"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: tngg

Cirntngg eng | Entrance Song of the Mass (Catholic) | 進堂詠
Hok'imtngg | mission station; Protestant Church; chapel | 福音堂
Høekaotngg | mosque | 回教堂
Phosad simtngg | kind hearted; compassionate | 菩薩心腸
Serngtngg | Catholic church building | 聖堂
Thienzwtngg | Catholic church (building) | 天主堂
Tiongsantngg | any building named after Dr. Sun Yat-sen (often used as city hall; community center) | 中山堂
Zofngtngg | Cathedral Church (Catholic) | 總堂
Zwkaux Zøxtngg | Cathedral Church | 主教座堂
auxtngg | rear hall | 後堂
bongtngg | vermiform appendix; blind gut; appendix | 盲腸; 闌尾
bongtngg-iam | appendicitis | 盲腸炎
boxngtngg | appendix | 盲腸
chiutngg zhurntoan | gut-wrenching sadness | 愁腸寸斷
cioksexng serngtngg | consecration or dedication of a church (Catholic) | 祝聖聖堂
cviartngg | a main hall (in a house) | 正堂
cviuxtngg | enter the hall; courtroom; hold a court | 上堂
gixsuxtngg | addembly hall, senate house | 議事堂; 議事堂,議院
hierntngg | dedicate a Church | 獻堂
hoextngg | an assembly hall; meeting house | 會堂
hok'imtngg | chapel, Gospel hall | 福音堂
hudtngg | Buddhist sanctuary | 佛堂
hux-pwntngg-sinhu | curate | 副本堂神父
hør simtngg | kind hearted; compassionate | 好心腸
ientngg | extend; prolong; lengthen; extend; prolong | 延長
imgagtngg | music hall | 音樂堂
kafn'i-sidtngg | cafeteria; lunch room; snack bar | 簡易食堂
kafngtngg | schoolroom | 講堂
kaotngg | church; chapel | 教堂
ketngg | add the length | 加長
khaf cintngg | gourmet's luck | 腳真長; 有口福
khahtngg | more usage | 較長; 比較有用
khantngg-koarto | be deeply concerned | 牽腸掛肚
khazhngf tngg | stay too long; pay person too long a visit | 尻川長; 長屁股 (久留無離不受歡迎)
khehtngg | parlor | 客堂
khiaxmtngg-nehto | frugal | 儉腸凹肚; 省吃儉用
khørtngg | classroom | 課堂
ki'tngg | room for divination | 乩堂; 占卜; 機運
kierntngg | build a church | 建堂
kiettngg chiettisut | colostomy | 結腸切除術
kiettngg | colon | 結腸
koaq bongtngg | perform (undergo) an operation for appendicitis | 割盲腸
koarntngg | to give an enema or clyster; give an enema | 灌腸
koaxn tngg | cleanse the intestines | 灌腸
konghoextngg | public meeting hall | 公會堂
kongtngg | a court of law; court (obsolete) | 公堂
kwtngg | for a long time; lasting | 久長; 長久
laixtngg | inner sanctuary | 內堂
lefpaetngg | a church or chapel; place of worship | 禮拜堂
leftngg | an auditorium; a hall decorated for a wedding ceremony or funeral service; a chapel; assembly hall | 禮堂
lengtngg | a hall where the body of the deceased is placed during funeral service; hall where the body of the deceased is placed during funeral service | 靈堂
liaqtngg poftea | make up for defects by counterbalancing points of superior excellence; supply the short for the long; to rob peter to pay Paul | 以長補短
luxntngg | exert a restorative influence on the digestive organs | 潤腸
lørlørtngg | lengthy | 躼躼長
mngxtngg-mngxtea | ask many questions about other people's affairs; be inquisitive | 問長問短
paetngg | cathedral, chapel, church, gospel hall | 拜堂; 教堂
paktngg | inside the belly; entrails; viscera; disposition of the heart (good-hearted or bad-hearted) | 腹腸; 度量
paktor-tngg | intestines, bowels | 腹肚腸; 腸子
parngtngg | lengthen | 放長
parngtngtngg | lengthen | 放長長
phahtngg | make it longer | 打長
phutøo-tngg | glucose | 葡萄糖
phvae-simtngg | evil heart | 歹心腸
phøtngg | wave length | 波長
pudtngg | a family hall for worshipping Buddha | 佛堂
pvoax-tiongtngg | mid-point | 半中長; 半路
pwntngg sinhu | Parish priest; Local priest; pastor | 本堂神父
pwntngg zwpør | patron Saint of a parish (Catholic) | 本堂主保
pwntngg | one's own church; one's own parish church | 本堂
pytngg-luxntea | criticize | 比長論短
seftngg | remove poison from one's stomach by means of laxatives or saline; give or take an enema | 洗腸
sengtngg | rise to ... | 升堂
serngtngg | Church building | 聖堂; 聖殿
sibji cytngg huieioong | duodenal ulcer | 十二指腸潰瘍
sibjixcytngg | duodenum | 十二指腸
sidtngg | eatery; cafeteria; dining room (hall); refreshment room; mess hall; restaurant | 食堂
simtngg | intentions; affections; natural bent of the mind | 心腸
sintngg | stature, height of person | 身長
siuxtngg | specially decorated hall where well-wishers come to offer congratulations to a person on his birthday | 壽堂
siøftngg | alvine; chitterlings; small intestine | 小腸
sutngg | ancestral hall, temple, memorial temple, a shrine | 祠堂
svatngg-nngxtea | unforeseen disasters or accidents (usually referring to death) | 三長兩短
svetngg | womb of (non-human) mammalian | 生腸
svitngg | animal uterus and fallopian tubes | 生腸
sviu khaq-tngg | be far seeing | 想較遠; 看遠一點
thaetngg | too long | 太長
theatngg | leave the tribunal | 退堂
thienzwtngg | church (building) | 天主堂
thihciøh simtngg | cold heart; unfeeling heart | 鐵石心腸
thiutngg | prolong; elongate | 拉長
thoatngg | to lengthen, to draw out (a sound), prolong, to elongate | 脫長; 拖長
thoattngg | have a hernia | 脫腸
thongtngg | enema | 通腸; 洗腸
thudtngg | protruding (internal piles); be affected with hernia; abdominal hernia; protruding anus | 脫腸
thvia'tngg | central hall where audience gather | 廳堂
thviatngg | large central hall in a very large house | 廳堂
thøeatngg | withdraw from the court | 退堂
tidtngg | rectum | 直腸
tidtnggaam | rectal cancer | 直腸癌
tiexntngg | palace | 殿堂
tionggixtngg | loyalty hall | 忠義堂
titngg | pond, pool | 池塘
tngg | long; intestine; hall; reception room; meeting place; court of justice | 長; 腸; 堂
tngg-huieioong | intestinal ulcer | 腸潰瘍
tngg-høeasiu | long life; longevity | 長歲壽
tngg-khazhngf | stay too long; outstay one's welcome | 長屁股; (久留無離; 不受歡迎)
tngg-sikafn | long time; long range | 長時間
tngg-sviemia | long life; longevity | 長性命; 長壽
tngg-thaumngg | long hair | 長頭髮
tngg-uieioong | intestinal ulcer | 腸潰瘍
tnggr'tngtngg | very lengthy | 長長長
tnggrthaunofkwn | break your head | 斷頭腦筋
tngtngg | lengthy | 長長
tngtngg-teftea | not uniform in length; gossip | 長長短短; 是是非非
toaxkiettngg | large intestine; the bowel | 大結腸
toaxleftngg | auditorium | 大禮堂
toaxtngg køx siøftngg | large intestine accuses the small intestine ─ hungry | 大腸告小腸; 肚饑
toaxtngg | the large intestine | 大腸; 肥腸
toaxtnggaam | colorectal cancer | 大腸癌
toxtngg | stomach intestine | 肚腸
u khahtngg | good deal more can be earned; profitable | 有較長; 有益
uixtngg | stomach and intestine; stomach and intestines | 胃腸
uixtngg-iam | inflammation of stomach and intestine | 胃腸炎
uixtngg-pvi | gastroenteric disease | 胃腸病
viutngg | sheep's (goat's) intestines | 羊腸
zabjixcie-tngg | duodenum | 十二指腸
zabjixcytngg huieioong | duodenal ulcer | 十二指腸潰瘍
zabjixcytngg | duodenum | 十二指腸
zextngg | sit in judgment | 坐堂
zhaetngg | a Buddhist temple; monastery where the inhabitants are vegetarians | 菜堂; 尼姑庵; 寺; 齋堂
zheg khaq-tngg | lengthen by adjustment | 測較長; 拉長一點
zhuntngg | elongate; stretch out long like caterpillar or branches of a tree gradually lengthening or encroaching | 伸長
zhuntngtngg | elongation | 伸長長
zhuttngg | come out | 出堂
zoantngg | overall length; specility | 全長; 專長
zudbytngg | glutinous rice soup | 秫米腸
zutngg | study room | 書堂
øqtngg | school | 學堂

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