"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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hoftae | bandage | 繃帶
hootae | bandage | 繃帶
huihtae | Blood stain; Small blood clot; gore | 血污; 小血塊; 血塊
høtae | bandage; gauze | 繃帶; 紗布
iutae | oil residue; sediment of grease or oil | 油滓
iøqtae | thick drugs of medicinal herbs | 藥渣
jiedtaehii | tropical fish | 熱帶魚
jiedtaepve | tropical diseases | 熱帶病
jiedtaete | tropics | 熱帶地; 熱帶地方
jiøxtae | sediment of urine | 尿滓
khah iutae | accumulate greasy dirt | 積油垢
lienpurn taeli | both the principal and the interest | 連本帶利
liøxtae | urine and poo | 尿滓
løtae | dirt; filth; dregs; sediment | 濁滓; 沈澱物
nekutae | necktie | 領帶
phimoaa taehaux | wear hemp garment in mourning | 披麻帶孝
phisefng taegoat | travel by night; toil night and day | 披星戴月
putkiong-taethiefn | will not live under the same sky (with the man who slew his father); inveterate hatred | 無共戴天
siøtaetiøh | involve (in trouble); implicate; drag in | 相帶到; 互相牽連
svemoo-taekag | bad people dubious; nondescript | 生毛帶角; 比喻非善類; 無三不四之人
tae | accumulate sediment | 滓; 積水垢
taecit | have a chronic disease | 帶疾; 宿疾
taehaux | a sign of mourning during the funeral | 帶孝
taehofng | the credit (or credit side) in bookkeeping or accounts | 貸方
taekoafn | coronation | 帶冠
taelerng | take the leadership of; conduct; guide; lead | 帶領
taeliam | out of regard for a person; in consideration of; with attention to | 顧念; 帶念; 體諒
taeliaxmtiøh | with thoughts | 帶念著
taeniar | guide, lead | 帶領
taepo | slughup; arrest; gather up; pullin | 逮捕
taepve | ill | 帶病
taepvi | ill | 帶病
taesiefn | first | 代先
taesinmia | chronic | 帶身命
taesiofng | get wounded; injured | 帶傷; 負傷
taesoef | have stroke of bad luck; come to grief | 帶衰; 觸霉頭
taethøhoef | a woman with a lustful looking face | 帶桃花
taetong | drive | 帶動
taetvy | too sweet | 太甜
taezong | ribbon | 帶狀
tetae | tea tumbler | 茶滓
uihuizoktae | do evil | 為非作歹
uihuy-zoktae | do evil | 為非作歹
untaete | temperate zone | 溫帶地
zatae | fecula; dreg; feculence | 渣滓
zetae | precipitate, sediment, dregs | 渣滓
zuytae | sediment or dregs in water | 水滓

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