"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: tuq

eftuhtuq | very short (in stature) | 矮愣愣; 很矮
gong-tuhtuq | dumb; silly; inept | 傻愣愣
kiky-tuqtuh | point fingers and talk behind some's back | 指指揬揬
kykytuqtuh | censure; criticize | 指指點點
paktor tuhtuq | lie heavy on one's stomach; feel heavy in the stomach | 肚子脹脹的
siøtiafmtuq | remind each other | 相點醒; 相提醒
tiafmtuq | give a hint what to do; warn of danger (often secretly or privately) by a sign; wink or hint not generally understood | 提醒
tihtuq gynnar | mischievous child; naughty child | 頑皮孩子
tihtuq | do mischief; be mischievous; play a trick on; speaking in a deceitful way | 淘氣; 斯詐,頑皮
tiqtuqkiøx | stutter in speaking; to stammer in speaking; as a liar who has to invent new lies on the spot | 滴突叫; 吞吞吐吐
tuq | nod | 打盹; 盹; 探路; 打瞌睡
tuq`cide | nad; prick | 盹一下; 刺一下
tuqlan | unhappy; uncontent; resent | 揬𡳞
tuqphoax | pierce and burst open | 刺破
tuqsie | kill by piercing | 刺死; 戳死
tuqsiofng | stab wound | 刺傷
tuqtiøh | stab; prick | 刺中
tuqtuh | sulk and don't want to talk | 愣愣; 閉口無說話
tuqym | a break through sound | 突音

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