"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: tviar

cientviar | frying pan | 煎鼎; 炒菜鍋
høeftviar | hot cooking vessel | 火鼎
iutviar | an oil pan for frying or cooking | 油鍋; 油鼎
jiedtviar | hot pan; tripod; heated frying-pan | 熱鼎; 熱鍋
khautviar | scrape a pot | 削鼎; 刮鼎底的煙灰
kiaptviar | sticks to the inside of the pan (as food when not stirred) | 結鍋; 黏鍋
kimtviar | huge tripod of bronze with two ears; heavy three-legged caldron which is used to burn the paper money for dead | 金鼎; 香鼎; 燒紙錢用的鼎
lorngphoartviar | break the pan | 挵破鼎
løh iutviar | be thrown into a caldron of boiling oil or melted fat (an ancient punishment) | 下油鍋
løh-iutviar | cauldron of boiling oil | 下油鍋
phaktviar | flip a wok | 俯鼎; 將炒鍋反扣
phoartviar | broken vessel; wok; broken pot | 破鼎; 破鍋
poftviar | repair a wok; repair broken pot | 補鍋; 修補破鍋
svakhatviar | tripod | 三角鼎
tiaotviar | have on means of livelihood (hang up the pot; not have anything to cook) | 吊鼎; 無米炊
tiautviar | sticks to the inside of the pan (as food when not stirred) | 結鍋; 黏鍋
toaxtviar | caldron | 大鍋
tviar | bronze tripod with two ears; caldron; sacrificial vessel; vigorous; thriving; firm; settled; to secure; establish | 鼎; 鍋
tviar`laang | threaten; intimidate; menace; imperil | 鼎人; 威嚇人
tviarar | bronze tripod with two ear | 鼎仔
tviarchiaf | windlass for raising an anchor | 鼎車; 絞盤; 起錨機
tviarsøq | an anchor cable | 碇索; 錨鍊; 錨索

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