"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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otimhviw | ebony (tree) | 黑檀香
phuphutimtiim | ups and downs | 浮浮沉沉
phørhuo timciw | smash the cooking vessels and sink the boats ─ as 項羽 ordered his men to do; after crossing the river; indicates determination to succeed; cutting off all retreat; no turning back; determined; resolved | 破釜沉舟; 必死的決心
tim bykøf | stew rice cake | 燉米糕
tim pvoarciwzuie | wine and water each in part | 酒水各一半來燉
tim | pot-roast; braize; stew; double boil | 燖; 朕; 蒸; 燉; 蒸燉
timar | sow | 豬媽
timbee putzhvea | coma; apoplexy; deeply addicted to; infatuated with (vice; sinful ways) | 沉迷無醒
timbee | addict; to indulge; to wallow in | 沉迷
timbek kvoafgieen | taciturn | 沉默寡言
timbek | reserved; silent; taciturn; laconic | 沉默
timbun | depressed; dull and heavy; bore; stuffy | 沈悶; 沉悶
timbut | to sink | 沈沒
timhii loggan | beautiful woman; dazzling beauty that makes fish sink and geese settle; graceful; elegant | 沉魚落雁
timhuu | mallard, wild duck | 鳧; 野鴨
timhviw | lign aloes; garrow wood | 沉香
timiaa | famous; dismiss; strike one's name off the list; expel | 知名; 除名
timiato | celebrity rating | 知名度
timkud | incus (bone) | 燖骨; 砧骨
timlek | be addicted to, be engrossed in, be submerged to | 沈力; 沉溺
timluun | to down and perish; wallow | 沈淪; 沉淪
timløh | sink | 沉落
timngg | pig hair | 豬毛
timphuu | ups and downs | 沉浮
timsie | drawn | 沈死; 溺死
timsw | contemplation | 沈思
timtang | heavy; serious; heavy on one's chest; very unwell; very severe (sickness) | 沉重
timtea | be precipitated, be deposited | 沉底
timthoxng | to be deeply grieved; bitter; heavy or painful at heart | 沈痛
timtien | to settle; sedimentation; precipitate | 沉澱
timtiim | sink | 沉沉
timtimputguo | not making a sound | 沉沉無語
timtiok | unmoved; impassive; self-possessed; composed; thoughtful; in speak in; quiet in manner; not acting or speaking at random | 沉著
timtiong | heavy; serious; grave | 沉重
timtoea | solid; sink to the bottom | 沉底
timtøea | be precipitated; be deposited | 沉澱; 沉底
timzeg | sink and accumulate | 沈積
timzeng | quiet; calm | 沈靜
timzuix | dead-drunk; to become intoxicated; euphoria; intoxicated; befuddled | 沈醉
timzuun | shipwreck; sunken ship; scuttle a ship | 沉船

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