產物; 林產
longsafnbut | agricultural products; farm products | 農產物
longsafnphirn | agricultural products | 農產品
lørsafnkaau | skinny tall guy | 躼瘦猴
oexsafn-oexsuie | say irresponsible things; talk at random; to flatter | 花言巧語; 吹牛
pahkøfsafn | baiguoshan | 百果山
paisafn-tørhae | overthrow a mountain and upset the sea ─ of great ability; over-helming or sweeping | 排山倒海
parngsafng | relax one's attention; to ease; loosen | 放鬆
phahsafng | make it softer and less condensed | 打鬆
phoxngsafng | loose and bulky (parcel; dress) | 蓬鬆
phørsafnciar | bankrupt; insolvent debtor; man of straw; lame duck | 破產者
poarnpengsafn | banping mountain | 半屏山
putseg thaesafn | fail to recognize a famous personage when meeting him face to face | 無識泰山
safn beeng zuie siux | mountains are bright; and the waters are fair (descriptive of scenic beauty) | 山明水秀
safn | mountain; hill; island; dry land or the shore as opposed to water; wild (animal or plant); a grave | 山; 刪
safn'au | after childbirth | 產後
safn'ee | skinny | 瘦的
safn'giabhoax | industrialization | 產業化
safn'giap | industry, property, estate | 產業
safn'nngxkii | breeding season; spawning season; rutting time; period of laying eggs | 產卵期
safnban | undisciplined | 散漫
safnbaq | lean meat | 瘦肉
safnbut pøfhiarm kongsy | property insurance company | 產物保險公司
safnbut | a product; products | 產物
safncieen oexsefng | prenatal (hygiene) care | 產前衛生
safncieen | before childbirth | 產前
safng | pair; couple; two; double; even (as opposed to odd) | 雙; 鬆; 麵
safngiah | rate of production; output | 產額
safngiap kekbeng | Industrial Revolution | 產業革命
safngiap zerngzheg | industrial policy (archaic) | 產業政策
safngiap | estate; property; industry; industry; property; estate | 產業
safngihgiq | very lean (thin) | 瘦極了; 皮包骨
safngsarng | somewhat haughty | 瘦瘦
safngsex | proud; in vain; upper hand | 聳勢
safngsøfhw | oxygen | 氧氣
safnguu | emaciated cattle | 瘦牛
safnho | postpartum | 產後
safnhu | the mother during maternity; woman lying-in; obstetrical patient | 產婦
safnhuxjiin | pregant lay | 產婦人
safnjiogjiet | childbed fever; an infection occurring during the puerperium | 產褥熱
safnjiok | puerperium; the state of a women during and just after childbirth | 產褥
safnkaau | thin as a beanpole; like a monkey (thin) | 瘦猴
safnkao siax zwlaang | A lean dog is a disgrace to its owner. A skinny dog brings shame on its owner | 狗瘦主人羞
safnkar | maternity leave | 產假
safnkau'ar | skinny guy | 瘦猴仔
safnkax | maternity leave | 產假
safnkhix | hernia | 疝氣
safnkhøf | obstetrics | 產科
safnkii | time of childbirth | 產期
safnkiløqhiøh | skinny branches with falling leaves | 瘦枝落葉
safnkoaan | ownership (of real estate) | 產權
safnkoaq | prune | 修剪; 產
safnlaang | dkinny huy | 瘦人
safnleeng | production capacity | 產能
safnliong | output; the quantity of output; yield | 產量
safnlym | to drink liquor without eating anything | 瘦凜; 喝酒而沒什麼配菜
safnløx | thin and tall | 瘦高; 又瘦又高
safnpaang | lying-in room; maternity room; delivery room | 產房
safnphirn | products; manufactures | 產品
safnphyphie | skinny | 瘦疕疕
safnpipaf | skinny | 瘦卑巴
safnpøo | midwife | 產婆; 接生婆
safnsarn | skinny; skin and bones | 瘦瘦
safnsefng | produce; produce; give rise to; to cause; bring about | 產生
safnsiaupafn | production and sales team | 產銷班
safnsiaw | production and marketing | 產銷
safnsyn | skinny | 瘦身
safnsøex | thin and small | 瘦細; 瘦小
safntat | production value | 產值
safnte zerngbeeng | certificate of origin | 產地證明
safnte | commercial center, commercial port | 產地
safnthiuafsafnthiw | skinny and tall | 瘦抽仔瘦抽
safnthiusafnthiw | skinny and tall | 瘦抽瘦抽
safnthiw | tall; thin and slender (man) | 瘦長; (人)
safnthiøf | skinny and tall | 瘦抽
safnthiøsafnthiøf | skinny and tall | 瘦抽瘦抽
safnthoo | bad soil | 瘦土
safntiuhtiuq | skinny | 瘦搐搐
safntoe | origin | 產地
safntø | production path | 產道
safntøe | place of production; production center | 產地
safnzeeng | before child-birth, before confinement | 產前
safnzeeng-kiafmzaf | pregnancy examination | 產前檢查
safnzeeng-thviax | premature labor | 產前痛; 產前疼
safnzhaan | poor land; sterile field | 瘦田; 瘠田
sangsafng | loose; slack; not hard up; light and flaky | 鬆鬆
sengsafnciar | producers | 生產者
sengsafnhuieiong | cost of production | 生產費用
sengsafnkii | production period | 生產期
sengsafnlek | productivity | 生產力
sengsafnliong | production | 生產量
sengsafnte | production place | 生產地
sesafn | west mountain | 西山
siausafnløqbaq | lost weights | 消瘦落肉
siu pie Lamsafn | May your life be as lofty as the Southern Mountain Ranges. ─ a greeting for a person on his birthday | 壽比南山
sosafng | crisp | 酥鬆
svoasafnbut | mountain grown agricultural products | 山產品; 山產物; 山產
svoasafnphirn | mountain grown agricultural products | 山產品; 山產物; 山產
tasafng | dry and comfortable; as after changing clothes or wiping off perspiration; dry and mealy (potatoes) | 乾鬆
tegsafnhaang | specialty shop | 特產行
tengsafn hiabhoe | alpinist club or association | 登山協會
tengsafn | mountaineer; mountain climb | 登山
thaesafn | famous mountain in Shan-tung; father-in-law (wife's father); Tarzan | 泰山
thofsafntiarmpvy | native products store side | 土產店邊
tiaohor lixsafn | induce the enemy to leave their entrenchments | 調虎離山
toaxkangsafn | big rivers and mountains- implay a country | 大江山
tongsafn zaekhie | again take up official duties; return to officialdom; be reinstated; stage a comeback (said of a retired person) | 東山再起
tøsafnhu | multiparous woman | 多產婦
uisafnsøex | legacy tax; inheritance tax | 遺產稅
urn juu thaesafn | as stable as Mount Taishan | 穩如泰山
uxsafnkii | due date of baby | 預產期
zafsafnjii | premature infant | 早產兒
zaisafnkaf | a man of wealth (property) | 財產家; 富翁
zaisafnkoaan | ownership of property; property rights | 財產權
zaisafnsøex | property tax | 財產稅
zhengsafn legsuie | beautiful charming natural scene (Lit. blue mountains and green water) | 青山綠水
zhengsafn | put on coat or shirt | 青山
zhut'safnte | origin | 出產地
zhutsafnte | origin | 出產地
zoeasafnkhuix | flirt | 做瘦氣
zoxsafnhu | midwife; maternity nurse | 助產婦
zoxsafnpøo | midwife | 助產士
zoxsafnsu | midwife | 助產士; 產婆
zusafnkaf | bourgeois | 資產家
zuysafngiap | fishing industry | 水產業
zuysafnhak | fishery science | 水產學

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