"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: tuxn

Hoasexngtuxn | Washington | 華盛頓
Paktuxnkhw | Beitun District | 北屯區
antuxn | help settle down; put in order; help settle down; make proper arrangement for the family before leaving home for a long period of time | 安頓
huxnhun-tuxntun | chaotic; disorderly; confused; good and bad confusedly mixed | 渾渾沌沌
kongtuxn | metric ton; 1000 kg; 1 Mg | 公噸
thengtuxn | caesura; paralysis; standstill; to pause; to stop; wait a while; setback; stagnation; deadlock | 停頓
turntuxn | dull | 鈍鈍
tuurn'tuxntun | extremely dull | 鈍鈍鈍
tuxn | meal; classifier of meals | 頓; 噸; 餐
tuxnbak | blunt eyes | 鈍目
tuxnbaq | stewed meat; to stew meat | 燉肉
tuxnheeng | to become invisible; to vanish; hide | 遁形
tuxnkag | an obtuse angle | 鈍角
tuxnkhatuxnchiuo | clumzy | 鈍跤鈍手
tuxnkhurn | to develop a region by means of the militia's labor | 屯墾
tuxnkøef | stewed chicken; to stew chicken | 燉雞
tuxnniuu | hoard up; stockpile grains | 囤糧
tuxnpefng | station troops | 屯兵
tuxnpor | stew tonic | 燉補
tuxnsiøf | reheat | 燉燒; 熱一熱
tuxnsuu | evasive answer, evasive statement | 遁辭
tuxnthviax | dull pain | 惰痛; 微痛; 隱隱作痛
tuxntøf | dull knife | 鈍刀
tuxnzao | flee; take to one's heels; abscond | 遁走
tuxnzeg | accumulate, hoard, store up gradually | 頓積; 屯積
tuxnzhox | to encounter failure; to receive a setback; frustration | 頓挫
zefngtuxn | keep something straight; clean up; marshal; put in order; put right a poorly managed organization; firm | 整頓

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