"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: siarm

bøexsiarm`tid | unable to skip | 未閃得
khiaxsiarm | stay away | 站開; 豎閃
kimsiafmsiarm | golden shining | 金爍爍
kviasiarm | to move away from danger | 走閃
laixsiafmsiarm | sharp and shining | 利閃閃
oadsiarm | turn aside to avoid someone | 轉閃; 躲避
siafmsiarm | glitter | 閃閃
siarm hoxphang | take advantage of a break in the rain | 趁雨隙; 趁雨停
siarm | flash like lightning | 閃
siarm-bølo | have no way of escape | 閃無路; 無路可逃
siarm`køeakhix | creep stealthily past | 閃過去
siarm`køex | pass without contact, escape safely | 閃過
siarm`tiøh | got hurt due to sudden movement | 閃到
siarmjiø | involuntary urination; lose control of the bladder | 遺尿; 滲尿; (無自主的)
siarmliø | urine oozing | 滲尿
siarmoe | my sister | 舍妹
siarmsae | inadvertently pass a small amount of stool | 滲屎
siarmsae-siarmjiø | incontinent (medical) | 泄屎泄尿; 大小便失禁
siarmsayjiø | diarrhea | 滲屎尿
siarmthaux | penetrate; understand | 滲透
siarmui | my younger sister | 舍妹
siausiarm | escape stealthily | 消閃
siøsiarm | pass each other on the way | 相閃; 錯身而過
svasiarm | avoid running into each other | 相閃
tøfsiarm | to dodge; to ward off | 躲閃
tøsiarm | under shelter | 逃閃
tøtøsiafmsiarm | escape | 逃逃閃閃
zawsiarm | escape, flee | 走閃; 逃避
zhoaxjiø voa siarmsae | The devil you know is better than the one you don't know. (Lit. the former employee used to wet the bed; this one dirtied his pants.) | 越換越糟

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