"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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ciapthex | substitute for; take the place of | 接替
cietcied paixthex | suffer one defeat after another | 節節敗退
cirnthex bogkoad | not knowing what course of action to take | 進退莫決
cirnthex liofnglaan | be in a dilemma (to have difficulty going either forward of backward) | 進退兩難
cirnthex ykiong | cast one's lot with another person | 進退與共
cirnthex | advance or withdraw; to stay or quit a job; employ or fire a person | 進退
jiet thex | one's fever falls | 熱退; 退燒
kauthex | alternate | 交替
kekthex | defeat | 擊退
liaqkauthex | scapegoat | 掠交*
liongthex | rise and fall of power; influence | 隆替
lunthex | rotation | 輪替
løthex | work out | 勞退
phahthex | shoot back | 拍退
pongthexng | audit (a college course) | 旁聽
pongthexng-sefng | auditor, no-credit student | 旁聽生
pongthexng-seg | visitors' seat | 旁聽室
sinku kauthex | transition from the old to the new | 新舊交替
soethex | failing (energy, strength, memory), weakening (as a result of old age, poor health) | 衰退
taixthex | take the place of; stand proxy for; to substitute; in place of | 代替
tefngthex | to represent someone | 頂替
theathex | retreat | 退退
thex laang siogzoe | atone for the sins of mankind | 替人贖罪
thex | to shave | 剃; 刮
thexng | to let; to comply with; submit; listen to a verdict | 聽
thietthex | withdraw (troops); (troops) withdraw | 撤退
thiuthex | to prepare a place for provisionary or alternate use | 抽替; 交替; 進退的餘地
tilaan jithex | retreat from difficulties | 知難而退
toong-cirnthex | advance or withdraw together; stay on or quit together | 同進退
tørthex | retreat; become worse than before (in some work; art; or study); to walk back wards from a spot to which we had advanced; to regress | 倒退; 退步
tøthex siawpor | return the overcharge and demand payment of the shortage; if any (The expression is used when money is paid in advance for a specific use; the cost of which is unknown beforehand) | 多退少補; 多還少補
ynthex | retire from public life | 引退; 退休
ythex | chair support | 椅撐
zhwthex | enforce (law); ban; clampdown | 取締

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