"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: toex

iutoexkhw | zip code | 郵遞區
pangtoexsarn | real estate | 房地產
poetoex | give gifts as at a wedding; birthday or funeral social life expenses ─ gifts given at a wedding; birthday or funeral | 陪隨; 應付紅白帖子
siøtoex | follow each other | 相隨
thvihoarn toexloan | chaos | 天反地亂
thvikongtoextø | justice | 天公地道
toex laang kviaa | follow another; go along in company with others | 跟著人走
toex laang liuheeng | follow new fashions | 趕時髦
toex zabor | have an illicit connection with a woman; womanize | 隨查某tøex-zhuiebøea
toex | follow; follow after; imitate (a person's example) | 跟; 隨; 仿效
toex-boefau | go along one in back of the other; to trail along behind | 隨尾後; 跟在後面
toex-bøextiøh | stay behind; can not overtake; can not come up | 跟無上
toex-bøtiøh tin | follow people but lose track of them; miss an appointment to go somewhere | 脫節; 脫隊
toex-hoe'ar | participate in a Money club | 搭會仔
toex-khajiaq | follow the track; follow in the footsteps of another | 跟足跡
toex`khix | follow | 綴去
toex`laai | follow | 綴來
toex`tiøh | follow | 綴著
toexbin | ground | 地面
toexcid | geology | 地質
toexcie | address | 地址
toexgak | hell | 地獄
toexguhoansyn | earthquake | 地牛翻身
toexha | underground | 地下
toexham | land subsidence | 地陷
toexhaxseg | basement | 地下室
toexhaxthiq | subway | 地下鐵
toexhaxtø | underground passage | 地下道
toexheeng | terrain | 地形
toexhngf | area | 地方
toexhøxmiaa | place name | 地號名
toexji | the second | 第二
toexkaix | boundary | 地界
toexkex | land price | 地價
toexkhw | zip code | 地區
toexkiafmsuo | local procuratorate | 地檢署
toexkiuu | earth | 地球
toexkizuo | land owner | 地基主
toexky | foundation | 地基
toexli | convenient location | 地利
toexlie | geography | 地理
toexluii | landmine | 地雷
toexlysw | Feng Shui master | 地理師
toexmiaa | place name | 地名
toexparn | floor | 地板
toexphee | land | 地皮
toexphiaw | landmark | 地標
toexpiao | surface | 地表
toexpiaw | landmark | 地標
toexpo | situation | 地步
toexpvoaa | territory | 地盤
toexsarn | estate | 地產
toextaix | zone | 地帶
toextang | earthquake | 地動
toexthaau | territory | 地頭
toextharn | carpet | 地毯
toextiarm | place; location | 地點
toextoo | map | 地圖
toextvoa | location | 地段
toexui | status | 地位
toexzaan | strata | 地層
toexzof | ground rent | 地租
toexzuo | property owner | 地主
tvitoex | entangled | 纏綴
zaixtoexlaang | local people | 在地人
zhawtoexlaang | Taiwanese redneck | 草地人
zhawtoexsoong | Taiwanese redneck | 草地倯

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