"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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(kofng'oe, zørtaixcix)pud teg iaolerng | (In speaking or doing things) not to come to the point | (講話; 做事)不得要領
Ajiedtaix | sub-tropical zone | 亞熱帶
Alegsantai | Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.) | 亞歷山大
Bongkor taixhw | medical quack | 蒙古大夫
Cirntaikefng | Introit of the Mass | 進臺經
Gioghongtaixtex | the Jade Emperor, supreme deity in Taoism | 玉皇大帝
Gioghoong taixtex | the Jade Emperor; supreme deity in Taoism | 玉皇大帝
Goxkag-taixha | The Pentagon | 五角大廈
Hayviuu taixhak | University of the Sea | 海洋大學
Ietaixli | Italy | 意大利
Iutai Sw | The Epistle of Jude (Protestant) | 猶大書
Iutai | Judas (Protestant) | 猶大
Kanaftai | Canada | 加拿大
Kaokhw-taixpiawhoe | Diocesan Councils | 教區代表會
Kaoteeng-taixsaix | nuncio | 教廷大使
Koktai-taixpiao | member of the national assembly; national assemblyman | 國大代表
Legtai Cieliok | Chronicle (1; 2) (Protestant) | 歷代誌略 (上; 下卷)
Lienhabkog taixhoe | U.N. General Assembly | 聯合國大會
Limciofng taixsiax | plenary indulgence received at the hour of death | 臨終大赦
Paktaioaan | Northern Taiwan | 北台灣
Sengtai | National Cheng Kung University | 成大
Sintaipex | New Taiwan Dollar (NT$); the currency of the Republic of China since 1949 | 新台幣
Sioxngzuo ee taixgienjiin | person of foresight or forethought (Note: The prophets in the Scriptures are translated as Siong-chu e tai-gian-jin (上主的代言人) spokesman of God.) | 先知; (上主的代言人)
Sitai zabcix | TIME magazine | 時代雜誌
Sorngtai | Sung Dynasty | 宋代
Sutai | Normal University in Taiwan | 師大
Taitai | Taiwan University | 台大
Tangkhix sitai | Bronze Age | 銅器時代
Texjixzhux Seakaix taixciexn | the Second World War; World War II | 第二次世界大戰
Ytaili | Italy | 義大利
Zhengtai | Ching dynasty | 清代
Zhvetaang-sitai | the Bronze Age | 青銅時代
aetaix | love and respect; love and support a political leader | 愛戴
ajiedtaix | subtropical zone; subtropical zone | 亞熱帶
angtai | red snapper | 紅鯉; 一種紅魚名
auxtai | posterity; descendent | 後代
baxntai | ten thousand generations; throughout the ages; for all generations to come; endless generations afterward; eternity | 萬代
baytai | bad affairs | 醜代; 壞事
biefnsiuo taixzay | dispensed from fasting; dispensation from fasting (Catholic term) | 免守大齋
bin taix chiu'ioong | sad faced; woeful look | 面帶愁容
bin'ix taixpiao | people's representatives | 民意代表
bintai | mass meeting of citizens | 民代
bogtai | very big; greatest | 莫大
bongboong taixhae | boundless ocean | 茫茫大海
bukiongtai | infinite; infinitely great (math term) | 無窮大
bwtaikiok | stage play | 舞台劇
bykoafn taixhofng | beautiful and dignified | 美觀大方
bøehtai | intend to | 要代; 要做什麼
bøo lie ee taixcix | It's none of your business | 無你的代誌; 少管閒事
bøo taixcix | have nothing to do; never mind | 無代誌; 沒事做; 無要緊
bøo tixtai | irrelevant | 無相干; 無佇代
bøo-tixtai | not of one's business, does not concern one | 無底代
bøtai'oaa | have no alternative | 無奈何; 無可奈何
bøtai-bøcix | does not have the matter | 無代無誌; 沒事情
bøtaixbøcix | nothing wrong | 無代無誌
bøtaixzaai | frivolous; flighty | 無大才; 輕浮
bøtixtai | does not concern one; be none of one's business | 無相干; 無關的事
chiahtaix | red belt | 赤帶
chimbeeng taixgi | have a firm grasp of what is right and wrong; able to forget self interest in the face of an event of great significance | 深明大義
chixbiin taixhoe | mass meeting of citizens | 市民大會
ciautai | entertain | 招待
ciautaixsor | guest house | 招待所
ciaxm taixsefng | take the first place in a rude manner; assume precedence | 佔先; 搶先
cidtai | a generation | 一代
cientai | previous generation | 前代
cietai ciekofng | greatest and most unbending | 至大至剛
cietai | greatest; extremely large | 至大
cinkhofng textaix | region where no authority is exercised by any party; (military) no man's land | 真空地帶
cinsioxng taixpek | truth is out | 真相大白
ciongsyn taixsu | great event affecting one's whole life like one's marriage | 終身大事
cit'hii tiøx toaxtai | use a minnow to catch a whopper use a little bait to catch a big fish | 鯽魚釣鯉魚; 以小釣大; 以少誘多
cittai | this generation | 這代
ciwzuix go taixsu | If you get drunk; you will make a big mistake | 醉酒誤大事
ciøhtaix | borrow money | 借貸
ciøqkhix sitai | Stone Age | 石器時代
ciøqkhix-sitai | the Stone Age | 石器時代
cysi taixbengsuu | indicative pronouns | 指示代名詞
extai | next generation | 下句; 下一代
gafnkofng oafntai | foresight | 眼光遠大
gibun taixbengsuu | interrogative pronouns | 疑問代名詞
goadtaiphiøx | a platform ticket | 月臺票
goansie sitai | primeval times or ages | 原始時代
goanzuo sitai | atomic age | 原子時代
goeqtaiphiøx | platform ticket | 月台票
gong-taixcix | stupid things | 憨代誌; 傻事
goxtaixciw | the five great continents | 五大洲
goxzabnii-tai | the fiftieth | 五十年代
gvofkaktaixha | pentagon | 五角大廈
gvoftai tongtoong | five generations living under the same roof | 五代同堂
gvoftai | five generation; the Five Dynasties in historic China | 五代
gvoftaixciw | five big continents (Africa | 五大洲
gvoftaixviuu | five big oceans (Atlantic | 五大洋
gøeqtaiphiøx | a platform ticket | 月臺票
hahaf taixchiøx | roar with laughter; to laugh heartily | 哈哈大笑
hantaix | the frigid zones | 寒帶
haytai | grunt fish | 海帶; 海(魚代)
hegtai-hegsiør | either large or small | 或大或小
hiao ie taixgi | persuade someone to follow the right path by telling him what is right | 曉以大義
hiexntai bunhak | modern literature | 現代文學
hiexntai susiorng | current thought | 現代思想
hiexntai zokkaf | modern writer | 現代作家
hiexntai | period; modern age; present age or time | 現代
hiexntai-bunsuhoad | modern style of writing | 現代文書法
hiexntai-buun | modern writing; Modern Literal Taiwanese | 現代文
hiexntai-impiaw | modern phonetics | 現代音標
hiexntai-pengji | modern spelling, modern spelling system | 現代拼字
hiexntai-phengji | modern spelling, modern spelling system | 現代拼字
hiexntaixhoax | modernize; modernization | 現代化
hiøxtai | descendants or posterity | 後代
hoafnkofng taixliok | counter attack the mainland | 反攻大陸
hoatteng taixlyjiin | legal representative | 法定代理人
hongtai | grand; great | 弘大
hoxng taixsiax | grant a plenary indulgence; grant or publish a plenary indulgence | 放大赦
hoxngtaix | to serve | 奉戴
hoxtai | the future age; an offspring | 後代
huotaix | incidental to; secondary | 附帶
huxnlai ee taixcix | one's due task; duty | 份內之事
hviati'aftai | brothers | 兄弟仔代; 弟兄關係
høftai | good affair; happy occasion; good things | 好事; 好代
høftaixcix | philanthropic acts; auspicious matters like births and marriage | 好代誌; 好事
høxtai | vast, immense, great | 號大; 浩大
iaftaihix | wild stage opera | 野台戲
iaxloong-zuxtai | ignorant and boastful | 夜郎自大
ienhae-ittaix | whole coastal region | 沿海一帶
insiao-sittai | miss a big opportunity or large gain over a trifling matter | 因小失大
iong'ioong taixkoafn | imposing; grand; magnificent | 洋洋大觀
itmar taix liofng'voaf | horse with two saddles; said of man filling two offices; doing two things at the same time | 一馬帶兩鞍
ittai | one generation | 一代
ittaix | the area of; all over (the district) | 一帶
iubok-sitai | nomadic age; pastoral era | 遊牧時代
iuoti-sitai | age of youth | 幼稚時代
jiaftaixcix | court disaster | 惹代誌
jiar taixcix | bring trouble on oneself | 惹事; 惹代誌
jiedtaix | the tropical zone; the tropics; Torrid Zone; tropical | 熱帶
jiedtaix-sidbut | tropical plant | 熱帶植物
jiedtaix-texhngf | tropics | 熱帶地方; 熱帶
jinzhefng taixbengsuu | personal pronoun | 人稱代名詞
juliim taixtek | like confronting a dangerous enemy--very careful or cautious; take all possible precautions; make all preparations | 如臨大敵
kang'viuu-taixtø | notorious bandit leader | 江洋大盜
kanggiap-sitai | industrial age | 工業時代
kanggiap-textaix | industrial zone | 工業地帶
kau-taixcix | burdened with troubles | 交代誌; 多麻煩
kautai | leave a message with; give detailed instruction to; to hand to; to hand over; explanation; enjoin | 交待; 交代; 囑咐
kautaix | instruct; order; enjoin; tell or command someone to do something; consign; entrust (a person with a matter); hand over to a successor | 吩咐; 交代
kaxngtai | the same generation, the same dynasty | 同代; 仝代
kegtai | greatest; largest | 極大
kehtai-uithoaan | atavism | 隔代遺傳
khaitiofng-taixkied | auspicious beginning of a new enterprise (an expression used when opening a new shop or factory) | 開張大吉
khiofngpox-sitai | age of terror; reign of terror | 恐怖時代
khittai | beg for merchant | 乞貸
khoanhoong-taixliong | magnanimous; open-hearted; broad-minded | 寬宏大量
khoantai | generous; lenient; magnanimous; generosity; magnanimity; roomy; wide; lenient; generous; liberal | 寬大
khoantai-busw | forgiving; tolerant; open-hearted | 寬大無私
khoatai | to exaggerate; exaggeration; arrogant | 誇大
khoatai-boxngsiofngkoong | delusions of grandeur | 誇大妄想狂
khoataixkoong | megalomania; megalomaniac | 誇大狂
khoktai | magnification; enlarge; amplify; magnify; enlarge; magnify; expansion | 擴大
khongtai | empty? | 空大
khongzofng-taixtø | level thoroughfare leading to many places | 康莊大道
khorngtai | enlarge; expand; extend | 擴大
khøflientai | a pity thing, a pitiable, a wretched | 可憐代
khøftai-khøfsiao | The size is changeable; elastic | 可大可小
khøhak-sitai | scientific age | 科學時代
kiaptaix | to smuggle, to bring secretly | 劫帶; 夾帶
kiernsiaotai | scandal (something disgraceful) | 見笑代
kiongtai | powerful and strong; big and powerful; formidable | 強大
kiwgiorng taixbeeng | I have long heard of your name | 久仰大名
kixntai | modern times | 近世; 近代
kixntai-susiorng | modern thought | 近代思想
kixntaixhoax | modernize | 近代化
kixntaixsuo | modern history | 近代史
koanhe-taixbengsuu | relative pronoun | 關係代名詞
koaxntai | to be tired; worn out | 倦怠
koeakhix ee taixcix | past events; things of the past; things that have come to pass | 往事; 過去的事
koealiawtai | old affairs that are quite past and should not be brought up again | 過了代; 已過的事
koeato-sitai | period of transition | 過渡時代
kofngtai | vast; extensive; large; vast; profound | 廣大
kofngtai-bupiefn | vast and boundless (e.g.; the mercy of God) | 廣大無邊
kofsengtai | Paleozoic era | 古生代
koftai | ancient times; the ancient periods | 古代
koftai-suo | ancient history | 古代史
koftofng taixhoe | shareholders meeting; stockholders conference | 股東大會
kokbiin taixhoe-taixpiao | member of the National Assembly; National Assemblyman | 國民大會代表; 國代
kokbiin-taixhoe | national assembly | 國民大會
koktai | member of the National Assembly; National Assemblyman | 國代; 國民大會代表
kongbeeng zerngtai | pure-minded and upright; fair and square; openly | 光明正大
kongbeeng-zerngtai | honest; just and upright | 光明正大
konghofngtaixlong | wind and stormy waves | 狂風大浪
kox taixkiok | pay heed to the whole matter; for the interests of the whole | 顧大局
kuxntai | modern times | 近代
kycie taixhofng | one's behavior is exemplary; have a dignified air | 舉止大方
køeato-sitai | period of transition | 過度時代
køli-taixkhoarn | usury | 高利貸款
kølixtai | high interest loan | 高利貸
kølixtaix | lend at usury | 高利貸; 放高利貸款
kørtai | sue a loan | 告貸
køtai | snakehead fish | 高大; 七星鱧
køterng-taixsox | higher algebra | 高等代數
lak taixciw | the six continents (of the world) | 六大洲
lamtaioaan | Southern Taiwan | 南台灣
larn-taixkef | we all | 咱大家
legsex legtai | ages and generations | 歷世歷代
legtai | successive generations; through-out the ages | 歷代
liaftaixcix | get into trouble | 惹代誌
liangtaizeeng | In front of the terrace | 涼台前
liedtai | every generation | 列代
liedtaix | tropical | 熱帶
lientaix zekjim | joint responsibility | 連帶責任
lientaix | connected; involve person in trouble; lawsuit; joint (responsibility; obligation); involve | 連帶
lientaix-koanhe | direct succession; affiliated relationship; associations | 連帶關係
lientaix-pøfzerngjiin | joint surety | 連帶保證人
lientaix-pøfzexng | joint surety | 連帶保證
limsii taixhoe | extraordinary general meeting | 臨時大會
liogtaixciw | six continents of the world | 六大洲
lioxngtai-lioxngsiao | use more or less; as we please | 量大量小; 斟酌情形
liw cy taixkied | leave stealthily; to leave without notifying others; slip out | 溜之大吉
longgiap sitai | age of agriculture | 農業時代
loxtaiterng | terrace roof | 露台頂
luitaisiong | ring | 擂台上
luitaizuo | ring master | 擂台主
lwtaixhagsefng | female college students | 女大學生
mihtai | what matter; what thing | 何事
mithiefn-taixzoe | great crime (so great as to fill the universe) | 彌天大罪
muytai | every generation | 每代
ngkym-sitai | golden age | 黃金時代
nitai | a generation; an age; chronology; age; era; years in a decade | 年代
o'axm-sitai | dark age | 黑暗時代
oafntai | far-reaching; vast; far reaching; far sighted; vast | 遠大
oaxnchiofng-textaix | buffer zone; neutral zone; DMZ | 緩衝地帶
oeasoeatai | bad luck | 穢涗代
pahnii taixkex | great plan covering a very long period; a long-range program | 百年大計
pak'untaix | north temperate zone | 北溫帶
pantai | class representative | 班代
paw lie bøo taixcix | guarantee your immunity; guarantee that there will be no trouble | 保證你沒事
peklieen taixkex | great plan covering a very long period; long range program | 百年大計
penghøo sitai | glacial period; ice age | 冰河時代
pengtaiterng | platform top | 平台頂
peqtaix | white flow ─ leucorrhoea; leukorrhea | 白帶
phaix taixpiao | send a delegate; dispatch a representative | 派代表
phengtaix | bandage | 繃帶
phorngtaixhae | some type of medicine; one kind of medicinal herbs it help hoarse | 膨大海
phvaytai | a bad or evil thing; wickedness; death; great calamity | 壞事; 歹代; 惡事; 凶事
piekoafn sitai | period of isolationism | 閉關時代
pinliim taixhae | on the brink of the sea | 濱臨大海
puitai | corpulence, hypertrophy | 肥大
pøfsengtaixtex | a respectful Dr. who became a god | 保生大帝
samtai tongtoong | three generations living under the same roof (under the extended family system) | 三代同堂
samtai | three generations; the Three Dynasties: Shiah; Shang and Jou | 周); 商; 三代 (夏
seakaix taixtoong | universal brotherhood; Utopia | 世界大同
seakantai | world | 世間代
seasex taixtai | generation after generation | 世世代代
seasiok ee taixcix | worldly affairs | 世俗的事情
seatai | generation | 世代
senglip taixhoe | inaugural meeting (of an organization) | 成立大會
sengtaix | vocal cord | 聲帶
sexngtai | grand; magnificent; prosperous; grand; splendid; magnificent (celebration or ceremony) | 盛大
siaolieen-sitai | boyhood, girlhood, youth | 少年時代
siawtee taixzog | great fuss about a small matter ─ making mountains out of molehills | 小題大作
siawzaai taixiong | give great responsibility to a man of common ability | 小才大用
sientai | previous generation first | 先代
simzong textaix | heartland | 心臟地帶
sinsengtai | new generation | 新生代
sintaipex | NT | 新台幣
sintaiphiøx | NT | 新台票
sinthofng kofngtai | possessing marvelous abilities | 神通廣大
sintiin-taixsia | metabolism (biology); replacement of the old with the new; assimilation of the new and excretion of the old; constant; orderly change in personnel | 新陳代謝
siongnii taixhoe | annual meetings or conventions | 常年大會
sirn'iong-taixkhoarn | loan given on one's name without collateral | 信用貸款
sitai | age; epoch; period; stage; time; period; era | 時代
sittektai | desperate generation | 失德代
siwsek taixpiao | chief delegate | 首席代表
siøftøee taixzog | make great trouble out of a trifling matter; make much of a trifle; make a mountain out of a molehill | 小題大做
siøsiartai | reveal short | 相卸代
sngrtaix | pay the bill; be responsible for | 算帶
soafnbie taixhoe | beauty pageant | 選美大會
soahliawtai | the matter is long past; ended; and quite dead; so that it should not be raised again | 過了時; 完了事
sorsiong taixlyjiin | legal representative | 訴訟代理人
su tai ciauhofng | High trees attract the wind. ─ Famous persons attract criticisms easily | 樹大招風
suhoan taixhak | normal university | 師範大學
suxn'exng sitai | conform to the times | 順應時代
suxtaixhw | gentry, officials, upper classes | 士大夫
svaftai | what's up? | 甚代; 甚事
svatai | three generations | 三代
sviaftai | what? What's matter? | 甚代; 甚麼事
sviar taixcix? | What happened? What is the matter? | 什麼事; 甚代誌
swcieen sitai | prehistoric age | 史前時代
symmih taixcix | What's the matter? | 甚麼事
syn sitai | new era | 新時代
syn taixliok | new continent | 新大陸
taam taixcix | discuss issues | 談事
tagtai | every generation | 每代
tai iuo hunpiet | poles apart; entirely different | 大有分別
tai | big; large; great; tall; high; extensive; vast; spacious; much; very; highly; extremely; the eldest; the highest in rank; full grown; adult; make large; make great | 大; 代; 事
tai'afkhaf | platform bottom | 台仔跤
tai'afterng | platform top | 台仔頂
tai'ar | foxtail millet; Setaria italica; a type of millet (grain) | 栗仔; 台仔; 小米; 臺; 秮仔
tai'ar-hii | common carp, cyprinus carpio | 呆仔魚; 𩸙仔魚; 鯉魚
tai-putliao | the worst case | 大無了
tai-puttoong | very different | 大無同; 大不同
tai-tioxng'hw | big or brave man | 大丈夫
tai-tioxnghw | big or brave man | 大丈夫
tai-tøsox | majority, the greater number | 大多數
taibin | on the table | 檯面
taibunlo | Taiwanese literary career | 台文路
taibunsor | Taiwanese literary | 台文所
taichiaf | stretcher cart | 台車; 檯車; 擔架
taiciaux | form used after the name in the salutation of a business letter; for your Honor's inspection (opening phrase in letters) | 台照
taicieen | Your Honor; conventional phrase used before the seat of justice | 臺前
taigwkoaf | Taiwanese song | 台語歌
taigybunkaix | Taiwanese Language and Literature Circle | 台語文界
taigybuun | Taiwanese literary | 台語文
taigykhøx | Taiwanese lesson | 台語課
taigykoaf | Taiwanese song | 台語歌
taigylaang | Taiwanese | 台語人
taigyphvix | Taiwanese episode | 台語片
taigysia | Taiwanese club | 台語社
taigysuu | Taiwanese phrase | 台語詞
taigyzheq | Taiwanese book | 台語冊
taihofng | show; display; expression on platform | 台風; (上台的表現)
taikanglaixhae | | 台江內海
taikaxm | honorific; to form used after the name in the solution of a business letter; For your inspection ─ opening phrase in a letter; Dear Mr... | 台鑒
taikay | steps | 台階
taikhaf | under the stage | 台跤
taikhea | term used after the name of the addressee on an envelope | 台啟
taikwn | Taiwanese kilo (600g) | 台斤
taikyn | catty, 600 grams | 台斤; 臺斤
tailøh | buried | 埋落
tailøqthoo | to place or bury in the ground | 下落葬
taiparn | woodenness; primness; stiffness | 呆板
taipaw | Taiwanese | 台胞
taiseg | Taiwanese style | 台式
taisie | bury alive | 埋死; 活埋
taisiin | stun | 呆神
taisiofng | Taiwanese businessperson | 台商
taisuu | lines or script which a player is supposed to memorize | 臺詞
taisvasvoax | | 台三線
taitay | silly; foolish | 呆呆
taitefng | reading lamp; a table lamp | 台燈; 檯燈
taiterng | on platform | 台上; 臺上
taitiau | buried | 埋掉
taitoafn | You(an honorific in addressing one's equal); you (an honorific in addressing one's equal in a letter); Your Honor | 台端
taitviuo | lead on the stage | 台長
taix | belt; band; sash; girdle; tape; ribbon; take along with; united; related; on account of; in consideration of; fated to | 帶
taixban | disrespectful, rude, careless, lazy, negligent | 怠慢
taixbe | sell for someone else | 代賣
taixbea | code | 代碼
taixbeeng tefngterng | famous name; a name known far and wide | 大名鼎鼎
taixbeeng | bright | 大明
taixbengsuu | pronoun | 代名詞
taixbør | female sponsor in Baptism or Confirmation; godmother (Catholic) | 代母
taixchiefn seakaix | a universe of many universes (Buddhism) | 大千世界
taixcienthee | major premise; set principle | 大前提
taixciexn | a big battle | 大戰
taixciongkwn | general | 大將軍
taixciorngbiø | public temple | 大眾廟
taixciornghoax | popularize; popularized; popularization | 大眾化
taixcioxng bunhak | literature for the masses | 大眾文學
taixcioxng | the masses; the crowd; general; admiral | 大眾; 大將
taixcioxng-hoax | to popularize, popularization | 大眾化
taixcix | affair; event; matter; thing; matters; business; circumstances; details; events | 事情; 代誌
taixcix`laq | business | 代誌啦
taixciøq | borrow and lend | 代借; 借貸
taixcyn | extremely true; very really | 大真
taixgee | molar (tooth) | 大牙; 臼齒
taixgi biedchyn | unmitigated punishment for offenders; even of their blood relations | 大義滅親
taixgi | moral obligation, loyalty, patriotism | 大議; 大義
taixgi-tviwlør | representative elder | 代議長老
taixgiap | great cause | 代業; 大業
taixgieen | be a spokesman or mouthpiece | 代言
taixgienjiin | a spokesman; a prophet | 代言人
taixgienliin | spokesperson | 代言人
taixgixsu | representative | 代議士
taixgoansoex | marshal; commander-in-chief of the armed forces; commanding general of a large military force; generalissimo | 大元帥
taixgvor | the big self; the state; the nation | 大我
taixha | mansion; a big building | 大廈
taixhaan | severe cold; see [[Taixhaan]] | 大寒
taixhag'vi | special postgraduate college for research work (Japanese) | 大學院
taixhagpo | university department | 大學部
taixhagsefng | college or university students; collegians | 大學生
taixhagsu | college or university students | 大學士
taixhagsviaa | college city | 大學城
taixhak | university | 大學
taixhan | serious drying season | 大旱
taixhefng | prosperity | 大興
taixheng | lucky | 大幸
taixhiaw | Formosan brown wood owl | 大梟; 大木鴞
taixhii | common carp | 大魚; 鯉魚
taixhiofng | big village | 大鄉
taixhioong | hero | 大雄
taixhoaa | a mullet (fish) | 代華
taixhoad luiteeng | become very angry | 大發雷霆
taixhoe | convention; conference; mass (grand) meeting; rally; general meeting; conference | 大會
taixhofng | generous; profuseness; liberality; taste; liberal; on a large scale; generous minded; dignified | 大方
taixhoxng ixzhae | to yield unusually brilliant results | 大放異彩
taixhu | Baptism or confirmation godfather or (sponsor) (Catholic) | 代父
taixhunzuosoftviuo | | 代分駐所長
taixhux | to pay for another | 代付
taixhuxbør | sponsors at Baptism (Catholic) | 代父母
taixhw | doctor; physician | 大夫
taixhø | code name | 代號
taixiaux | abstract; compendium; generality; purport; main points; summary; synopsis | 大要; 大綱
taixiexn | banquet | 大宴
taixii | very secured | 大維
taixiog | approximately, about, roughly | 大約
taixiong | substitute | 代用
taixiong-kao'oaan | a substitute teacher (who does not have a diploma); an unqualified teacher acting as a substitute | 代用教員
taixiong-phirn | substituting article | 代用品
taixioong | the ocean | 大洋
taixiuo-khøfui | very promising; very hopeful | 大有可為
taixix sid Kengciw | suffer a major setback due to carelessness | 大意失荊州
taixix | essential meaning, a general idea | 大意
taixjiin | your honor; police; policeman; policewoman; a title of dignity used to address elders in letters; police (a term used in country places) | 大人; 警察
taixjim | exercise an office in place of another; for just a short time; to act as a substitute or deputy | 代任
taixjin | substitute | 代任
taixjinbut | important personage; great man; man of great caliber | 大人物
taixjinkiofng | | 大人宮
taixkaf | authority, great scholar | 大家
taixkafng | sit in strike; sabotage; slow down strike | 怠工
taixkahbø | famous hat made in Taixkaq | 大甲帽
taixkaq-chiøh | Tachia grass mat | 大甲蓆
taixkarkongliim | welcome | 大駕光臨
taixkaw | generation gap | 代溝
taixkax | to your gracious presence; the carriage for a sovereign or emperor | 大駕
taixkef | all; everybody; all (persons) | 大家
taixkekvoaf | everybody | 大家官
taixkex | price; cost; terms; price; cost; reward; equivalent price; money paid for an article | 代價
taixkhae`ar | perhaps | 大概仔
taixkhaigafnkaix | eye-opener | 大開眼界
taixkhaisatkaix | slaughter | 大開殺戒
taixkhaix | most probably; generally; possible; approximately; probably; for the most part; mainly; almost | 大概; 多半
taixkhexng | great congratulations | 大慶
taixkhie'ab | atmospheric pressure | 大氣壓
taixkhiezaan | the atmospheric layer | 大氣層
taixkhix boafnseeng | great man will take time to shape and mature | 大器晚成
taixkhix | atmosphere | 大氣; 氣氛
taixkhoarn | loan | 貸款
taixkhøx | substitute teaching; to teach in place of another teacher | 代課
taixkiab | great integrity; high principles; heroic personality | 大俠
taixkikhaix | careless; casual; fair; so-so; general idea; approximate | 大枝概; 馬馬虎虎
taixkiok | the situation in general; national interests; the general situation (condition) | 大局
taixkoaan | the authority or power to reign over a state; great power or authority | 大權
taixkoarn | manage; govern or administer on behalf of another | 代管
taixkofng busw | just; without partiality; all for the public; without selfish considerations; fair and square | 大公無私
taixkofng | for the public; equitableness; outline; synopsis; a summary | 大公; 怠工; 大副; 舵公; 大綱
taixkongkørseeng | | 大功告成
taixkviaf | big frighten | 大驚
taixkwn | troop; army; great concentration of troops | 大軍
taixkym | to borrow money, borrowed money | 代金; 貸款
taixkøx | big mistake or shortcoming; major demerit (punishment in school) | 大過
taixlan | great disasters | 大難
taixlap | take the place of payment | 代繳
taixlea | big gift | 大禮
taixleeng | great power | 大能
taixlefhok | formal or full dress | 大禮服
taixlegsu | Hercules; muscleman | 大力士
taixli | full strength | 大力
taixliam | cover a coffin ready for interment | 大斂
taixlie hoextviuo | acting president | 代理會長
taixlie zwkaux | prefect apostolic | 代理主教
taixlie | substitute; by proxy; act for; agency; take the place; agent (of a business firm; organization); a substitute; procurator; serve as agent of; act as the deputy of; stand proxy for; to act on behalf of another | 代理
taixlie-zwkaux | vicar | 代理主教
taixliin | police during Japanese era | 大人
taixliog'ar | Chinese mainlander | 大陸仔
taixlioglaang | Chinese mainlander | 大陸人
taixliok | mainland; briefly; superficially; brief; general outline; almost; about; nearly; in general | 大陸; 大略
taixliok-sexng | continental | 大陸性
taixliong sengsarn | production on a large scale; mass production | 大量生產
taixliong | mass; a large quantity; a great deal of; generosity; liberality; magnanimity; generous; large minded | 大量; 慷慨
taixloan | upheaval in a state; in great confusion | 大亂
taixlyciar | agent | 代理者
taixlyciøh | marble | 大理石
taixlyjiin | representative (legal); agent; attorney | 代理人
taixlykoaan | proxy; power of attorney | 代理權
taixlysiofng | business agent; agent | 代理商
taixlytiaxm | agency | 代理店; 代理商
taixlyzhux | agency | 代理處
taixløo | do somethig for someone; do something for another; to labor on behalf of another; lend a hand | 代勞
taixnao | cerebrum | 大腦
taixno | great anger; in a great rage | 大怒
taixog | evil | 大惡
taixoong | Your Majesty; Your Highness; bandit chief | 大王
taixpafn | substitute | 代班
taixpai | overpower completely; defeat utterly; completely overthrow; complete defeat | 大敗
taixpan | manage on behalf of another; to act for another | 代辦
taixphengciao | an enormous (legendary) bird | 大鵬鳥
taixphexng | hire on behalf of | 代聘
taixphoax | big break; defeat | 大破
taixpiao | elect or recommend representatives to.. | 推派; (代表)
taixpiawkoaan | right of representation | 代表權
taixpiawmiq | representative | 代表物
taixpiawsexng | representative | 代表性
taixpiawthoaan | representative body; delegation (to a conference) | 代表團
taixpiawtui | representative team | 代表隊
taixpiawzog | representative works (of art; literature) | 代表作
taixpid | write for another; be a ghost writer | 代筆
taixpien putthofng | constipation | 大便無通
taixpien | stool; shit; excrement; night soil; feces; stool; excrement; have a bowel movement | 大便
taixpiexnkhix | bedpan | 大便器
taixpo | arrest; pullin; substitute for walking ─ as a horse; vehicle; means of transportation | 逮捕; 代步
taixpor | slugh up; arrest; gather up; pull in | 逮捕
taixpoxhun | the greater part; majority | 大部份; 大部分
taixput | big buddha | 大佛
taixputliao | at the worst; alarming; serious | 大無了
taixputsiongtoong | entirely; totally different | 大無相同
taixpwn'viaa | military headquarters | 大本營
taixsaekoarn | embassy | 大使館
taixsaix hujiin | ambassador's wife | 大使夫人
taixsaix | ambassador; envoy | 大使
taixsanpoex | big mountain back | 大山背
taixseakaix | big world | 大世界
taixseeng | a master stroke | 大成
taixsefng | in advance; first; beforehand | 帶先; 代先; 首先
taixsengcieserngsiensw | | 大成至聖先師
taixsex | general situation; general tendency (trend; drift) of affairs | 大勢
taixsexng | outstanding person; extraordinary personage | 大聖
taixsia | metabolism | 代謝
taixsiao | large and small | 大小
taixsiausiofng | consignee | 代銷商
taixsiaw | sell on consignment basis | 代銷
taixsiawpien | defecate and urinate, feces and irome | 大小便
taixsiax | general pardon; amnesty | 大赦
taixsid sofbong | to be greatly disappointed; to be greatly discouraged | 大失所望
taixsiefn | earlier, initially | 代先
taixsiensw | great Zen master | 大禪師
taixsiern | lay person administers baptism in case of necessity (Catholic) | 代洗
taixsiin | minister of state, a minister, secretory, a high official | 大神; 大臣
taixsiu | accept | 代受
taixsiw | receive on behalf of another | 代收
taixsix | college senior | 大四
taixsoad | heavy snow | 大雪
taixsoarn | Presidential election; general election for congress | 大選
taixsox lantøo | one cannot escape from fated death | 大數難逃
taixsox | algebra | 代數
taixsu | important matters ─ death; marriage; change of governments | 大事
taixsujiin | substitute | 代事人
taixsuxliok | record of important events | 大事錄
taixsvaf | junior | 大三
taixsw suxbuxsor | an attorney's office | 代書事務所
taixsw | master; one who writes legal documents for others; attorney | 大師; 代書
taixtai | through all generations; generation by generation | 代代
taixtaixhonghofng | generous | 大大方方
taixte hoezhwn | Spring has returned to the land | 大地回春
taixte | mother earth; the whole world; the earth | 大地
taixthea | the scope of; real parts of; principle | 大體
taixtheabut | a substitute commodity; ersatz | 代替物
taixthefar | big body | 大體仔
taixthefsiong | in the main | 大體上
taixthex | take the place of; stand proxy for; to substitute; in place of | 代替
taixthoex | replace | 代替
taixthofnglerng | President (Japan) | 大統領
taixthøex | substitute; instead of; cover for | 代替
taixtiern hongtoo | realize one's ambition; to ride on the crest of success | 大展鴻圖
taixtiern | ceremony; grand ceremony; a collection of great classics | 大典
taixtioxnghw | real man; man of fortitude and courage | 大丈夫
taixtix jiogguu | The wise man looks dumb (because he never shows off) | 大智若愚
taixtoe | earth | 大地
taixtong'ar | green peper | 大同仔
taixtongzwgi | universalism; cosmopolitanism | 大同主義
taixtoong seakaix | a world where harmony; equality and justice prevail; universal brotherhood; political utopia | 大同世界
taixtoong siøfvi | substantially the same; much alike | 大同小異
taixtoong | great peace; universal concord; universal brotherhood; universal harmony | 大同
taixtviw kikor | make a big show; display pageantry | 大張旗鼓
taixtø sengzaai | the right way produces wealth | 大道生財
taixtø | laziness; inaction; indolence; wide road; the way of virtue and justice | 怠惰; 大道
taixtøe | the earth | 大地
taixtør | pray for someone else | 代禱
taixtøsox | for the most part; majority | 大多數
taixuie | extraordinary big | 大偉
taixzaai siawiong | big fish in a small pool; waste a talented person | 大才小用
taixzaai | capable person | 大才
taixzaikii | Lent | 大齋期; 封齋期
taixzay | fast (Catholic) | 大齋
taixzerng | take the place of payment | 代請
taixzhud | substitute | 代出
taixzhunhiofng | | 大村鄉
taixzhøx tegzhøx | very serious mistake | 大錯特錯
taixzoaan | complete collection | 大全
taixzoafn | colleges and universities | 大專; (學校)
taixzoe køviuu | scapegoat | 代罪羔羊
taixzofng | lots of; in bulk | 大宗
taixzog | master work; serious action; your work; your script; your book; masterpiece | 大作
taixzuo | godson (Catholic) | 代子
taixzuxjieen | natural phenomena; nature; mother nature | 大自然
taixzuxlieen | nature | 大自然
taizek | Taiwanese | 台籍
tamtaix | be responsible for | 擔代; 擔戴
tefngtai | one's predecessors (in the family line); those who belong to a previous generation | 頂代
tefngterng taixbeeng | renowned; famous; illustrious | 鼎鼎大名
textaix | zone; land; terrain; a place and its vicinity; region; district | 地帶
thaekhofng sitai | space age | 太空時代
thamsiao-sittai | be tempted by small gains and suffer a big loss; win battles but lose the war | 貪小失大
thihkhix sitai | Iron Age | 鐵器時代
thiokbok sitai | pastoral age | 畜牧時代
thoantai | hand on from generation to generation | 傳代
thoanzofng ciaptai | continue the family line by producing a male heir | 傳宗接代
thøeatai | to substitute, to supersede, instead of, in place of | 替代
thøthiefn taixzoe | great sin that stinks to heaven; the most grave crime; extremely serious offense | 滔天大罪
tiautai | dynasty | 朝代
tiedsu taixloan | in great disorder; in pandemonium; in total disorder | 秩序大亂
tiexntaikef | radio street | 電台街
tiofngtai sengjiin | be grown up | 長大成人
tiofngtai | to grow up; to mature; vegetate; attain manhood | 長大
tiongkor sitai | Middle Ages; medieval; used; old; secondhand | 中古時代
tionglip textaix | neutral zone | 中立地帶
tiongsengtai | Mesozoic | 中生代
tioxngtai iegi | significance | 重大意義
tioxngtai zekjim | heavy responsibility | 責任重大; 重大責任
tioxngtai | important; significant; serious; grave | 重大
tixtai | does not concern one, be none of one's business | 底代
tngxzantaix | fault zone | 斷層帶
toa taixcix | big things | 大代誌
toextaix | zone | 地帶
tongtai | in the present age | 當代
tviukoafn lytaix | wrong attribution; mistaken identity (Lit. put Mr. Tiu's hat on Mr. Li) | 張冠李戴
tviuotai | to enlarge, to open wide | 脹大
tøextai | district; region | 地帶
tøextaix | a place and its vicinity; land; zone | 地帶
uih-sitai | epoch-making | 劃時代
untaix khiehau | temperate climate | 溫帶氣候untaix sidbut
untaix | temperate zone | 溫帶
uxntong-taixhoe | big athletic meet | 運動大會
uytai | great; grandeur; great; extraordinary; gigantic; greatness | 偉大
voaxtai | change generation | 換代
yiet-taixløo | wait in comfort for an exhausted enemy; conserve strength while the enemy tires himself through a long march | 以逸代勞
zabtai kiernsied | ten great establishments | 十大建設
zaitai | know serious state of affairs | 知代; 知道事態嚴重
zekjim tioxngtai | heavy responsibility | 責任重大
zengtai | last generation | 前代
zerngtai kongbeeng | fair and frank; just and pure of mind | 正大光明
zerngtai | just and fair | 正大
zexngtai | to increase, to grow, to augment, to enlarge | 增大
zhab taixcix | get involved | 插代誌
zhaolengtaibi | slur | 臭奶呆味
zhawkyn taixsaix | grassroots ambassador; trainee under the 4H Club exchange program | 草根大使
zhektaix | red belt | 赤帶
zhongliim-tøextaix | a bushfield, jungle area | 叢林地帶
zhosimtaixix | careless | 粗心大意
zhotai | first generation, early period | 初代
zhuiphaix taixpiao | elect representatives | 推派代表
zhuitaix | support a leader | 推戴
zhuttaixcix | something happened; got into trouble | 出代誌
zhwtai | replace; substitute; supersede; replace; substitute | 取代
zhwtai-ky | substitution group | 取代機
zoaan-taixsiax | plenary indulgence (Catholic) | 全大赦
zoadtai kajiin | matchless beauty | 絕代佳人
zoadtai | matchless or peerless in one's generation | 絕代; 無後
zoadtaixhonghoaa | peerless elegance | 絕代風華
zoankoaan-taixpiao | representative vested with full authority | 全權代表
zoankoaan-taixsaix | ambassador plenipotentiary | 全權大使
zoanseng-sitai | heyday; zenith; prime | 全盛時代
zoat auxtai | take revenge on a man by killing all his children | 絕後代; 絕嗣
zoeatai kong'ioksox | the greatest common divisor | 最大公約數
zoeatai | greatest; maximum; the biggest | 最大
zoex-langtai | be a human being | 做人代; 人情事
zofnglarm taixkoaan | be in full power; have full control of the government | 總攬大權
zofngtaixlie | general agent (business) | 總代理
zofngtaixlyjiin | general agent | 總代理人
zongtoo taixsuxliok | Acts of Apostles (Catholic) | 宗徒大事錄
zorng taixpiao | chief delegate | 總代表; 主席代表
zorngtai | large and strong; big and strong; vigorous | 壯大
zunsexng taixbeeng | your full name (honorific term) | 尊姓大名
zuoseeng taixzhøx | commit a serious mistake | 鑄成大錯
zusixn sitai | information age | 資訊時代
zuxtai | conceited, ego maniacal | 自大
zørtaixcix | do business | 做代誌
zøxtai | expand one's power | 坐大

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