"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Gvaixsuteknytoan | Esther (Catholic) | 艾斯德爾傳
Hongsiin-toan | a classical novel of Chinese gods and heroes | 封神傳
Iwtextektoan | Judith (Catholic) | 友弟德傳
Lotektoan | Ruth (Catholic) | 廬德傳
Mafthaix Hok'imtoan | Gospel according to Matthew. (Protestant) | 馬太福音傳
Suotoo Hengtoan | Acts of the Apostles (Protestant) | 使徒行傳
Tøpixatoan | Tobias (Catholic) | 多俾亞傳
Zuyhoftoan | All Men Are Brothers; a popular novel by Shih Nai an (施耐庵) | 水滸傳
Zøftoan | An Ancient Chinese book | 左傳
chiutngg zhurntoan | gut-wrenching sadness | 愁腸寸斷
chiwtoan | moves with calculation | 手段
ciaplieen puttoan | continuously or incessantly | 接連無斷
ciedtoan | cut into two; cut off | 截斷
ciettoan | to break | 折斷
cyntoan | diagnosis, to diagnose | 診斷
gieen kuy zerngtoan | Let's resume the narration Let's go back to the main topic | 言歸正傳
gvofkoafn toanzexng | pleasant looking face with the five organs in normal shape and position | 五官端正
gymtoan | brocade, damask | 錦緞
hengtoan | biographical material | 行傳
hexngtoan | record of action or behavior | 下傳; 行傳
hoetoan | satin with flower pattern | 花緞
hok'imtoan | the Christian Gospel | 福音傳
ittøf liofngtoan | sever it with one blow (of the knife)--to take a decisive measure; sever relations by one stroke | 一刀兩斷
ittøliofngtoan | cut into two pieces with one knife - sever ties | 一刀兩斷
jiatoan | occlude | 遮斷
jiutioong-zhurntoan | broken hearted | 柔腸寸斷
kantoan | intermittent, period of interruption | 間斷
katoan | family records | 家傳
kehtoan | blocked or obstructed; to separate; cut off | 隔斷
kengtoan | classical books | 經傳
kongtoan | open decide; open decision | 公斷
korngtoan | satin | 貢緞
lengløtiutoan | luxurious clothes | 綾羅綢緞
liawtoan | finish off; get done with something | 了斷
liedlwtoan | menology; biography of distinguished ladies | 烈女傳
liedtoan | section in dynastic histories; devoted to biographies of famous men; biographies; series of biographies; collected biographies | 列傳
lienciab puttoan | successively; incessantly; continuously | 連接無斷
lienlieen puttoan | incessant | 連連無斷
lintoan | a silk and wool fabric | 綾緞
liofngtoan | cut in two | 兩斷
liwtoan | to break by twisting | 扭斷
lofngtoan | to monopolize, to forestall, monopoly | 壟斷
ngtoan | satin | 黃緞
phierntoan | segment; snatch | 片段; 片斷
phynheng toanzexng | correct conduct; well behaved; walk the straight and narrow | 品行端正
puttoan | constantly; continuously; unceasingly; unbroken; unceasing; continually; without interruption | 無斷; 不斷
pwntoan | biography | 本傳; 傳記
serngtoan | holy tradition (general term) | 聖傳
sintoan | figure | 身段
sitoan | silk and satin | 絲緞
siøftoan | short biography | 小段; 小傳
textoan | location of a piece of land; according to public records | 地段
thuitoan | conclude, make a diagnosis, conclusion, deduction, diagnosis | 推斷
tiongtoan | interrupt; suspension; discontinue | 中斷
tiutoan | broadloom silk; silk; general name for silk goods; silks and satins | 綢緞
toan | section; division; part; paragraph | 段; 傳; 緞
toan'gee | general shape; outline; clue; sigens | 端倪
toan'gvor | dragon boat festival | 端午
toancviax | correct; proper; upright; well formed | 端正
toangvofcied | the 5th of the 5th lunar month (a dragon boat regatta is held) | 端陽節; 端午節
toangvofzøeq | the Dragon Boat Festival | 端午節
toangvor | the fifth of the fifth lunar month | 端午; (節)
toante | transfer | 傳遞
toantiaq | authentic | 端的
toanzexng | correct; proper; upright; well formed | 端正
toanzofng | proper and correct in deportment | 端莊
toanzø | end do | 端做
tvaftoan | interrupt, discontinue | 打斷
viutoan | western clothes | 洋緞
wtoan | woolen stuff, woolen material; camlet and similar strong alpaca or woolen stuffs | 羽緞; 毛料; 毛料子
zerngtoan | to break by an effort | 掙段
zhuiesy-baxntoan | body broken into pieces; smashed | 碎屍萬斷
zhurntoan | heart torn to pieces (used to describe extreme grief) | 寸斷
zhwtoan | mange | 處斷
zuxtoan | autobiography; autobiography | 自傳

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