"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: tve

auxtvef | heel bone; the heel of a shoe or foot | 後踵; 後蹬; 後跟; 腳後跟
chiwauxtvef | elbow | 手後捏; 手肘
kha'auxtvef | heel | 腳後跟; 踵
khaauxtvef | heel | 跤後蹬
soextvef | dribble at the spout when nearly stopped up; drop; spill; overflow; run over | 垂滴; 溢流
thoatvef | slip shod | 拖踵; 曳足而行
turntvef | hesitatingly; undecided; makes excuses or objections (a person told to do something) | 頓踵; 猶豫無前
tve axmkurn | seize someone by the neck; take by the throat; to throttle | 掐脖子
tve kunthaubør | clench the fist | 掐拳頭母; 握拳頭母
tve | to throttle | 捏; 掐
tve`sie | strangle to death with the fingers | 掐死; 捏死; 勒死
tveachiøx | smile or laugh as if pleased; when really angry | 裝笑
tveachvy | pretend to be innocent | 佯生
tveagong | pretend to be an ignoramus; act foolish intentionally so as to put people off their guard | 裝傻
tveajiø | to make an effort to discharge urine; try hard to pass water | 勁尿; 用勁小便
tveakhofng-tveagong | pretend to be an ignoramus; make a fool of oneself; play the fool; act in a foolish way; making people laugh | 詼諧滑稽; 裝瘋賣傻
tveakhongkhofng | play dumb | 佯悾悾
tvealat | with all one's might; gather all one's strength; as when raising a heavy thing or suffering from constipation; strain or exert all one's strength | 用力
tveamxzay | pretend no idea of what's going on | 佯毋知
tveasae | make an effort (exert force) to expel excrement; make strong efforts to have a bowel movement | 勁屎; 用勁解便
tveasiao | feigning madness | 裝瘋
tveasiao-lagtiefn | act in a clownery; making people laugh | 詼諧滑稽; 裝瘋賣傻
tveasie | pretend to be dead; feign death | 裝死
tveasipsib | assume an unconcerned air; be indifferent to | 裝濕濕; 裝蒜
tveatiefn-tveasiao | feign madness; act in a clownery making people laugh | 詼諧滑稽; 裝瘋賣傻
tveatientveagong | play dumb | 佯顛佯戇
tveazhvef | pretend not to know about a matter | 裝青; 裝糊塗
tvee | to wind round; to bind; to wrap; to tangle | 纏
tvef | heel | 踵
tvex | pretend (usually combined with negative) to.. | 佯; 瞪; 使勁; 假裝
tvex-bøo khvoax`kvix | pretend not to see | 假裝沒有看到
tvex-bøo thviaf`tiøh | pretend not to hear | 假裝沒有聽見
tvex-mxbad | pretend not to recognize; pretend not to know | 裝無懂; 假裝不認識
tvex-mxzay | pretend not to know | 裝無知
tvex-phoarpvi | pretend to be ill; malinger | 裝破病
tvexaan | grasp tightly | 握緊
tvexlefng | squeeze the breast; to milk | 擠乳
tvexpvie | crushed | 捏扁
tvexsie | choke to death; strangle with the hands | 扼死
tvextiøh | crushed | 捏著
tvexzhud | pinch out | 捏出

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