"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Toaxtun | Tatun; name of mountain in Zhawsvoaf Park | 大屯
Zhawtun | a city in Nantou County | 草屯
bagciw tun | not good at recognizing things | 目睭鈍; 眼力遲鈍
baxntun | slow; sluggish | 慢鈍; 遲鈍
chitun | dull; imbecile; stupid | 癡鈍
ciamtun | escape secretly; slip away | 潛遁
huntun | wonton; ravioli | 餛飩
huxnhun-tuxntun | chaotic; disorderly; confused; good and bad confusedly mixed | 渾渾沌沌
huxntun | dull; unskillful; awkward; clumsy | 渾沌; 混亂; 混沌; 遲鈍
khachiuo tun | clumsy hand and foot | 手腳遲鈍; 腳手鈍
loftun | slow to learn; dull-witted; thick-skulled | 魯鈍; 遲頓
puxntun | dull; unskillful; awkward; clumsy | 遲鈍
saitun | west village | 西屯
titun | stupid; clamsy; inactive; slowness | 遲鈍
tun | dull; blunt; pointless; stubby; dull in intellect; stupid; obtuse; dull witted; sluggish | 鈍; 遁; 遲鈍
tun'ym | labial sound | 唇音
tunbok | friendly, cordial | 親切; 敦睦
tunchiog | to urge | 敦促
tunchviar | to invite sincerely, to employ | 墩邀; 敦請; 聘用
tunchyn | good and kind | 敦親
tunho | honest, sincere | 真誠; 敦厚
tunkag | sally; obtuse-angle | 鈍角
tunkhie | lips and teeth | 唇齒
tunkøf | lipstick | 唇膏
tunmoar | store to the full, have a storehouse full of goods | 屯滿
tunnoa | stew until it is soft | 燉爛
tunpefng | garrison | 屯兵
tunpo | buttock; hip; breech | 臀部
tunsek | stew until it is done | 燉熟
tuntog | firm, steady | 堅定; 敦篤
tunviaa | canton; encamp | 屯營; 紮營
tunzaai | dumbo | 鈍才
tuurn'tuxntun | extremely dull | 鈍鈍鈍
wntun | retire from public life; live in seclusion | 隱居; 隱遁
yntun | reclusion | 隱遁
zhengtun | boil or stew without soy sauce or anything that would color the soup; stew or steam meat without seasoning | 清燉
zhuietun | dumb mouth | 嘴鈍
zhuietunphee | lips | 喙脣皮
zhuietunphoee | lips | 喙脣皮
zhuietunphøee | lips | 嘴唇皮
zhuix tun | not skilled in talking | 嘴笨

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