"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: thoo

angmngthoo | cement | 紅毛土; 紅毛塗; 水泥
angmothoo | cement; cement | 紅毛土; 水泥
angthoo | red clay; red clay or earth | 紅土
chiahthoo | shovel dirt with a spade | 赤土; 挖土
chiauthoo | mix mud or clay into a mass; mix mortar | 攪土
chiogthoo | to play in mud; work clay or mud with the hands; play with mud like a child | 觸土; 玩泥巴; 搗拌泥土
hatthoo | drab soil | 棕土; 褐塗
haythoo | sea soil | 海土; 海底之土
hiauthoo | dig | 撓土
hiongthoong | thorax | 胸部; 胸膛
hoanthoo | to turn the soil | 翻土; 翻塗
hoanzhanthoo | turn the soil from farmland over | 翻田土
hui'afthoo | ceramic clay | 磁仔土; 陶土
huxngengthoo | concrete | 混凝土
hwnthoo | clay; yellow soil | 粉土; 黃色粘土
høethoo | mortar made of lime and clay; plaster; dust; dirt | 灰土; 灰塗; 灰泥
jibthoo | burial of corpse | 入土; 入塗
khorngthoo | wilderness; waste | 曠土
khythoo | to break the ground (for a building project); to start construction work | 起土; 動土
kudthoo | dig the ground | 掘土
larmthoo | deep mud; mire; muddy | 泥濘
liamthoo | clay | 黏土; 黏塗; 粘土
liwthoo | dig up earth | 挖土
lormthoo | muddy soil; soft muddy fields (ground) | 沼土
løqthoo | sits on the floor | 落土; 落塗; 呱呱墮地; 生下
ngthoo | yellow soil, loess | 黃色; 黃塗
nithoo | soil; dirt; clay | 泥土; 泥塗
nngfthoo | soft soil; If the earth is soft, people will dig the hole deep. If a person is good-natured, people will take advantage of (tease) him. | 軟土
nngfthoo-chimkut | If the earth is soft; people will dig the hole deep. If a person is good-natured; people will take advantage of (tease) him | 軟土深滑; 得寸進尺
noaxthoo | soft or mashy soil(mud) | 爛土; 爛塗; 軟土
oefthoo | dig dirt | 挖塗
ofthoo | to excavate | 挖土; 挖塗
othoo | black dirt | 黑土
peqthoo | white soil | 白土
phiefnthoo | scratch on the ground (as fowl do with bill; feet; and feathers) | 翻土
phoarthoo | break the ground | 破土
piahthoo | picture on the wall | 壁土
puithoo | rich soil | 肥土
purnthoo | dung and earth; something of little value; things of not much value (Lit. manure or dirt) | 糞土
putthoo | scrape earth together | 鏟土
safnthoo | bad soil | 瘦土
samhabthoo | mortar made of sand, lim, clay | 三合土
sangthoo | loosen soil | 鬆土
sipliamthoo | wet stick coating | 溼黏塗
soathoo | sandy soil; mixture of sand and clay | 沙土
tahthoo | to touch the ground with hand or foot | 貼土; 觸地
tailøqthoo | to place or bury in the ground | 下落葬
tathoo | dry land | 乾土
thoathoo | to drag along a long skirt or pant leg in the mud | 拖地; 垂地
thoo | mud; mire; clay; soil; earth; to daub; to fail; lose completely | 土; 塗; 暗晦; 糟透了
thooaan | mud ball | 塗丸
thooan'ar | mud ball | 土丸仔
thoong | sugar; candy | 糖
thoor'thothoo | to fail; lose completely | 土土土
thothoo | to fail; lose completely | 遭透
thuithoo-ky | bulldozer | 推土機; 推塗機
thuxnthoo | filling; fill up with earth | 填土; 坉塗
tiexnthoo | carbide | 電石; 電塗; 炭化物
voafthoo | clay for porcelain | 碗土; 陶土; 瓷器
zhanthoo | siol of rice farm; soil of rice fields | 田土
zhaothoo-hiexn | strong smell or taste of mud and earth | 臭土味
zoeathoo`ee | handyman who work on tiles, bricks, cemen | 做土的
zøeathoo | be a mason | 做土; 做塗
zørthoo | be a mason | 作土; 做塗; 土水匠

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