"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: sviuu

bykøsviuu | sexual harassment; can't deal with; lustful | 性騷擾; 纏女人; 好色
khysviuu | food particles in the teeth | 齒液; 齒𣻸; 牙垢
kvoaxsviuu | sweat mixed with dirt | 汗垢
langsviuu | pus | 膿泥; 膿汁
laukvoa-sviuu | sweating hard | 流汗濕
sviusviuu-cviuocviux | softened and spoiled by moisture; growing soft or sticky with moisture | 濕濕黏黏
sviuu | miry; muddy; oozy; quaggy; slimy; sloppy; lsosh; serum; watery matter from a wound; soft slimy dirt; the slime on an eel or fish's skin | 承; 泥濘的; 黏的; 黏液; 漬; 常; 相
thosviuu | soft slushy mud | 泥漿; 滑泥
tng'afsviuu | mucous discharge from the bowels | 腸仔𣻸
viusviuu | sick, weak (child), soft and slimy | 洋黏; 溶瘍; 虛弱
zhuiekhysviuu | thin liquor on the surface of teeth | 喙齒液

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