"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: suix

baxnsuixkiog | African marigold, Tagetes erecta | 萬瑞菊
beqsuixhoong | a kind of water-willow, Justicia procumbeus | 麥穗紅
bixsuixhoan | unconsummated crime | 未遂犯
koksuix | national cultural heritage | 國粹
kuykuie suixsui | very deceitful and intriguing; stealthy; furtive; secretive | 鬼鬼祟祟
kuykuie-suixsui | misfortunes brought by evil spirits; stealthy; clandestine | 鬼鬼祟祟
suix | haggard; worried; sad; spit | 悴; 粹; 啐
suixbieen | sleep; sleeping | 睡眠
suixbiin putciog | want of sleep; insufficient sleep | 睡眠無足
suixbiin sikafn | sleeping hours | 睡眠時間
suixbiin | sleep; sleep | 腄眠
suixhviw | good incense | 瑞香
suixjiin | the man who find fire | 燧人
suixput'habgarn | sleep with eyes open | 睡無闔眼
suixsioong | good omen | 隨常; 瑞祥; 預兆
suixtø | tunnel | 隧道
sunsuix | pure; genuine; unadulterated; completely; entirely | 純粹

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