"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Chiaq-hietkiuu | red blood corpuscle | 赤血球; 紅血球
Chienjixbuun | book formerly used as a primer, It has 1,000 characters, not one of which is repeated | 千字文; 千字經
Engbuun bunhoad | English grammar | 英文文法
Engbuun | written English language | 英文
Enghioong buu ioxngbuo-cy-te | The hero has no chance to use his might.--no opportunity to use one's talent(s) | 英雄無用武之地
Guu bøo hiafmzhao bøe puii | If a person doesn't encounter difficulties in his life he won't be a success. (Lit. If a cow doesn't eat coarse grass it won't get fat.) | 牛無吃險草不肥。
Guu | surname Niu; Niu | 牛
Gvofhog limbuun | May all prosperity come to this house! | 五福臨門
Gøbuun | the Russian language | 俄文
Harnbuun | Chinese written language and literature; written Chinese | 漢文
Hayviuu taixhak | University of the Sea | 海洋大學
Hiliap-buun | Greek written language | 希臘文
Hipeklaai-buun | Hebrew written language | 希伯來文
Hoabuun | Chinese language | 華文
Hoanbuun | sanskrip; sanskrit | 梵文
Hoatbuun | French; French written; reading; speaking language | 法文
Hoaxnbuun | Sanskrit | 梵文
Hor løh peng'viuu pi khiern khy | hero or brave man can be bullied by a bunch of weaklings when he is down on his luck. (A tiger out of his natural environment can be bullied by a dog.) | 虎落平陽被犬欺
Huilixbuun Sw | The Epistle of Paul to Philemon (Protestant) | 腓利門書
Huluun-sia | the Rotary Club | 扶輪社
Høbuun | Japanese written language | 和文
Ienpengkuxn'oong-suu | temple; a landmark in Tainan | 延平郡王祠
Irntoxviuu | Indian Ocean | 印度洋
Jidbuun | Japanese language | 日文
Jinzuu Serngbør Thoankaux Hoe | MMB: Miss of O.L. of Mercy (Catholic) | 仁慈聖母傳教會
Jubuun | scholars following Confucian thought; Confucianists | 儒門
Khofngbuun | Confucianists | 孔門
Khunluun-safn | the Kunlun Mountains (between Tibet and Sinjiang; extending to Central China) | 崑崙山
Kiwjuu | a city in Pingtung County | 九如
Kokzex Texkiuu Koanzheklieen | the International Geophysical Year (IGY) | 國際地球觀測年
Laam-Peng'viuu | Antarctic Ocean | 南冰洋
Lam'viuu | South Seas | 南洋
Lampvoarkiuu | Southern Hemisphere | 南半球
Lamviuu Kuntør | South Sea Islands | 南洋群島
Lamviuu | (n) South Seas; the area which covers Southeast Asia and Indonesia; the South Seas | 南洋
Lidbuun | Japanese language | 日文
Liim Zektuu | Lin Tseh-hsu | 林則徐
Liongbuun | fame; glory; Longmen (place in Guangdong) | 龍門
Liukhiuu | Ryukyu Islands | 琉球
Longliim chiegiaxmtviuu | Government Experimental Farm and Nursery | 農林試驗場
Mobuun-kaux | Mormon Church | 摩門教
Niuu | surname Liang; Liang | 梁
Pag peng'viuu | Arctic Ocean; arctic icecap | 北冰洋
Pakpvoarkiuu | Northern Hemisphere | 北半球
Papyluun | Babylon | 巴比倫
Phøløbuun | Brahman | 波羅門
Seviuu-legsuo | European history | 西洋歷史
Sinbuun ciukhafn | Newsweek | 新聞週刊
Sioxngsiaxsuu | Preface (of the Mass) (Catholic) | 頌謝詞
Siøfliukiuu | Liuqiu Island | 小琉球
Sofløbuun | King Solomon | 所羅門
Sorngsuu | poetry of the Sung Dynasty (characterized by lines of irregular length) | 宋詞
Swiaxmbuun | a main character in Taiwanese famous puppet show | 史豔文
Taibuun | Taiwanese | 台文
Taiguo-buun | Taiwanese writing | 台語文
Taixse'viuu | the Atlantic Ocean | 大西洋
Taixseviuu | Atlantic Ocean | 大西洋
Tang'viuu | Orient | 東洋
Tekbuun | German language | 德文
Thaepeng'viuu | Pacific Ocean | 太平洋
Tiehauxsuu | Greeting (of the Mass) (Catholic) | 致候詞
Tiong'iuu | PetroChina | 中油
Tiongbuun | Chinese | 中文
Tiongluun | an area in Taipei | 中崙
Unliedsuu | En Martyr's Shrine | 恩烈祠
Viuu Kuiehuy | An Ancient Chinese Queen | 楊貴妃
Viuu | surname Yang; Yang | 楊
Zong-buun | Tibetan writing | 宗文; 藏文
Zuosveniuniuu | goddess of childbirth | 註生娘娘
Zuosviniuniuu | goddess of childbirth | 註生娘娘
Zuxiuu lwsiin | Goddess of Liberty | 自由女神
ahtøfsuun | oppress someone to obey all the time | 押倒紋; 控制成習慣
aikiuu | beseech; implore; entreat; implore; beg; appeal pathetically | 哀求
aisuu | sad remarks | 哀詞; 輓聯
aix biin juu zuo | love the subjects as if they were his own children (said of a ruler or official) | 愛民如子
aix jiin juu kie | love one's neighbor as oneself | 愛人如己
aix kiusiuu | love one's enemies (Catholic) | 愛仇敵
anghanzuu | sweet potato | 紅蕃薯; 紅番薯
angheng zhutchviuu | commit adultery (in case of a married woman) | 紅杏出牆
anghietkiuu | red blood cells | 紅血球
anghoehkiuu | red corpuscle | 紅血球
anghuihkiuu | red corpuscle | 紅血球
anglienhuu | salmon | 紅鰱魚
anhuu | amulet | 安符
aniuu | lady | 阿娘
armhuun | dark cloud | 暗雲
armliuu | undercurrent; subterranean flow; a hidden drift or tendency | 暗流
armtviuu | last act in play or movie | 夜場
arn'iuu | details of a case | 案由
auxkhuun | logistics | 後勤
auxniuu | stepmother | 後娘; 繼母
auxsuu | descendants; posterity | 後嗣
awhuun | wrinkles by folding | 拗痕; 壓折痕跡
axm buu thienjit | very dark; a nation or locality where jungle law reigns; lawlessness | 暗無天日
axm'e sveliuu | having no alternative; to have to; powerless. (Lit. to produce a tumor under the neck) | 無可奈何; 頷下生瘤
badhuun | lots of clouds | 密雲
bafnliuu | urge to stay; request to stay | 挽留
bafnpuu | to pluck a gourd | 採杓
bag'iuu | tears; tears caused by cold or smoke | 目油; 眼水; 眼淚; 淚水
bagciw tengsuun | double eyelid | 目睭重紋; 雙眼皮
bagphuun | a wood tub | 木棚; 木盆
bagsuun | wrinkles near eyes | 目紋; 眼邊紋
bah'iuu | lard | 肉油; 豬油
bahliuu | tumor or goiter; fleshy tumor on neck or head; sarcoma | 肉瘤
bak'iuu | touch oil | 沾油
baxn'iuu | roam; cruise; on one's ramble; tour without a serious purpose; travel about for pleasure | 漫遊
baxnbuu itsid | freedom from all error or defect; infallibility; absolutely safe or sure; certain to succeed | 萬無一失
baxnbuu | impossible; unfocussed | 萬無; 漫無
baxnbuu-itsid | perfect, without a seingle mistake | 萬無一失
baxng'iuu | sleepwalk; sleepwalker; noctambulation | 夢遊
baxng'iuu-pvi | sleepwalking, somnambulism | 夢遊症; 夜遊症
baxngkiutviuu | tennis court | 網球場
baxngkiuu | tennis; tennis ball; tennis | 網球
baxnguu kau sayjiø | put off work; slow to get started (Lit. A sluggish ox leaves a lot of manure and urine.) | 慢牛厚屎尿; 懶牛屎尿多
baxnlie buhuun | cloudless | 萬里無雲
beeng huu kii sit | name matches reality; be worthy of name | 名符其實
befiuu | buy edible oil | 買油; 沽油
beftviuu | horse field | 馬場
befzuu | water chestnuts | 荸薺
behuun-hoad | hypnotize; hypnotism; mesmerism | 迷魂法; 催眠術
behuun-iøh | magic potion; knockout drops; a drug to hypnotize a victim | 迷魂藥
behuun-tin | a maze; labyrinth, infatuated with a woman, enticed into vice | 迷魂陣
beng'uu | honor; fame; reputation | 名譽
beng'uu-hag'ui | honorary degree | 名譽學位
beng'uu-hoexoaan | honorary member (honorary president) | 名譽會員
beng'uu-phoksu | honorary doctor | 名譽博士
bengbuun kuisiux | daughter of an illustrious family | 名門閨秀
bengbuun | eminent family; world-famous; an express statement or provision; a clear statement | 名門; 名聞; 明文
bengliuu | celebrity; celebrity | 名流; 社會名流
bengsuu | noun; noun | 名詞
bextviuu | market | 賣場
biedbuun | put a whole family to death | 滅門
biedluun | destroy ethics; destroy human relations; incestuous | 滅倫
biedtuu | perish | 滅除
biefnhuu | anchovy | 鮸魚
biefnliuu | royal crown | 冕旒
biefntuu | get rid of; dispense with | 免除
bien'viuu | sheep | 綿羊
bienviuu | Shepard; sheep | 綿羊
biexnbuu jinseg | look extremely scared | 面無人色
biliuu | dying but not dead; lying in a coma | 彌留
bixn'iuu | facial cream; face cream | 面油; 面霜
bixnphuun | washing basin; basin for washing hands and face; wash basin | 面盆; 臉盆
bixuo tiubiuu | take precautions before it is too late; take protective measures in advance | 未雨綢繆
boafntviuu | whole assemblage; be full of people; draw a full house | 滿場
boah'iuu | apply oil; anoint; smear with oil or grease; baste; to grease | 抹油; 敷油
boaq serng'iuu | anointing | 抹聖油; 塗聖油
boe'iuu | petroleum; kerosene | 煤油; 石油
boefiuu | buy edible oil | 買油; 沽油
boextviuu | market | 賣場
bog'viuu | care for sheep, pastor | 牧羊
bogbog'siuu | swimming with difficulty | 莫莫泅; 沐沐泅; 掙扎
bogbogsiuu | struggle of person in difficulty; vagrant; unemployed (Lit. struggle in the water while drowning) | 沐沐泅; 在水中掙扎; 無固定職業
bogbuu zuntiorng | contemptuous towards anthorities or superiors | 目無尊長
bogchiuu | don't worry | 莫愁
bogguu | wooeden fish, wooden resonator for recitation | 木魚
boghuu | wooden resonator for recitation of Buddhist Sutras | 木魚
bogkangtviuu | woodworking plant or shop | 木工場
bogsuniuu | priest's wife; pastor's wife | 牧師娘
bogsw-niuu | ordained minister's wife | 牧師娘
bogtviuu | meadow; pasture; ranch; dairy farm; stock farm; pasture; ranch | 牧場
bogviuu | to pasture sheep; look after sheep | 牧羊
bok buu zuntiorng | show no respect to elders and superiors | 目無尊長
bokiuu | seek of; try to get; seek | 謀求
bong'viuu pofløo | shut the stable door when the steed is stolen- to take precaution when too late | 亡羊補牢
bong'viuu | lost or stray sheep | 亡羊
bonghuun | soul of departed; ghost; the soul (spirit) of a dead person | 亡魂; 亡靈; 幽靈; 鬼魂
boxhiø sinbuun | behind-the-scenes news; inside story | 幕後新聞
boxng'iuu | sleepwalk; somnambulate; dream of traveling | 夢遊
boxng'iuu-pve | sleepwalking; somnambulism | 夢遊病
bun'guun | grained silver | 紋銀
bunbuun | gentle, scholarly | 文文
bungienbuun | the written language used in old China which is vastly different from the spoken language | 文言文
bunguun | Chinese stampedsilver ingots | 錠銀; 紋銀
bunhoax kauliuu | cultural exchange | 文化交流
bunsuu | language of writing with respect to style; words | 文詞
but'afhuu | whitebait | 魩仔魚
buu heng'uii lenglek ee laang | person without disposing capacity in law | 無行為能力的人
buu ieseg | unconsciousness; unintentional; involuntary | 無意識
buu safm putseeng lea | everything comes in threes; omne trinum perfectum | 無三不成禮
buu tong ii thiofng | unmoved; hardhearted; callous; remain firm; stand pat | 無動於衷
buu zex ii su | won't help the matter; not enough by a long shot; inadequate; to no avail | 無濟於事
buu | no; witch; wizard; without; nothing; nil; accuse falsely; where weeds luxuriate; no; not; there is not | 毋; 無; 巫; 蕪; 誣; 不
buu-ieseg | unconsciousness, involuntarily, mechanically | 無意識
buun puttuix tee | content of the writing is inconsistent with the title | 文無對題
buun | written language; composition; name of a river; stone's lines; lines; mosquito; touch with hands; hear; writing; composition; literature; culture; education; elegant; cultured; civil | 文; 汶; 玟; 紋; 捫; 聞
buun-tuix-ym | text to speech | 文對音
buun`ee | literary | 文的
buuo'buxbu | very dim, quite unclear | 霧霧霧
buurn'bunbuun | gentle, scholarly | 文文文
buxkiuu | to make sure | 務求
bwguun | capital money, principal | 母銀; 本金
bwtviuu | dance hall | 舞場
bykhng'iuu | rice chaff oil; rice bran oil | 米糠油
bykøsviuu | sexual harassment; can't deal with; lustful | 性騷擾; 纏女人; 好色
byniuu | provisions; food; food; provisions | 米糧; 糧食
bø'ieen khieiuu | unleaded; no lead | 無鉛汽油
bø'iuu bøsiefn | quiet; simple; unexciting and placid life; mild flavored food | 清淡; 無油膩; 無油無煙
bø'oafn bøsiuu | no grudge | 無冤無仇
bø'oafn-bøsiuu | not a longstanding nor a sworn enemy | 無冤無仇
bølaang liuu | no one takes care | 無人溜; 自由
bølyiuu | illogical, unreasonable | 無理由
bøo guu sae bea | use the means at hand; make an adjustment (Lit. If there is no ox; then use a horse.) | 無牛駛馬; 事出無奈
bøo pøfliuu | unreserved | 無保留
bøsuu | have no descendants | 無嗣
bøsuun ee gwgieen | pidgin | 無純的語言
bøsuun | impure | 無純; 精
bøxaftuun | hat edges | 帽仔唇
bøxtuun | hat brim; hat edge | 帽唇; 帽緣
chiabuun | twill | 斜紋
chiahchiuo khangkuun | bare hands; bare handed | 赤手空拳
chiahguu | red cattle; scalper; someone who cheats a person like by selling difficult to get tickets at a high price (Lit. brown or yellow cow) | 赤牛; 黃牛
chiahuun | car tracks | 車痕
chialiefnhuun | furrow; rut; wheel track | 車輪痕
chialuun | wheel | 車輪; 輪子
chianiuu | inclined beam | 斜梁
chiaq hietkiuu | a red blood corpuscle | 赤血球
chiaukib chixtviuu | supermarket | 超級市場
chiaukib-chixtviuu | supermarket | 超級市場
chiaukuun zoadluun | surpassing all others | 超群絕倫
chiaukuun | (n) predomination; above the average; uncommon | 超群
chiauluun | surpassing; outstanding | 超倫
chid iuu | to oil; to grease | 拭油; 擦油
chiefnbuun | not deep in knowledge | 淺聞
chiekiuu | spiked ball | 刺球
chiekiuu-hoef | sweet acacia | 刺球花; 刺毬花
chienchiuu | thousand warries, countless troubles | 千秋
chienji-buun | thousand of words | 千字文
chienjixbuun | book formerly used as a primer; It has 1,000 characters; not one of which is repeated | 千字文
chiet'huun | cut | 切痕
chiettuu | resection | 切除
chietviuu | examination place; a test ground; exam hall; test location | 試場
chimsiuu | deep animosity or hatred | 深仇
chiorng'iuu | sing and play | 唱遊
chitkhaux-pøehtuu | not much left after various deductions | 七扣八除
chitsuun | seventy years; seventy days; the seven periods of seven days in the mourning period for parents | 七旬
chiuchiuu | worried, seemingly troubled | 愁愁
chiuu kingoaan | investigate carefully (having found a clue); so as to find the real root and origin of the matter | 揪根源; 追溯根源
chiuu søh'ar | haul in a rope | 揪索仔; 曳繩子
chiuu | to pull; to worry; ; sad; distressed; worried; unhappy; melancholy; gloomy; to worry about | 揪; 愁
chiuxliuu | tree tumor | 樹瘤
chiuxzuu | casaba | 樹薯
chiwhuun | fingerprints; lines in the palm of the hand | 手紋; 手痕; 掌紋
chiwkiuu | hand ball | 手球
chiwluun | handwheel | 手輪
chixguu | graze cattle | 放牛
chixtviuu | marketplace; domestic or world market; market place | 市場
chixviuu | let the sheep go to pasture; to pasture goats and sheep | 放羊; 飼羊
chvi'miguu | an illiterate | 青瞑牛; 文盲
chviarzuun | charter or hire a boat | 雇船
chvimiguu | illiterate | 青盲牛; 文盲
chviuu | a fence; a wall; wall; fence; winnow grain | 牆; 颺; 墻
chviuuii | wall around the house | 牆圍
chviuxiuu | rubber oil | 橡油
ci'iuu | lard | 脂油
ciafnghuun | palm prints | 掌紋
ciafngtuu | to cook | 掌廚
ciaoluun | take turn | 照輪; 輪流
ciaopurn zhutsiuu | sell at cost price (a common sales slogan in a Chinese shop) | 照本出售
ciaothauluun | take turn from the beginning | 照頭輪
ciap'huun | a connection mark; seam or joint of cloth or lumber | 接痕; 接縫
ciapboea suu | suffix | 接尾詞
ciapkiuu | to take a pass (in a ball game) | 接球
ciapsiogsuu | conjunction (grammar) | 接續詞; 連詞
ciaqniuu | work for government; to be a soldier; foodstuff; food grains; provisions | 吃糧; 食糧
ciarngzuun | steer the boat | 將船
ciarsuu | excuse; pretext; to seize an excuse or pretext | 藉口; 藉詞
ciau'uun | regularly | 齊勻; 源源不斷
ciauhuun | to call back the soul of the dead | 招魂
ciauuun | in good and sufficient measure, in constant regular succession, as rain or work | 齊勻
cib'iuu | collect stamps | 集郵; 收集郵票
cibhap bengsuu | collective noun | 集合名詞
cibhoe zuxiuu | freedom of assembly | 集會自由
cibthea longtviuu | collective farm | 集體農場
cidkuun | a troop of; a herd of; a crowd of | 一群
cidkuun-cidkuun | herds | 一群一群
cidog juu siuu | hate evil as much as one hates an enemy | 疾惡如仇
cidtviuu høfhix | good show | 一場好戲
cidtviuu | a game of; bout | 一場
ciduun | one circle, one round | 一勻
cie'uu | as for; as to; as regards; with regard to | 至於
ciedliuu | Intercepted to keep | 截留
ciefntiuu | to buy silk fabric | 剪綢; 買綢布
ciejiin ciezuu | highest degree of kindness and magnanimity | 至仁至慈
cien'iuu | fried oil | 煎油
cientiesuu | preposition | 前置詞
ciernhuun | battles | 戰雲
cierntviuu | the arena of war; battleground; battle field; battlefield | 戰場
ciernzuun | military boat | 戰船; 軍艦
ciesie putjuu | remain faithful until death | 至死無渝
cietliuu | curtail expenditures | 節流
ciexn buu hihoad | excellent marksmanship (Lit. No arrow is wasted.) | 箭無虛發
cihhuun | fold; crease; a mark left by folding | 摺痕
cihofng-liuu | lipoma | 脂肪油; 脂肪瘤
ciliuu | minor aspects; nonessentials; tributary; of such kind, and the same bad guys | 支流; 之流
ciofngsefng juu luii | thunderous applause | 掌聲如雷
ciokbuun | an article to express good wishes; written prayer read aloud and then burned; as in worship of Sages; congratulatory message; oration (Catholic) | 祝文
ciokciog iwuu | full with some leftover | 足足有餘
cioksuu | eulogium; congratulatory address or message | 祝詞; 祝辭
ciong'uu | finally | 終於
ciongcyhuu | full stop | 終止符
ciongtviuu | conclusion of any matter; end of a show; game | 終場
ciorngbuun hofzuo | capable young man from a distinguished family | 將門虎子
ciorngkvoar hiensuu | disparity of numerical strength is too great | 眾寡懸殊
cip'hoad juu safn | uphold the law strictly; to adhere to legal principles without letup or fear usually referring to law enforcing officials or judges | 執法如山
cipkhuun | on duty | 執勤
ciqhuun | mark of a fracture, fracture-line | 摺痕; 折痕
cirntviuu | to march into the arena; go into an examination room; a theater Sports arena | 進場
cit'afhuu | crucian carp | 鯽仔魚
citsuun | interpellate; interpellation; ask for explanation (as congress asks of minister); to question; to ask opinion officially | 質詢
cittviuu | one's place of work | 這場; 工作場所
ciu'iuu seakaix | Travel round the world | 週遊世界
ciu'iuu | to travel round | 周遊; 週遊
ciukhafn sinbuun | weekly paper | 週刊新聞
ciuobuun | curses; imprecations | 咒文
ciuuii | circumference, all around | 周圍
ciuxsuu | to be completed, to be arranged | 就辭
ciwkuun | wine drinking game counting numbers with the fingers of the fist | 酒拳
ciwtviuu | bar; tavern; beer hall | 酒場
cixnhux tongliuu | all in vain (Lit. all gone with the eastward stream) | 盡付東流
ciøhsy hoanhuun | be reincarnated in someone else's body before they are buried (Chinese folklore) | 借屍還魂
ciøhuun | to call back the soul of the dead | 招魂
ciøqchviuu | stone wall | 石墻
ciøqiuu hoarhak kanggiap | petrochemical industry | 石油化學工業
ciøqiuu kongsy | petroleum company | 石油公司
ciøqiuu | petroleum | 石油
ciøqliuu | pomegranate | 石榴
ciøqluun | urinary lithiasis, bladder stone | 石崙; 石痲; 結石
cvi'iuu | press or crush out oil | 搾油; 爭油
cviakuun | form a group | 成群; 成羣
cviarbuun | the main text; the body; the text | 正文; 正本
cviarjuu | exactly as, just as | 正如
cvie'iuu | fry deep in fat | 炸油; 糋油
cviguun | money | 錢銀; 銀錢
cviuløfiuu | camphor oil | 樟腦油
cviulør-iuu | camphor oil | 樟腦油
cviuo'iuu | soy sauce | 醬油
cviuu | dress; garments; clothing | 裳
cviuxhuun | a change in the weather | 起雲; 變天; 上雲
cviuxniuu | to put a beam on a house; put the ridge pole of a house in its place | 上樑
cviuxtviuu | enter the field; go on stage; go on the site | 上場
cviuxzuun | to get aboard a ship | 上船
cviuzuu | toad | 蟾蜍; 螿蜍
cviwhuun | lines on palm of hand | 掌紋
cvy-iuu | press out oil, squeeze into, exact money | 擠油; 櫼油; 榨油
cvyar-tuu | pigeon-house | 茈仔櫥; 鴿子櫥
cybuun | a fingerprint; a dactylogram | 指紋
cykiuu | I only ask that… | 只求
cym zhuietuun | kiss the lips | 吻嘴唇
cysi heng'iongsuu | indicative adjectives | 指示形容詞
cysi taixbengsuu | indicative pronouns | 指示代名詞
e'iuu | shoe polish | 鞋油
efngbuu cykerng | forever and ever; have no limit or boundary | 永無止境
efngzuun | remain forever | 永存
eg'uu | to be easy to, to be apt to | 易餘; 易於
egbuun | translation; version; translated texts | 譯文
egphuun | bathtub | 浴盆; 洗澡盆
egtviuu | bathing resort, beach | 浴場
eiuu | shoe polish | 鞋油
eng'uu | a balance remaining; surplus; profit | 盈餘
engbuun | written English | 英文
erng buu lengjit | We will never have peace | 永無寧日
erngsiuu | intercommunicate; association; social intercourse | 應酬
erngtuix juliuu | field questions ably | 應對如流
exngbuun | to resort to writing | 用文
exngbuun`ee | o resort to writing | 用文的
exsuun | the last ten days of the month | 下旬
extuun | the lower lip; the underlip | 下唇
exuun | one generation lower in genealogical table | 後輩; 下勻
gafnkiuu | eyeball | 眼球
gagsiuu | convict in prison; prisoners | 獄囚
gegliuu | reverse current; something that goes against the flow; adverse current | 逆流
gegluun | rebellious to the family order | 逆輪; 逆倫
geqniuu | moon | 月亮; 月娘
gexbuun | literature and the arts | 藝文
gi put'ioong suu | duty-bound | 義無容辭
giab'uu soafnchiuo | amateur player; non-professional entrant | 業餘選手
giab'uu | non-professional; amateur; spare time | 業餘
giamsuu | stern words | 嚴詞
gibun taixbengsuu | interrogative pronouns | 疑問代名詞
gibuun | liturgy, formal congratulatory message | 疑問; 儀文
gibuxnsuu | interrogatives | 疑問詞
gieen kuy uu hør | resume friendship; be on good terms again; reconciliate; be reconciled | 言歸於好
gieen zhud juu safn | A promise is a promise | 言出如山
gienbuun | language | 語文
gienlun zuxiuu | freedom of speech | 言論自由
giensuu | speech; words | 言辭; 言詞
gihuun | interrogatory | 疑雲
giofngkiuu | to implore | 仰求
giuu | ox; cow | 牛
gixtviuu | capiton; assembly hall | 議場
goan'iuu | crude oil; crude petroleum | 原油; 原由
goanbuun | original manuscript; original language; original text | 原文
goanguu | Thick-headed | 頑愚
goanliuu | headstream | 源流
goaxbuun | foreign language | 外文
goaxhiuu | overcoat | 外裘
goaxliuu | flow outward; outflow (of capital; talents; etc) | 外流
goaxnsuu | written vow | 願詞; 書面誓約
goaxtviuu | outside area | 外場
goaxuun | outside; external; outer edge | 外側; 外緣; 外勻
goaxviuu | overseas; abroad | 外洋; 外國
goeqkiuu | the moon | 月球
goeqniuu | the moon | 月娘
goxbuun | an error message; to hear an error information; misunderstand information | 誤聞
goxngguu | foolish; stupid; silly; naive; ingenuous; open and sincere | 憨牛; 憨愚
gu'iuu | beef-fat; butter; grease; tallow; butter oil | 牛油; 奶油; 黃油
gubahtviuu | theater for strip shows | 牛肉場; 脫衣舞秀
guiuu | butter, tallow, butter oil | 牛油
gukuun | herd of cattle | 牛群
guleng'iuu | cream | 牛乳油; 奶油
gulogtviuu | amusement place | 娛樂場
guni'iuu | cream | 牛奶油; 奶油
guu khankhix kaux Pakkviaf iao si guu | unchangeable; remains the same; character is difficult to improve (Lit. If you lead a cow to Beijing; it is still a cow.) | 牛牽到北京還是牛; 永遠改無掉壞習慣
guu | ox; cow | 牛
guun | stare in anger; silver | 睨; 瞪眼; 銀
guviuu | cow and sheep | 牛羊
gvau'iuu | render fat | 藕油; 精練油脂
gviauq zhuietuun | upper lip naturally turned up | 翹嘴唇
gviuu | ox; cow | 牛
gvofbuun | south gate of imperial palace; we | 午門; 我們
gvofluun | moral obligations; the five human relationships: between prince and minister; father and son; husband and wife; brothers; friends | 五倫
gvoftaixviuu | five big oceans (Atlantic | 五大洋
gvofzhayhuun | colorful clouds | 五彩雲
gvokoehhuu | tilapia | 吳郭魚
gvoxlogtviuu | playground | 娛樂場
gwbuun | written language; language | 語文
gwsuu | vocabulary; word; phrase | 語辭; 語詞
gybuun | written language; language | 語文
gyn'afthuun | boy just about reaching manhood; about fourteen or fifteen years old | 囝仔豚; 青少年
gyn'ar-thuun | adolescent boy; boy just about reaching manhood, about fourteen or fifteen years old | 囡仔豚; 青少年
gysuu | words | 語辭; 語詞
gøeqkiuu | the moon, the spherical moon | 月球
gøeqniuu | the moon | 月娘; 月亮
gøequun | lunar halo, halo of the moon | 月環
haa kuun | tie the skirt with a cloth belt | 縖裙
habkuun | to live in company; live in community | 合群
habliuu | to flow together; to merge | 合流
hag'ui-luxnbuun | thesis for a degree | 學位論文
hahuun | scabby | 瑕痕; 雲霞
hak buu cykerng | There is no limit to what we can learn. We can always learn. You never know enough | 學無止境
hak juu gegsuie hengciw | Move ahead or be pushed backwards. (Learning is like sailing a boat up stream.) | 學如逆水行舟
hakuun | wear skirt | 穿裙; 繫裙子
hamhuun | chasm | 含痕; 有裂痕
han liuu kiappoe | streaming with sweat | 汗流浹背
han'iuu | travel in leisure | 閑遊
hanbuun | a poor family; my poor family | 寒門
hanghuu | stingray | 魴魚
hanliuu | cold current; cold or polar current | 寒流
hanzuu | sweet-potato | 蕃薯; 番薯
hanzuu-chiafm | julienne sweet-potato | 蕃薯簽
hanzuu-cvix | fried sweet-potato | 炸蕃薯; 蕃薯煎
hanzuu-hiøh | sweet-potato leaf | 蕃薯葉
hanzuu-hurn | sweet-potato starch | 蕃薯粉
hanzuu-kvoaf | dried sweet-potato slices | 蕃薯干
hanzuu-zhoaq | shredded sweet-potato | 蕃薯刨
harnbuun | Chinese | 漢文
hauxiuu | to follow a bad example; to imitate vice knowingly | 效尤
haxbuun | words that follow; statement that follows | 下文
haxhuu | eastern spot-billed duck | 東部斑嘴鴨; 夏鳧
haxiuu | downstream | 下游
haxliuu siaxhoe | lower classes of society | 下流社會
haxliuu | low-down; mean; obscene; downstream; scurrilous; low lower classes | 下流
haxliuu-oe | vulgarism, vulgar words | 下流會
haxsuun | the last ten days of the month; last ten days of a month | 下旬
haxtviuu | the end; the conclusion; an exit from the stage | 下場
hayiogtviuu | sea-water baths; a bathing beach; a lido | 海浴場
hayliuu | ocean current; tideway; sea currents | 海流
hayluun | sea-going vessel | 海輪
haythuun | dolphin | 海豚
haytuun | dolphin; porpoise | 海豚
hayviuu | ocean; the ocean | 海洋
hayzhadzuun | pirate ship | 海賊船
hayzhat-zuun | pirate ship | 海賊船
hayzuie egtviuu | beach | 海水浴場
hayzuy'ek-tviuu | ocean bathing beach | 海水浴場
hayzuyegtviuu | bathing resort; beach | 海水浴場
hazhuu | a flaw; a blemish; a fault; an imperfection; a blot | 瑕疪; 瑕玼
heazuun | cargo ship | 貨船
hefiuu | peanut oil | 火油; 花生油
hehuun | resurrection | 回魂
heiuu | shrimp oil | 蝦油
heliuu | return | 回流
heng'iongsuu | adjective | 形容詞
heng'ioong-suu | adjective | 形容詞
hengbuun | to send a despatch | 行文
hengkiuu | to exact confession by means of torture; exact confession by torture | 刑求
hengte juu chiwciog | brothers are like hands and feet | 兄弟如手足
hengtong zuxiuu | freedom of movement | 行動自由
hengtong zuxjuu | move freely or without impairment | 行動自如
hengtviuu | execution ground; execution ground | 刑場
hexngjin'iuu | almond oil essence | 杏仁油
hi'iuu | fish oil | 魚油
hiang'iuu | pomatum; balsam; balm; perfumed oil | 香油
hiaqhuun | wrinkle on the forehead | 額痕; 額上皺紋
hiarmguu`ee | cowboy | 喊牛的
hibuu | hope; wish; expectations; to hope; to desire; look forward to | 虛無
hibuun | false news, false report | 虛文; 虛聞
hichixtviuu | fish market | 魚市場
hiebuun | text for play; play | 戲文; 戲本
hienguu | wise and foolish | 賢愚
hienjuu | good and wise pupil | 賢儒
hienniuu zuxcin | hang oneself | 懸樑自盡
hienniuu | suspend from a beam; hang oneself | 懸梁; 縊死
hiensuu | great disparity, great difference | 懸殊
hiernhoad tiaubuun | constitutional provisions | 憲法條文
hiet'hae chimsiuu | blood feud; e.g.; caused by killing of one's parents | 血海深仇
hietkiuu keasox | blood count | 血球計數
hietkiuu | corpuscles | 血球
hietliuu | leukemia | 血瘤
hietsiuu | vendetta | 血仇
hietviuu | theater | 劇場
hiexnguun | cash, ready money | 現銀; 現金
hiexnluun | classmates relationship | 硯倫
hiexntai-buun | modern writing; Modern Literal Taiwanese | 現代文
hiexntviuu piawiern | re-enact a crime at the scene; a live show | 現場表演
hiexntviuu | on the spot; spot | 現場
hiexnzuun | in stock; on hand; available | 現存
hikuun | a shoal of fish | 魚群
hikvoa'iuu | cod-liver oil | 魚肝油
hikvoaiuu | cod liver oil | 魚肝油
hinzuun | seasick; seasickness | 眩船; 暈船
hiong'iuu | sesame oil | 香油
hiongchiuu | nostalgia | 鄉愁; 懷舊
hiongjuu | an aromatic herb | 芳如; 香需
hiorngguu | can not get; can not acquire | 向隅
hiorngguun | soldier's pay, civil servant's pay | 饗銀; 薪餉
hisuu | (n) subterfuge | 虛辭; 空話
hitviuu | a fishing ground | 魚場; 漁場
hiucyhuu | rest (music); rest mark in musical notation | 休止符
hiuu | kind of jacket with a heavy lining | 襖; 棉襖; 裘
hizuun | fish boat; fishing boat | 魚船; 漁船
hiøxsuu | descendants; posterity | 後代; 後嗣
hoabie-zoadluun | very beautiful or elegant; beyond comparison (people; building; things; etc) | 華美絕倫
hoabuun | Chinese wordings | 華文
hoadkiuu | penalty in a ball game | 罰球
hoafnbuun | radical of the Chinese character for bun | 漢字部首之一
hoahkuun | finger-guessing game | 划拳; 喝拳; 猜拳
hoahtviuu | sell place | 喝場; 拍賣場
hoaijiuu | to conciliate; to appease | 懷柔
hoan'afiuu | kerosene | 番仔油; 煤油
hoan'iuu | globetrot | 環遊
hoanafiuu | kerosene | 番仔油; 煤油
hoanguu | joy and pleasure | 歡娛
hoanhuun | come to life again; revive from a swoon; faint; or apparent death | 還魂
hoanhuun-hok'uo | as changeable as clouds and rain (said of human affection) | 翻雲覆雨
hoanhuun-iøh | a medicine to cause reviving after death | 還魂藥
hoankiuu | global; globe | 環球
hoansaxng-suu | farewell speech | 歡送辭
hoanzuu | sweet potato | 番薯; 地瓜
hoartuu | to dissolve to nothing | 化除
hoatchiuu | worry; be concerned; feel distressed | 發愁
hoatkiuu | to serve a ball | 發球
hoatlut tiaubuun | regulations | 法律條文
hoatsiuu | to go on sale | 發售
hoattviuu | the place of execution; execution ground | 刑場; 法場
hoaviuu-pahhøex | domestic and imported goods | 華洋百貨
hoaxntiuu | a category | 範疇
hoe'iuu | return mail | 回郵
hoeatuu | to abolish; to abrogate; to cancel; remove | 廢除
hoeazuun | freighter; cargo ship; vessel | 貨船
hoebuun | receipt | 回文; 回信
hoefiuu | peanut oil | 火油; 花生油
hoefkiuu | fireball | 火球
hoefpuu | a small fire used to burn refuse after cleaning up or for keeping warm | 火堆
hoefsiong kaiuu | recalling something that only making matters worse (pouring oil on the fire) | 火上加油
hoefzorngtviuu | crematory; crematorium | 火葬場
hoehhuun | bloody scars | 血痕
hoehkiuu | corpuscles | 血球
hoehliuu | blood tumor; varix | 血瘤
hoehluun | corpuscle | 血輪
hoehuun | come to life again; revive from a swoon; faint; or apparent death | 還魂
hoeiuu | return mail | 回郵
hoekiuu | a nosegay, a bouquet | 花球
hoeliuu | reflow | 回流
hoephuun | flower pot | 花盆
hoetiuu | silk | 花綢
hoextviuu | meeting place; assembly room; meeting place | 會場
hofhu buu khiefnzuo | no laggard among the children of a brave or talented man (tiger father will not beget dog son) | 虎父無犬子
hofngtiuu | pongee | 紡綢
hogbuun | reply to letter | 覆文
hogsiuu | take revenge | 復仇
hoiuu | plankton | 浮游
hokbuun | reply | 覆文
hokiuu | beseech | 呼求
holoo-puu | bottle gourd | 葫蘆菢; 匏仔
holopuu | bottle gourd | 葫蘆瓠
hongbuu | deserted and desolate | 荒蕪
hongbuun | to learn through hearsay; according to unconfirmed reports | 風聞; 鴻文
honghai zuxiuu | offense against personal freedom | 妨害自由
honghuun jinbut | heroic figure; famed personage; one who is constantly in the news | 風雲人物
honghuun | wind and clouds; unpredictable changes; spirit or soul of a young lady | 風雲; 芳魂
honghwn-chixtviuu | evening market | 黃昏市場
hongliuu | dissolute; amorous; to have a weakness for women; elegant style | 風流
hongsuu | emperor's children or grandchildren | 皇嗣
hongteaniuu | emperor's mother | 皇帝娘; 皇后
hongtviuu zok'hix | take part in merely accidental amusement | 逢場作戲
hongzhuu | the crown prince | 皇儲
hongzuun | to seal and store up | 封住; 封存
horng'viuu | to spend time abroad | 放洋
hoxhuu | an amulet; a charm for self-protection | 護符
hoxsinhuu | charm for self protection; protective talisman; amulet; shield against punishment; censure | 護身符
hoxsuu | descendants; posterity | 後嗣
hoxsyn-huu | charm for protecting against demons | 護身符
hu'iuu-toxngbut | a mayfly; an ephemera | 蜉蝣動物
hubuun | impractical formality or ceremony | 虛文; 虛聞
hudbuun texzuo | Buddhist priests and nuns | 佛門弟子
hudbuun | Buddhism; the Buddhist faith | 佛門
huhuu | supporting on hands | 扶扶
huietuu | abolish, do away with | 廢除
huihengzuun | air ship | 飛行船
huihhuun | bloody mark | 血痕
huihkiuu | blood cell; corpuscle | 血球
huihliuu | blood tumor | 血瘤
huihluun | corpuscle | 血球
huihoat'iuu | volatile oil; naphtha; gasoline; naphtha or other volatile oils | 揮發油
huikitviuu | airport; airport; airfield; aerodrome | 飛機場
huikuun | to wave one's fist | 揮拳
huiky-tviuu | airport | 飛機場
huikym juu thor | squander money like dirt; spend money like water | 揮金如土
huiluun | balance wheel; flywheel | 飛輪
hukuun | school of fish | 魚群
hukvoaiuu | cod liver oil | 魚肝油
hun'iuu | to roam; to wander; nicotine | 雲遊; 煙油
hunbuun piedlui | divide into chapters and sections | 分門別類
hunbuun putzhuo | not to take or accept even a cent which is not deserved; be incorruptible | 分文無取
hunbuun | a single cent | 分文
hunhuun | foggy | 魂魂
hunliuu | to branch out | 分流
hunsuu | participle (a grammatical part of speech) | 分詞
huntuu | tobacco display window | 煙櫥; 香菸櫥窗
huo'uu | give; bestow | 賦予; 賦與
huobuun | obituary notice | 訃文; 訃音
huoiuu | receive the last Sacraments (the new Catholic term is Anointing of the Sick) | 傅油; 領終傅; (領病人傅油聖事)
huojuu | wealthy; rich | 富裕
huosuu | adverb; adverb | 副詞
hurnsuu | a public talk consisting of homilies; exhortation or admonition | 訓辭; 訓詞
husiuu | captive, prisoner | 俘泅; 囚犯
husuu | vain words; promises | 虛詞
hutviuu | fish market | 漁場
huu | give support to; support; prop up; to help; lend a hand; assist | 扶; 鳧; 野鴨; 苻; 符
huu`khylaai | to hold up | 扶起來
huu`leq | to support or prop; to lean on | 扶住
huun khay kiernjit | turn of fortune for the better (When the clouds part; the sun comes out.) | 雲開見日
huun khuy kviejit | turn of fortune for the better (When the clouds part; the sun comes out.) | 雲開見日
huun | grave; mound | 墳; 雲; 痕; 渾; 焚; 魂; 餛; 頒
huuxn | fish farm | 魚塭
hux hoeiuu | put in the mail | 付回郵
huytuu | destroy utterly | 毀除
huzuun | fish boat | 漁船
hvi'ar-tuun | ear lobe | 耳仔唇; 耳垂
hviaa-ciøqiuu | burn kerosene | 燒石油
hviaftviuu | eye-catching, flurried, nervous, flustered | 顯場; 醒目
hviartviuu | so bright that dazzles eyes to the audiences; dazzlingly beautiful | 嚇場; 場面耀眼
hviu'iuu | linseed oil; sesame oil | 香油; 胡麻油
hvixtuun | the ear lap; the rim of the ear | 耳脣; 耳輪
hvoainiuu | lateral beam | 橫樑
hwnciao-tuu | dovecot | 粉鳥櫥
hwnciawtuu | pigeon house | 粉鳥棚; 鴿棚
hwntiuu | pongee | 粉綢
hwnzuu | arrowroot | 粉薯
høbuun | rich and powerful family | 豪門
høeabudzuun | cargo ship; freighter | 貨物船
høeazuun | cargo vessel | 貨船
høefiuu | peanut oil | 火油; 花生油
høefkiuu | a fireball; a meteor | 火球
høefsit-tuu | cabinet for food | 伙食櫥; 菜櫥
høefzorngtviuu | crematorium | 火葬場
høefzuun | steamship; a fire ship | 火船; 輪船
høehuun | to rise from dead; to revive | 回魂; 還魂; 甦生
høfthaau putjuu høfbøea | A good end is more important than a good beginning | 好頭無如好尾; 好始不如好終
høfthvy tiøqaix zeg hoxlainiuu | take preventive measures (Lit. During good weather put aside some food to eat in rainy weather.) | 好天得要積雨來糧; 未雨綢繆
højuu | how about | 何如
høliuu habliuu | confluence | 河流合流
høliuu | river; streams | 河流
høtuun | a blowfish; a puffer; globefish | 河豚; 河魨
høxhog bubuun | The source of good and bad fortune is uncertain. (Fortune and misfortune do not come through a definite door.) | 禍福無門
høxkheq engbuun | house is crowded with well wishers (on a happy occasion) | 賀客盈門
høxleng juu safn | Military orders are as inviolable as a mountain | 號令如山
høxsuu | a message of congratulation; speech | 賀詞; 賀辭
i juu hoafnciorng | easy as turning over the palm of one's hand--easy as falling off a log | 易如反掌
ia'iuu | coconut oil | 椰油
iacie-iuu | coconut oil | 椰子油
iacyiuu | coconut oil | 椰子油
iafguu | wild buffalo; bison; wild ox | 野牛
iafkiuu | baseball | 野球; 棒球
iafkiuu-saix | baseball game | 野球賽
iafkiuu-tviuu | baseball field | 野球場; 棒球場
iafluu | wild ass | 野驢
iamguu | castrate a bull | 閹牛
iaokiuu | demand; claim; to demand; to claim; to request | 要求
iaqtviuu | town government | 驛場; 鄉鎮公所
iaukiuu | ask for, demand, require, requisition | 要求
iaxkhuun | night duty | 夜勤
iaxtviuu | an evening show, a night show | 夜場
icviuu | clothes | 衣裳
id buu sor hek | achieve or gain nothing (after all the efforts made) | 一無所獲
id buu sor teg | nothing is gained | 一無所得
id buu sor tioong | do not have a single skill or talent | 一無所長
iedkuun | outstanding | 逸群
iefnbwtviuu | martial arts field | 演武場
ien'afhuu | round flower bonito | 煙仔魚
ien'iuu | reason; cause; cause; reason; the whys and wherefores | 緣由; 由來; 原因
ienbuun | door by door | 沿門
ienkiuu | shot (thrown in the shot-put) | 鉛球
ienthuun | soot | 煤煙; 煙囤
iernhoextviuu | banquet hall | 宴會場
imhuu | musical notation; notes in music | 音符
imhuun | dead spirit; ghost; soul; soul or spirit of a dead person | 陰魂
imtuun | labia (physiology) | 陰唇
in'iuu | cause; origin; root cause; reason | 因由; 來由; 原因
insuun | to follow the routine, conservative, negligence | 因循
iofngketviuu | poultry farm | 養雞場
iofngkøef-tviuu | poultry-farm, chicken farm | 養雞場
iogkiuu | desire | 欲求
iongguu | stupid | 庸愚
iongjuu | a dastard | 庸如
ioxngsuu | wording | 用辭; 用詞
irm'iuu | high-class soy sauce | 蔭油; 上等醬油
isengniuu | Madam, doctor's wife | 醫生娘; 醫生太太
itbien-cy-suu | one-sided statements | 一面之詞
itbuu-sofiong | useless (Lit. doesn't have a single use) | 一無所用
itbuu-sofiuo | count for nothing; no better than (Lit. doesn't have one thing) | 一無所有
itbuu-sofkhoad | complete within itself (Lit. doesn't lack one thing) | 一無所缺
itbuun | one article; one cent | 一文
itbuun-puttit | not worth a penny; worthless | 一文無值
itlieen-cy-kex zaixuu zhwn | Spring is the best time to do the year's work | 一年之計在於春
itliuu | first class; top class; of the first rank | 一流
ittiuu-bogtiern | knowing not what to do; at wit's end; helpless | 一籌莫展
iu'iuu | freely; idly; far; vast; pensive; impractical; greasy; oily | 油膩; 悠悠; 油油
iu'uu | doubtful; hesitating; suspicious | 猶豫
iubuun | the pylorus | 幽門
iuchiuu | sorrowful; gloomy; melancholy; distressed; sad | 憂愁
iuhietviuu | place of amusement; recreation center; playground | 遊戲場
iuhuu | rose belt fish | 油魚
iujiuu | gentle | 優柔
iujiuu-kvoaftoaxn | be peaceable and easygoing but lacking the strength to make quick decisions | 優柔寡斷
iukitviuu | amusement park | 遊技場
iulogtviuu | amusement park | 遊樂場
iuluun | oil tanker; cruise ship; tanker; oiler | 油輪; 遊輪
iupiexnzuun | post boat | 郵便船
iutiuu | oil silk | 油綢
iuu chiern jip chym | from shallow to profound--of progressive studies | 由淺入深
iuu lie | as you please; at your discretion | 由你
iuu thiefn jii kaxng | come down from heaven | 由天而降
iuu thiefn put'iuu jiin | it depends on Heaven not on man | 由天無由人
iuu zhuo cien'orng | go from here | 由此前往
iuu | fat; oil; fat; grease; paint; greasy | 油; 游; 遊; 由
iuu-loealoex | oily greasy | 油肭肭
iuu-soefsoea | abundant winfall | 油洗洗
iuzuun | an ocean liner; a mail carrier | 遊船; 郵船
iw'uu | have a surplus, be in excess | 有餘
iwbuu | Is there or not? | 有無
iwkiuu-pit'exng | unable to say no to petitioners; a soft touch; to respond to every plea; never refuses a request | 有求必應
iwuu | there is a surplus; there is some left over | 有餘
ixbuun | variation | 異文
ixliuu | reserved | 預留
iøqtuu | medicine cabinet | 藥廚; 藥櫥
jiaubuun | wrinkle; creases; folds | 皺紋
jiauhuun | wrinkle; creases; folds | 皺紋; 皺痕
jiausuun | wrinkles; creases; floods; rumples | 皺紋
jibbuun | become a disciple; guide-book | 入門
jibtviuu | entrance to the hall; go into a meeting place; enter a stadium or a theater; enter a meeting place; take part in an examination | 入場
jidgoat juu søf | The sun and the moon pass over the sky as fast as a weaver's shuttle.--How fast time flies! | 日月如梭
jidtviuu | morning or afternoon show (said of shows; concerts) matinee | 日場
jiediuu | hot oil | 熱油
jiedtviuu | brilliant; splendid; bustling; crowded; hustle and bustle | 熱場; 場面熱鬧; 精彩
jienliauxiuu | oil for fuel | 燃料油
jinbuun | humanities; culture; human affairs | 人文
jinbuun-texlie | political geography | 人文地理
jinbuun-zwgi | humanism | 人文主義
jinkuun | crowd of people; the masses; crowd; throng; multitude | 人群
jinluun | ethical relations; human morals; human duties; principles of human relationships; morality | 人倫
jinsefng juu bang | Life is but a dream | 人生如夢
jinsoaxn putjuu thiensoaxn | Human calculations are not equal to God's plan. Man proposes; and God disposes | 人算無如天算
jinzaai goaxliuu | brain drain | 人才外流
jinzhefng taixbengsuu | personal pronoun | 人稱代名詞
jinzuu | benevolent; gracious; kind; kindness; merciful; mercy; kindness; humanity; benevolence | 仁慈
jiog'iuo-jiogbuu | vague; shapeless; intangible | 若有若無
jiok buu kisu | as if nothing had happened; remain calm; with perfect composure | 若無其事
jiujiuu`leq | clean up clothes, dishes with water and soaps back and forth | 柔柔咧
jiuu leeng kheg kofng | The soft will conquer the hard.--soft and subtle approach can disarm a man of hot temper; a soft answer turns away wrath | 柔能克剛
jiuu | wipe with a wet cloth; duster or wet towel | 擦; 揉; 擦洗; 柔
jixsuun | twenties | 二旬
jixuun | special characters used in the name of the family for indicating their generation (There are; for instance; four persons whose names are Ko Tek-jin 高德仁 Ko Tek-gi 高德義 Ko Tek-le 高德禮 Ko Tek-ti 高德智。 Once we look at their names | 字輩; 字勻
juhuun | like gathering clouds (literally)--many; plentiful; gather in a crowd | 如雲
juliuu | fluent | 如流
juu bong zhof serng | as if awakened from dream--come to a sudden realization | 如夢初醒
juu luii koarnnie | like thunder roaring in one's ears (literally)--(your famous name) has long been known to me | 如雷貫耳
juu sor ciuty | as it well known; as everyone knows | 如所週知
juu | learned; scholars collectively; weak; Confucian; Confucianism; shrinking from hardship | 儒; 挐; 如; 茹; 紊亂
juu`khix | messy | 如去; 混亂去
juxnkut-iuu | lubricating oil | 潤滑油
jw'iuu | butter, whey | 乳油
ka'iuu | exhortation; Step on the gas! Let's go! (This word is very often pronounced in Mandarin ─ Jia-you!); Also means to refuel or put gas in the car | 加油
ka'iuu-thiamzhox | exaggerate or give embellishment to a story | 加油添醋
kabaxnghuu | deep sea fish | 加網魚
kabuu | accuse falsely, slander | 加誣; 誣賴; 中傷
kabuun | house door; family clan; family (viewed in the light of its social standing) | 家門
kae iuchiuu | console; relieve grief | 解憂愁
kaegoaxkiuu | foul ball | 界外球
kaesuu | preposition | 介詞; 介係詞
kaesuun | draw a line | 界線; 界紋
kaetuu | discard | 戒除
kaf piin juu siern | be in extreme poverty | 家貧如洗
kafjuu | supposing; if | 假如
kafmtharnsuu | interjection | 感嘆詞
kafmthaxn-suu | interjection | 感嘆辭; 感嘆詞
kafngkiuu | require | 講求
kafngsuu | teach; text of a speech (delivered before an audience) | 講詞
kafngthuun | finless-backed porpoise (animal) | 港豚
kafsuu | pseudoword | 假詞
kaftviuu | place of execution, hanging place | 絞場; 刑場
kahkutbuun | ancient Chinese font; oracle bone or shell writing | 甲骨文
kahuu | family support | 家扶
kaiuu | exhortation, Step on the gas! Let's go! (This word is very often pronounced in Mandarin ─ Jia-you!), Also means to refuel or put gas in the car. | 加油
kak'huun | soul | 覺魂
kaluun | gallon | 加侖; (容量單位)
kam'iuu | glycerin. The Taiwanese very often use the foreign word and pronounce it gulinselin | 甘油
kamtuun | take the lips between the teeth | 含唇
kang'viuu-taixtø | notorious bandit leader | 江洋大盜
kangjiuu | rigid and soft | 剛柔
kangthuun | finless-backed porpoise (animal) | 江豚
kangtviuu | factory; mill; plant; manufactory; workshop | 工廠; 工場
kannaf-kiuu | Rugby football | 橄欖球
kannafkiuu | football; American foot-ball (because the ball is shaped like a olive) | 橄仔球; 橄欖球
kannar-kiuu | Rugby football | 橄欖球
kanniuu | dry food; dry provisions; canned or packed food ready to serve | 乾糧; 乾娘
kaobuun | the door of Buddhism, a sect of Buddhism | 教文; 教門
kaokhøbuun | UNESCO | 教科文
kap'huun | seam | 敆痕; 接縫
kaptuu | pigeon-loft | 鴿舍
karbu-thenghuun | ride mist and float on clouds (as immortals do) | 駕霧騰雲; 騰雲駕霧
karhuun | ride on a cloud | 駕雲
kau'iuu | go picnic, go for a walk; have friendly contact with | 郊遊; 交遊
kauhpuui | compost; farmyard manure | 輾肥; 堆肥
kauiuu | have friendly contact with, people with whom one has friendly contacts, friends | 郊遊
kaukuu | ditch, drainage ditch | 溝渠
kaukuun | a type of Chinese boxing resembling the movements of a monkey | 猴拳; (拳法之一種)
kauliuu | communion; communicate; exchange; alternating current; interchange | 交流
kauxiuu | full of oil | 厚油
kawbøfhuu | coastal sandy and muddy sea areas fish | 狗母魚
kaxngtviuu | the same site, same stage, same place | 同場; 仝場
kaxzhuietuun | bite the lips | 咬嘴唇
kaychiuu | release worry | 解愁
kaytuu | cancel; rescind; release; exonerate; relieve of; remove; dissolve | 解除
kazawchixtviuu | flea market | 跳蚤市場
kazuu | my mother; my mother (used in polite speech) | 家母; 家慈
keahuu | mandarin fish | 鱖魚
keasuu | an adopted heir; inheritor; heir | 繼嗣
kebuun | women's apartment; women's court; inner-house | 閨門; 閨中
kegtviuu | theatre | 劇場
kehchviuu iuo nie | There are ears on the other side of the wall. ─ It's difficult to keep a secret. The walls have ears | 隔牆有耳
kejiuu | Taiwanese beech | 雞榆
kektuu | to eliminate; abolish; get rid of | 革除
keng'eeng longtviuu | run a form | 經營農場
keng'iuu | pass through; go by way of | 經由
keng'uun | till and weed; cultivate | 耕耘
kengbuun | scripture; written prayers; classical text | 經文
kengbuun-huixbuo | map and execute government policies and military affairs | 經文緯武
kengciøiuu | banana oil | 弓蕉油
kengluun | principles and policies in government administration | 經綸
kernggiap-logkuun | respect work and enjoy company | 敬業樂群
kerngky-tviuu | athletic field, sports field | 競技場
kerngsuu | term of esteem | 敬詞
khaf phuphuu | unsteady gait | 腳飄浮無力; 腳浮浮
khaibuun-kiernsafn | talk or write right to the point | 開門見山
khaigoaan-cietliuu | open the fountains and restrict the outflow ─ study ways to profit and limit expenditure | 開源節流
khaihoexsuu | opening speech | 開會詞
khaihuun-kiernjit | from dark to light; from obscurity to clarity | 開雲見日
khaituu | dismiss; fire out; expel | 開除
khakiuu | football; soccer; soccer ball | 足球; 跤球; 腳球
khan'guu | star Altair | 牽牛
khangkhøeatviuu | workshop | 工作場
khangkuun | bare-handed; hold nothing in the hand; barehanded | 空拳
khanguu | take care of cattle | 牽牛
khangzuun | empty ship | 空船
khankiuu | to take hold of and to save | 牽求; 援助
khaochviuu | Wailing Wall in Jerusalem | 哭牆
khaokiuu | (in tennis) to smash | 扣球
khaoliuu | detain; intern | 扣留
khaotuu | deduction | 扣除
khariuu | press oil out of seeds; or peanuts | 搾油; 敲油
khatea boah'iuu | slip away | 腳底抹油; 溜走
khaukiuu | (in tennis) to smash | 削球
khawniuu | grain rations; food ration | 口糧
khefexng-buun | a responsive reading | 啟應文
khehluun | a passenger ship | 客輪
khehzuun | commercial boat; passenger ship; liner | 客船
kheliuu | stream; mountain stream | 溪流
kheng'iuu | light oil | 輕油
khengbuun-tioxngbuo | put the sword above the pen | 輕文重武
khengjuu | intelligensie slaughter | 坑儒
khengkhiekiuu | gas balloon | 輕氣球
khengphuu | flippant; frivolous; playful | 輕浮
khengphuun | overturn a bowl | 傾盆
khiamsuu | modest speech; humble remark | 謙詞
khiapjuu | timid, cowardly, cowardice, timidity | 怯儒; 怯?
khiaptviuu | stage-fright | 怯羞
khiaxniuu | placing a column | 立樑; 豎樑
khiaxsiuu | tread water; tread water | 徛泅; 立泳; 踩水; 豎泅
khiaxtuu | shelf | 立櫥; 立櫃; 豎櫥
khie'iuu | gasoline, petrol | 汽油
khie'iuu-tefng | kerosene lamp, gasoline lantern | 煤油燈
khie'kiuu | balloon, air-ball | 氣球
khiebuun-ciuxbuo | quit civilian life and join the army | 棄文就武
khiechiaf kaytheftviuu | chop shop | 汽車解體廠
khieiuu | gasoline | 汽油
khieiuu-chiwliutvoaa | Molotov cocktail | 汽油手榴彈
khieiuu-tefng | kerosene lamp, gasoline lantern | 汽油燈
khiekiuu | gas balloon | 氣球
khieliuu | windstream; airflow; air current; air current; atmospheric current | 氣流
khietuu | remove | 去除
khiezuun | steamship; steamer | 汽船
khihhuun | defects | 缺痕
khimsiux-putjuu | worse than beasts (said of those devoid of moral principles and sense of shame) worse than beasts; bestial | 禽獸無如
khin'guun | aluminum | 輕銀
khinjiuu | tender | 輕柔
khinkhiekiuu | balloon | 輕氣球
khinliuu | tender | 輕柔
khiokkurnkiuu | polo | 曲棍球
khioktuu | remove | 去除
khitkiuu | entreat; supplicate | 乞求; 乞求,求乞
khiukhiuu | curly | 虯虯; 捲捲; 鬈鬈
khiukhiuu-khiaxmkhiam | hard working and thrifty during one's life | 虯虯儉儉; 勤苦節儉
khiuu køq khiam | stingy and thrifty person | 虯擱儉; 又小氣又節儉
khiuu | mean; miser; curled; curly; penurious; very economical and rather niggardly | 虯; 吝嗇; 彎曲; 捲; 儉
khiuu-sysie | thrifty people | 虯死死; 很節儉的人
khiuu-thaumngg | curly hair | 虯頭髮; 頭髮捲捲的
khiuuo'khiuxkhiu | springy and bouncy as in Q texture | QQQ; 捲捲捲
khoaezuun | an express boat | 快船
khoafnliuu | to sincerely try to make a guest stay longer in order to offer greater hospitality | 款留
khoan'iuu seakaix | take a round-the-world tour; circle the globe | 環遊世界
khoankiuu | global; worldwide; throughout the world; universal | 環球
khoankiuu-lyheeng | travel around the world | 環球旅行
khoarnseabuun | message of encouragement | 勸世文
khoarnsex-buun | religious tract | 勸世文
khoatniuu | lack food | 缺糧
khofkhor-aikiuu | implore urgently | 苦苦哀求
khofkiuu | entreat, implore, entreaty, supplication | 苦求
khofteiuu | tea oil | 苦茶油
khoghuu | crocodile | 鱷魚
khongbuun | Buddhism; the teaching which regards everything as unreal; or immaterial; the school of unreality; Buddhism the doctrine which regards everything as unreal; immaterial | 空門
khongkhiekiuu | balloon | 空氣球
khongkimsuun | to make a gold line | 鑲金紋; 鑲有金線
khongtiofng-kaiuu | refueling in the air | 空中加油
khorguun | treasury money | 庫銀
khorliuu | to detain, to intern | 扣留
khorng'iuu | mineral oil | 礦油
khorngbut-iuu | mineral oil | 礦物油
khorngtviuu | mine | 礦場
khortuu | to subtract, to deduct | 扣去; 扣除
khorzuun | goods in stock | 庫存
khuituu | to dismiss; to fire | 開除
khuitviuu | to beginning of a show or anything | 開場
khuizuun | to set sail; to weigh anchor; set sail; weigh anchor | 開船
khukhuu | knees a little bent, crouching | 踞踞; 跍跍
khuliuu | to detain in custody; detention; detain; detentio | 拘留
khuliuu-sor | jail | 拘留所
khunkhuun | diligently, hard-working | 勤勤
khutuu | to drive out; to get rid of; to eliminate | 驅除
khuu | to crouch; to squat; squat; to crouch; to go to the toilet | 踞; 跍; 蹲
khuu`løh | to squat; to crouch | 蹲落; 蹲下去
khuu`teq | squatting; crouching | 蹲著
khuun | diligent; industrious | 勤; 蜷; 捲纏; 囷; 堆; 捲軸; 捆
khuysuu | feigned words | 開詞; 詭辭
khvoarguu | a cowherd; to herd or take care of cattle; herd cow; pasture cattle | 放牛; 看牛; 牧牛
khvoarguu`ee | watch the cow | 看牛的
khwnkiuu | to plead; to beg; to appeal; to solicit; entreaty; solicitation; implore; entreat; beseech | 懇求; 懇祈
khyhuun | clouds rise | 起雲
khyluun | (machine) gear; toothed wheel; a gear | 齒輪; 牙輪
khysviuu | food particles in the teeth | 齒液; 齒𣻸; 牙垢
khyzuun | disembark | 起船; 登陸
khøfchietviuu | room (hall); the field of examination | 考試場; 考場; 試場
khøftviuu | examination halls | 考場
khøkiuu | to make excessive demands; criticize by severe standards | 苛求
khørbuun | text of school book; text | 課文
khøruu | after school | 課餘
khøtviuu | a place for examines(like college admission) | 科場
ki'iuu | lubricating oil; lubricant | 機油
ki'uu | reminders; the rest | 其餘
kiafmtuu | lessen, reduce | 減除; 減輕
kiamlienhuu | red chub; also imply a stingy person | 鹹鰱魚
kiap'hiuu | warm lined coat | 夾襖; 裌裘; 襯裡式的外衣; 暖大衣
kiap'uu | in the wake of a disaster; following a disaster | 劫餘
kiarbogtviuu | A place where timber is stored before transporting to a saw mill | 貯木場; 寄木場
kiarliuu | live temporarily elsewhere | 寄留
kiarsiuu | to consign for sale | 寄售
kiarzuun | to deposit (money) | 寄存
kiauxphuu | raise up with a lever | 撬浮
kiawiuu | mix with oil | 拌油
kiawtauxiuu | rice mix soy sauce | 攪豆油; 白飯拌醬油
kiawtviuu | gambling place; casino | 賭場; 筊場
kibuun | to hear unique news; to learn strange news | 奇聞
kied oansiuu | become enemies | 結冤仇
kied-oansiuu | have an open feud, be at enmity | 結冤仇; 結仇
kiefntiuu | pongee | 繭綢
kiencirn serng'iuu | Chrism (Catholic) | 堅振聖油
kiernbuun | information; what one sees and hears | 見聞
kiesuxbuun | written narration; narrative writing | 記敘文
kiettorng-sengkuun | form a gang and gather a group | 結黨成群
kietzuun | credit balance, foreign exchange reserve (said of government finance) | 結存
kihuu | swordfish | 旗魚
kiiuu | lubricating oil, lubricant | 機油
kikhieiuu | machine oil | 機器油
kikiuu | make supplication; pray for; beg; pray beseech; implore | 祈求
kim'iuu | varnish; lacquer | 金油; 假漆
kimguu | golden calf | 金牛
kimguun | money | 金銀
kimhuu | golden fish | 金魚
kimsuun | gold stripes | 金線
kin'uun | even (blending; etc.); uniform; well mixed | 均勻
kinciø'iuu | banana-oil | 香蕉油
kinciøf-iuu | banana oil | 香蕉油
kiogtviuu | theatre | 劇場
kiongchviuu | wall of the imperial palace | 宮牆
kiongkexng putjuu ciongbeng | respectful demeanor does not equal obedience | 恭敬無如從命
kiongkiuu | make forced demands | 強求
kiongsuu | confession to a criminal act | 供詞; 強詞
kiongsuu-toadlie | argue irrationally | 強詞奪理
kiorngkiuu | supply and demand | 供求
kiorngsuu | confession to a criminal act | 供詞
kioxng køex uu kiuu | supply has outstripped demand; excessive supply | 供過於求
kioxng put'exng kiuu | supply is unable to meet the demand; deficiency of supply | 供無應求
kioxngzuun | to co-exist; to survive together; coexistence; live together | 共存
kioxngzuun-kioxng'eeng | mutual well-being and prosperity | 共存共榮
kipliuu | swift currents; a torrent | 急流
kitviuu | airport; airfield | 機場
kitøfbuun | a written prayer | 祈禱文
kitør-buun | written prayer | 祈禱文
kiujiin putjuu kiukie | Relying upon oneself is better than relying upon others. If you want a thing done well; do it yourself | 求人無如求己
kiuomia-zuun | lifeboat | 救命船; 救生船
kiuosefng-zuun | lifeboat | 救生船
kiuosengzuun | lifeboat | 救生船
kiusiuu | enemy | 仇讎; 仇恨
kiusuu | to pray for a child (son) | 求嗣
kiutviuu | a playground for ball games; a field; a court; ball field | 球場
kiuu khoanbiern | ask for a dispensation (Catholic) | 求寬免
kiuu miasviaf | seek a reputation | 求名聲
kiuu | a ball; anything shaped like a ball; a sphere; implore; beseech; ask after; beg; to pray; seek after | 球; 求
kiwbuun | (literally) I have heard of your name for a long time | 久聞
kiwgiuu-itmoo | drop in the ocean | 九牛一毛
kiwliuu | all kinds of people; stay longer | 九流; 久留
kiwpad bøieen-khieiuu | number ninety-eight non-lead gasoline | 九八無鉛汽油
kixnbuun | the things heard recently | 近聞
kiøniuu | bridge; bridge span | 橋樑
kngchviuu | bright (lamp), cheery (room) | 光牆; 明朗
koafn thienbuun | practice astrology or astronomy | 觀天文
koan'uu | regarding, concerning, in connection with, in respect of | 關於
koan'w; koan'ii; koan'uu | concerning; with regard to; regarding | 關於
koanbuu | crested bunting (bird) | 鳳頭鹀; 冠鵐
koanhe-taixbengsuu | relative pronoun | 關係代名詞
koanhexsuu | relative clauses; relative pronoun; adverb | 關係詞
koansuu | (in English grammar) the article | 冠詞
koarn'uu | used to | 慣於
koarnsuu | an article (grammatical) | 冠詞
koasuu | lyrics; words of a song; lyrics; words of a song; verses of songs | 歌詞
koatpiet-suu | farewell address | 訣別辭; 臨別贈言
koeakhix-hunsuu | past participle | 過去分詞
koealiuu | carefully selected out of a lot | 過留; 經過揀選
koejiuu | fragrant pittosporum | 雞棠
koeliuu | Taiwan beech | 雞榆
kofbuun | ancient written language; an old Chinese literary style; ancient writings; classics | 古文
kofngtviuu | a square (in a city); a plaza; plaza; the town common; the city square | 廣場
kofphiøx chixtviuu | stock market | 股票市場
kofy chixtviuu | second hand clothing market | 估衣市場
kohuun | wandering ghost; disembodied spirit with no one to make offerings to it | 孤魂
kok'huun | national spirit | 國魂
kokbuun | the written national language; national literature (language) | 國文
kong'ym juu cvix | Time flies like an arrow | 光陰如箭
kongbuun | anus | 肛門; 公文
kongpøx-susiuu | take private revenge under guise of public justice | 公報私仇
koniuu | young lady; Miss; Lady; unmarried girls | 姑娘
koriuo-bengsuu | proper noun | 固有名詞; 專有名詞
korngguun | tribute money | 敲銀; 貢銀
kudiuu | slippy oil | 滑油
kudluun | a pulley | 滑潤; 滑輪
kui'uu | attribute to; revert to | 歸於
kuibuun | women's apartment; women's court; inner-house | 閨門; 閨中
kuikiuu | the whole mass; the whole lump | 一團; 規球
kuikuun | a whole group, a whole mob, a whole flock | 整群
kuiliuu | the whold tumor; the whole lump | 閤瘤; 全個瘤
kuisuun | a whole trace | 整紋; 規巡
kuituu | (in abacus calculation) division of a number consisting of three or more digits | 歸除
kuixkiuu | kneel and beseech | 跪跪; 跪求
kuixtuu | a cabinet; a cupboard; a sideboard | 櫃櫥
kuliuu | dwell; reside; residence | 居住; 居留
kun'iuu | original cause, root | 根由
kun'uun | even; uniform; well mixed | 均勻
kunkuun`leq | boil a while | 燉燉咧
kunniuu | food supplies for military units; military supplies | 軍糧
kuntuu | eradicate; extermination | 根除
kutliuu | osteoma | 骨瘤
kutluun | joint; large joint (of the limbs) | 骨輪; 關節
kutphuun | pelvic bones | 骨盆
kuu | canal | 渠; 劬; 朐
kuun thngf | (of actors; entertainers; etc.) to appear onstage; (of products) to appear in the market | 焄湯
kuun | fist; boxing; finger-guessing | 拳; 煮透
kuun-hof noa | boil very soft | 燉爛
kuxbuun | an old story | 舊文
kuxzuun`nii | the year before last year | 大前年; 舊存年
kuykuun | how many | 幾捆
kuysuun | how many (terms) | 幾巡
kvanafiuu | olive oil | 橄欖油
kvanafkiuu | rugger; football; rugby | 橄欖球
kvanar-iuu | olive oil | 橄欖油
kvasiuu | a prisoner; a convict; person who is always hungry or doesn't have any manners (Lit. a person locked in jail) | 監囚; 囚犯; 罵人好吃; (比喻餓鬼)
kvia'iuu | wander, stroll | 走遊; 遊歷
kviakuun | to do shadow boxing | 行拳
kviazuun | be a sailor, employed on board | 行船; 做船員
kvoafbuun | ill-informed | 寡聞
kvoaftuu | drive out and get rid of | 趕逐; 趕鋤; 趕除; 除掉
kvoaniuu | army provisions and payroll; official foodstuff | 官糧
kvoatviuu | officialdom; official circles; official life | 官場
kvoaxsviuu | sweat mixed with dirt | 汗垢
kymtiuu | brocade | 錦綢
kynliuu | swift current | 緊流; 急流
kø'iuu | ointment | 膏油
køe'iuu | chicken fat | 雞油
køea'uu | surplus | 過餘
køeaviuu | over the ocean | 過洋
køeftuu | get rid of | 改除; 解除; 戒除
køejiuu | fragrant pittosporum | 雞榆
køetviuu | chicken farm | 雞場
køfsiuu | fees paid to a writer on piecework basis | 稿酬
køfzhaix-chixtviuu | fruit | 果菜市場
køkib-chixtviuu | high class market | 高級市場
kønyhukiuu | golf | 高爾夫球; (外來語)
kørpiet-suu | a parting speech, a farewell speech | 告別辭; 告別詞
kørzuun | paddle a boat; row a boat | 划船
køsoa'uu | Formosan bullfinch | 高沙鳧; 高山鶯; 高紅腹灰雀
køviuu | lamb | 羔羊
køxkiuu | grounder; roll a ball | 滾球
laam-pvoarkiuu | the Southern Hemisphere | 南半球
laan juu tengthiefn | as difficult as going to heaven | 難如登天
labguun | pay taxes | 繳錢; 繳稅
labniuu | make tax payments in kind; usu. in rice; pay taxes in grain | 納糧
lafmguu | weak cow | 弱牛
lagsuun | sixty years | 六旬
lai'iuu | cause | 來由
laixkakkiuu | inside (ball); an insider (baseball) | 內角球
laixkhuun | indoor service; desk work | 內勤
laixkuun | petticoat | 襯裙
laixtviuu | inner circle; the banker (in gambling); the bank; instigator of a gambling session | 內場; 莊家
laluun-siøf | lukewarm | 拉圇燒; 溫的
lambuu-ømytøhut | Namo--Blessed be | 南無阿彌陀佛
lang sinniuu | custom at marriages ─ to tease the new bride (generally takes place at night; just before the bride enters her bridal chamber with her husband for the first time) to make her laugh | 鬧新娘; 鬧洞房
lang-sinniuu | make rough fun with a bride after the marriage | 弄新娘; 鬧新房
langsviuu | pus | 膿泥; 膿汁
lao'iuu | leaking oil | 漏油
laqtviuu | hunting ground | 獵場
laqzek'iuu | candle drippings | 燭淚油
larnghuun | clear sky | 曠雲; 破雲
lauchviuu | wall around a building | 樓牆
laukvoa-sviuu | sweating hard | 流汗濕
lauxguu | old cow | 老牛
lauxkoniuu | old spinster; old maid | 老姑娘
lauxniuu | my old mother (occa. used as a pronoun. by an elderly woman) | 老娘
lawpafnniuu | proprietor's wife; proprietress; proprietor's wife; boss's wife; mistress | 老闆娘
laxngkiuu | play ball | 弄球
laxngsinniuu | tease the bride | 弄新娘
lefbuun | written liturgy or ritual | 禮文; 書面禱告文
lefngbuun | not in popular demand; not in vogue | 冷門
lefngkafngzuun | pilot boat | 領港船
lefngtviuu | cold reception of a show or speech; temporary suspension of a show; party occasioned by inefficient management | 冷場
leg'iuu | anthracene oil | 綠油
legkiuu | make every effort to; do one's best; strive for | 力求
legsuun | wrinkle in face; dress | 慄紋; 成皺紋
leguu | farming cow | 犁牛
leksuun | fold; crease; wrinkle forming of itself (in a dress worn too long; on the neck of a fat man; or wrist of a child) | 皺紋
leng'iuu | butter | 奶油
leng'viuu | antelope | 羚羊
lengbuun lengbuo | can compose and perform military exercises; gifted in both intellectual and martial arts; efficient in both brainy and brawny activities | 能文能武
lengguu | milk cow | 奶牛
lengguun | silver dollar | 龍眼; 銀元
lenghuu | eastern scaup dick | 靈魂; 鈴鴨
lenghuun putbiet lun | theory of the immortality of the soul | 靈魂無滅論
lenghuun putbiet | immortality of the soul; the soul is immortal | 靈魂無滅
lenghuun samsw | three qualities of the rational soul; faculties of the soul | 靈魂三司
lenghuun sengsit soad | theory that the soul as well as the body is propagated; Traducianism | 靈魂生殖說
lenghuun uithoaan soad | theory that the soul as well as the body is passed on to the offspring or inherited from parents; Traducianism | 靈魂遺傳說
lenghuun zhorngzø soad | theory of the creation of a soul for every person at birth | 靈魂創造說
lenghuun | soul; spirit | 靈魂; 凌雲
lengliuu | breast tumor | 乳瘤
lengsiuu | retail sales | 零售
lengtiuu | a fine silk fabric | 龍綢; 綾綢
lengzuun | dragon boats (used on the 5th of the 5th lunar month for races) | 龍船
lexjuu | for example | 例如
lexngzuu | your (merciful) mother | 令慈; 令堂
liamhuu | flat head lake fish with no scales | 鯰魚
liamsiuu | bargain sale; sell cheap (at a reduced price); sell for a low price | 廉售
liamsvakuun | one-piece dress | 連衫裙
liap'huun | to summon souls of the dead | 攝魂
liaqkuun | to box | 掠拳; 打拳
liaqkøf-siuu | freestyle swimming | 掠篙泅; 自由式游泳
liaqkøsiuu | freestyle swimming | 掠篙泅; 自由式游泳
liauafhuu | Taiwanese dried fish | 鱙仔魚
liaxmliaxm'iwsuu | talking to oneself | 唸唸有詞
libsuu sengkex | adopt an heir | 立嗣承繼
libsuu | appoint an heir | 立嗣
libtviuu | stand; position; attitude; standpoint; situation | 立場
lienbuun | join hands article | 連文
lienciab-suu | conjunction | 連接詞
lienciapsuu | coordinate conjunction; conjunction; connective | 連接詞
lienhuu | silver carp | 鰱魚
lienluun | rings indicating the growth of a tree; annual (growth) ring | 年輪
liernkiuu | roll the ball | 滾球
liexn'iuu-chiarng | oil refinery | 煉油廠
liexnbea-tviuu | horse riding field | 練馬場
liexngak lenghuun | souls in Purgatory | 煉獄靈魂
liexnkiuu | practice | 練球
liexnkuun | to practice boxing | 練拳
liexnzeng lenghuun | purify the soul | 煉淨靈魂
limpaf-kiuu | lymphocytes | 淋巴球
limphuun | about to deliver a child (of expecting mother); near child birth; parturition | 臨盆
limtviuu | (n) forest management area; a logging station; wooded land; forest | 林場
lin'iuu | butter | 乳油
linbuun | humanities | 人文
linguu | milk cow | 乳牛
linkuun | people | 人群
linluun | human relations | 人倫
linzuu | kind | 仁慈
liog'iuu | anthracene oil | 綠油
liogsuun | sixty years | 六旬
liongserngliuu | benign tumor | 良性瘤
liongsexng-liuu | benign tumor | 良性瘤
liqhuun | chasm | 裂痕; 裂紋
liqsuun | rent; crack; rip cleavage; fissure | 裂紋
lirnkiuu | dribble | 滾球
liuhuu | catfish | 鰇魚
liuliuu | flow | 流流
liupengtviuu | skating rink | 溜冰場
liuu | detain; obstruct; to keep; to delay; remain; to stay; be at a standstill; leave behind; preserve | 留; 遛; 瘤; 流; 硫
liuzuun | preserve; reserve; keep in reserve | 留存; 保存
lixhuun | opening on fracture or split | 離痕
lixkuun | stray from the group | 離群; 利群
lixsuun | profits | 利純; 利潤
liøiuu | slice oil horizontally | 撩油
loan'uu | imperial carriage; sedan chair | 鑾輿
loaxnhuun | chaos cloud | 亂雲
loaxnliuu | turbulence | 亂流
loaxnluun | commit incest; incest | 亂倫
loexkorsuun | steroid | 內固醇
logkuun | group play; group life as part of education | 樂群
lohuu | bass | 鱸魚
longgiap chiegiaxmtviuu | experimental farm; agricultural experiment station | 農業試驗場
longhuun bidpox | dark clouds stretch all over the sky ─ sign of impending storm | 濃雲密佈
longkuun | wolf pack | 狼群
longkuun-kawtorng | disorderly crowd; a pack of dogs ─ a riot of evil persons | 狼群狗黨
longtviuu | farm | 農場
lorngkiuu | billiards | 撞球; 挵球
loxhuun | road mark | 路痕
luiphuun | a mortar | 擂盆; 研缽
lunliuu | take turns; in alternate shifts | 輪流
lunzuun | steamship; steamboat; steamer; steamship | 輪船
luu | thatched hut; booth; hovel; cottage | 廬; 驢
luun | wheel | 輪; 倫
luun`tiøh | tak turn | 輪到
luurnpviafkauq | Taiwanese crepe | 潤餅𩛩
luxnbuun | dissertation; essay; treatise; monograph; discourse | 論文
luxnkudiuu | lubricating oil; lubricant | 潤滑油
luxnkut-iuu | lubricating oil | 潤滑油
luykiuu | softball; indoor baseball | 壘球
lwbuu | a sorceress, a witch | 女巫
lwiuu | tour; see sights | 旅遊
lwliuu | the womenfolk; the weak | 女流
lwntviuu | burnt field | 懍場
lwsiuu | female prisoner | 女囚
ly'iuu | reason for action, ground for action | 理由
ly'iuu-sw | affidavit | 理由書; 口供書
lyhuu | carp | 鯉魚
lyiuu | reason; sake; cause | 理由
lyliuu | women (generally); women's world | 女流
lyluu | a precinct division | 里閭
lym sinniuu ciuo | attend a wedding feast | 喝喜酒
lysiuu | female prisoner | 女囚
løfiuu | camphor oil | 腦油; 樟腦油
løfkuun | the fist | 老拳
løharnkuun | a game played by Taiwanese during drinking alcohol | 羅漢拳
løo jii buu kofng | toil in vain; fruitless attempt | 勞而無功
løqzuun | go by boat; go ashore; leave the ship; disembark | 下船; 坐船; 裝船
maflengzuu | potato | 馬鈴薯; 洋芋
mauhtuun | lips | 凹唇
miasuu | noun | 名詞
mihiuu | cotton padded coat or jacket; cotton-padded; quilted jacket | 棉裘; 棉襖
mikiuu | cotton ball | 綿球
minykuun | mini-skirt | 迷你裙
mitiuu | silk fabric | 綿綢
miviuu | sheep | 綿羊
moa'iuu | sesame oil | 麻油
moaftviuu | whole assemblage; be full of people; draw a full house | 滿場
moaiuu | sesame oil | 麻油
moe'iuu | kerosene | 煤油
moekiuu | briquette, a coal ball | 煤球
mui'iuu | coal oil, kerosene | 媒油; 煤油
muikiuu | briquette, a coal ball | 煤球
nakiutviuu | basketball court | 籃球場
nakiuu | basketball | 籃球
nakiuu-tviuu | basket-ball court | 籃球場
nau-sinniuu | custom at marriages ─ to tease the new bride (generally takes place at night; just before the bride enters her bridal chamber with her husband for the first time) to make her laugh | 鬧新娘; 鬧洞房
nauxtviuu | make trouble | 鬧場
nawliuu | brain tumor | 腦瘤
nax zhuietuun | lick one's lips | 舐嘴唇
ng'guu | common Chinese ox; a ticket scalper; faker; fraud | 黃牛
ng'iuu | Chinese mink, golden weasel, butter | 黃油; 華南鼬鼠
ngguu | ox, bovine draft animal | 黃牛
nghuu | name matches reality, be worthy of name | 黃魚
ngzuun | seedling boat | 秧船
ni'iuu | butter, whey, cream | 乳油; 奶油
niar pvexlaang huoiuu Serngsu | receive Extreme Unction (the new Catholic term for this Sacrament is Anointing of the Sick; but you may still hear the term; Extreme Unction) | 領臨終聖事
niauhuun | scar | 貓痕; 麻子
niguu | a cow, a milk cow | 奶牛
niluun | rings indicating the growth of a tree; annual (growth) ring | 年輪
niuniuu | mother | 娘娘
niuu bie | measure (the quantity of) rice | 量米
niuu jip uii zhud | regulate expenses according to income | 量入為出
niuu thefwn | take the temperature | 量體溫
niuu | big beam or ridgepole of a house | 樑; 糧; 娘; 梁; 量
nngfkiuu | softball | 軟球
nybuun | all of you (literary expression) | 爾等; 你們
o'ienthuun | soot | 煤煙渣
o'iuu | lubricating oil | 黑油; 烏油; 機油
oafn'iuu | travel far | 遠遊
oafnchyn putjuu kixnliin | A neighbor at hand is better than a relative far off | 遠親無如近鄰
oafnhøea-zuxhuun | If you play with fire you will get burned | 玩火自焚
oafnjuu | as if; as though; like; apparently; seemingly | 宛如
oafnviuu | high seas | 遠洋
oan'oansiusiuu | enmity | 冤冤仇仇
oanhuun | un-avenged ghost of a murdered man haunting the murderer | 冤魂
oanphuun | end the grave | 完墳
oansiuu | animosity; enmity; grudge; enemy | 冤仇; 怨仇
oaqzuun | current account | 活存
oarnsiuu | resentment | 怨仇
oeiuu | shoe polish | 鞋油
oexhuu | to draw Taoist magic characters | 畫符
oexhuun | draw a line | 畫線
oexsuu | vocabulary, choice of words | 話詞; 用字
oexsuun | draw lines | 畫線
of-haythuun | black dolphin | 黑海豚
ohuu | mullet | 烏魚
ohuun | a thick cloud; nimbus | 黑雲; 烏雲
oienthuun | black smoke | 烏煙黗
oiuu | lubricating oil; lubricant | 機油
okserngliuu | malignant tumor | 惡性瘤; (毒瘤)
omoaiuu | black sesame oil | 烏麻油
ongbøfniuniuu | | 王母娘娘
ongzuun | King ship; dragon boats (used on the 5th of the 5th lunar month for races) | 王船
padliuu | different style | 別流
pafn'afzuun | banzai boat | 板仔船
pag-pvoarkiuu | the Northern Hemisphere | 北半球
pagzuun | charter a vessel | 租船
pahhoex siongtviuu | emporium | 百貨商場
pahkefngkuun | pleated skirt | 百襉裙; 百摺裙
pahkerng-kuun | pleated skirt | 百葉裙; 百襇裙; 百襉裙; 百摺裙
pahuun | scar | 疤痕
paikiuu | volleyball | 排球
paituu | eliminate; exclude; remove | 排除
paitviuu | display | 排場
paix goeqniuu | worship the moon | 拜月亮
pak'viuu | northern sea | 北洋
paktor leksuun | the abdomen flabby and flapped | 肚子皺紋
pakzuun | stripping ship | 剝船
panbuun loxnghuo | wield an axe before Lo Pan; the God of carpenters ─ be conceited; show off one's talent or skill before an expert | 班門弄斧
panbuun | stripes; striped | 斑紋
panbuun-loxnghuo | to show off in front of experts | 班門弄斧
pang'afzuun | Fangzi Boat | 枋仔船
pangkiuu tui | a baseball team | 棒球隊
pangkiuu | baseball | 棒球
panhuun | stripes; streaky marks; marks left by beating; scar | 斑痕; 瘢痕
panliuu | to detain | 攀留
parbuun | leopard crest | 豹紋
parng'viuu | let the sheep go to pasture; to pasture goats and sheep | 放羊; 放洋
parngguu | graze cattle | 放牛
parngguu-ciaqzaho | dismissed a class; a term that was used to those students that do not plan for further education | 放牛吃草
parnghuu | make charm (magic incantations) | 放符
parngzuun | launch a boat or ship, set sail | 放船; 下水
partviuu | shooting range; firing range | 靶場
patauxiuu | croton oil | 巴豆油
pauhuu | abalone | 鮑魚
pauuii | surround, envelop, besiege, envelopment | 包圍
pauzuun | engage a boat for one's own use | 包船
paxngkiutviuu | baseball diamond; baseball stadium | 棒球場
paxngkiuu pysaix | baseball game | 棒球賽; 棒球比賽
paxngkiuu soafnchiuo | baseball player | 棒球選手
paxngkiuu | baseball | 野球; 棒球
paxngkiuu-tviuu | baseball field | 棒球場
pee-lengzuun | row a dragon boat; used on the 5th of the 5th lunar month for races | 扒龍船; 划龍船
pee-liongzhuun | row a dragon boat; used on the 5th of the 5th lunar month for races | 扒龍船; 划龍船
pefngzuun | to turn over a boat; overturn boat | 翻船
peg buu itsid | There is not a single miss in a hundred tries ─ never a failure in many trials | 百無一失
peg buu ittioong | skilled in nothing; good for nothing | 百無一長
peg buu khøfuii | nothing can be done | 百無可為
peg buu kirmkhi | nothing to be superstitious about ─ no restrictions of any kind here by way of taboo | 百無禁忌
peh-hietkiuu | white blood corpuscle, phagocyte, leucocyte | 白血球
peh-hoehkiuu | white blood corpuscle, phagocyte, leucocyte | 白血球
peh-huihkiuu | white blood corpuscle, phagocyte, leucocyte | 白血球
pek'iuu | pitch; asphalt | 柏油
pekbuun putjuu itkiexn | hear about a thing many times is not equal to a single look at it ─ Seeing is believing | 百聞無如一見
pelengzuun | dragon boat | 扒龍船
peng'anhuu | peace sign | 平安符
peng'viuu | a plain; an open country | 平原
pengniuu | military food supply; soldiers rations | 兵糧
pengtuu | a refrigerator | 冰廚; 冰箱
pengtviuu | soldier's parade ground | 兵場; 閱兵場
pengzuun | warship | 兵船; 軍艦
peqbuun | white bird | 白文
peqguun | silver | 白銀
peqhaythuun | white dolphin | 白海豚
peqhia-iuu | oil for terminating termite | 白蟻油
peqhietkiuu koeatøf | leukemia | 白血球過多
peqhietkiuu | white blood cells; leucocytes; white corpuscles in the blood | 白血球
peqhoehkiuu | white blood cells; leucocytes; white corpuscles in the blood | 白血球
peqhuihkiuu | a white blood cell | 白血球
peqhuun | white cloud | 白雲
peqmoa'iuu | white sesame oil | 白麻油
peqmoaiuu | white sesame oil | 白麻油
peqoexbuun | writing in vernacular Chinese | 白話文
perngtuu | discard | 摒除
pezuun | paddle a boat | 耙船; 扒船; 划船
phahkatkhiuu | knot | 拍結毬
phahkatkiuu | to get entangled | 打糾纏; 糾纏而亂
phahkiuu | to bounce a ball; play ball | 打球; 拍球
phahkuun | boxing (sport); practice boxing | 打拳; 拍拳
phahnakiuu | play basketball | 打籃球
phahphoxngsiuu | fetching water while swimming | 拍滂泅
phahpoxngsiuu | swim; lead vagrant life | 打磅泅; 游泳; 遊蕩
phakzuysiuu | freestyle; Front Crawl | 覆水泅
phang'iuu | sesame oil; fragrant; aromatic oils | 香油; 芳油; 髮油
phangkuun | swarm of bees; wasps | 蜂群
phangtuu | colony of bees; beehive | 蜂櫥; 蜂房
phangtviuu | to support; render support or assistance; by one's presence; endorsement | 捧場; 捀場
phangzuun | sailboat; sailing vessel; sailing vessel | 帆船
phaochviuu | artillery wall | 炮墻
phaohuu | puffs | 泡芙
phaosiuu | sell off | 拋售
phaozuun | ship with cannon | 炮船; 砲艦
phaq baxngkiuu | play tennis | 打網球
phaq bor tikawguu | man beat his wife be like a beast | 打老婆者如禽獸
phaq paxngkiuu | play baseball | 打棒球
phaq tøhkiuu | play ping pong | 打桌球; 打乒乓球
phaq wmokiuu | play badminton | 打羽毛球
phaq-katkiuu | tangled | 打結球; 拍結毬; 糾纏不清
phaq-nakiuu | to play basketball | 打籃球; 拍籃球
phausiuu | to put on sales; dump large stocks of merchandise on the market in order to force down prices | 拋售
phaw siuokiuu | throw an embroidered ball (in order to choose a husband ─ an ancient custom) | 拋繡球
phaw-siuokiuu | throw embroidery ball to select a bridegroom | 拋繡球
phawbea-tviuu | a race course | 跑馬場; 賽馬場
phawbeftviuu | hippodrome; racecourse (for horse racing); racetrack | 跑馬場
phawmar-tviuu | race course, turf | 跑馬場
phazuun | anchor a ship; boat | 泊船; 泊碇
phek'huun | cloud | 碧雲
phiauliuu buteng | drift about; wander aimlessly | 漂流無定
phiauliuu | float; be carried away by water; to drift; carried away (by a flood) | 飄流; 漂流
phiauphuu | float; floatation; swim | 漂浮
phiausiuu | sell by tender | 標售
phiauviuu koeahae | sail across an ocean | 漂洋過海
phiauviuu | be tossed on the ocean | 漂洋; 飄洋
phiejuu | for example | 譬如
phieluu | for example | 譬如
phiensym-luun | eccentric wheel | 偏心輪
phiernkaq putliuu | army is completely wiped out | 片甲無留; 落花流水
phiernsiuu | remuneration for a movie actor or actress for starring in a film | 片酬
phinphorng-kiuu | ping-pong ball, table tennis | 乒乓球
phinpiarng-kiuu | ping-pong ball, table tennis | 乒乓球
phixnphoxngsiuu | swiming continuously | 乒乓泅
phoarhiuu | rotten clothes; broken cotton padded; quilted jacket | 破裘; 破棉襖
phoarpengzuun | an icebreaker; a boat of ship that busts the surface ice so other ships can pass | 破冰船
phoartuu | eliminate, get rid of | 破除
phoarzuun | broken down ship | 破船
phoeazuun | shipping by ships | 海運
phof-mihiuu | comfort | 舖綿裘
phokbuun | knowledgeable | 博聞
phoksu-luxnbuun | dissertation, doctorate thesis | 博士論文
phomihiuu | padded jacket; quilted coat | 鋪棉襖
phosatniuniuu | kind goddess | 菩薩娘娘
phu'iuu sengbut | plankton | 浮游生物
phu'iuu | a thin layer of oil | 浮油
phuhuun | floating cloud | 浮雲
phunliuu | rush | 奔流
phuphuu | floating | 浮浮; 腳踏無穩
phurn'iuu | spay oil | 噴油
phuu iuciaqkoea | deep fried twisted dough sticks | 炸油條
phuu khok'aftef | deep fried foodstuff | 油炸的食品
phuu zai gafncieen | floating before the eyes | 砍眼前
phuu | a hibiscus; to float; a grape; float; to drift; waft; to overflow; exceed; empty; unsubstantial; unfounded; groundless | 芙; 浮; 葡
phuun | grave; mound | 墳; 盆
phvayguun | counterfeit coin | 歹銀; 假幣
phvayzuun | bad ship | 歹船
phvixniuu | ridge of the nose | 鼻樑
phvoa sinniuu | men and women who accompany the bride to the bridegroom's home | 伴新娘
phvoarkoad-buun | written legal sentence or judgment | 判決文
phvoarsuu | legal decision, sentence | 判詞
phvoaxniuu | bridesmaid | 伴娘
phynphorng-kiuu | ping-pong ball, table tennis | 乒乓球
phynpiarng-kiuu | ping-pong | 乒乓球
phøbuun | ripple; corrugation | 波紋
phøehiuu | fur coat, leather coat | 皮裘
phøextuu | storing place for bedding | 被櫥
phøezuun | mail steamer | 批船
phørtuu besixn | break down superstitions; get rid of superstition | 破除迷信
phørtuu | (v) get rid of; discard | 破除
pi'iuu | castor oil | 蓖油; 蓖麻油
piahtuu | a built-in cabinet; closet; wall chest; cupboard or press in a wall | 壁櫥
piak'iuu | make oil from fat meat | 煏油
pibuun | inscription on a stone tablet; the inscription on a monument; epitaph; inscriptional writing | 碑文
pichiuu | melancholy; sad; grievous; pensive | 悲愁
piebuun siaxkheq | close the door to visitors; to refuse visitors; to lead a retiring life | 閉門謝客
piern'iuu | travel all over | 變遊; 遍遊
piernsuun | become pure | 變純; 遍巡
piexnphuun | bed pan | 便盆
piexnzuun | convenient boat | 便船
pihsuun | cracks | 摺痕; 翻折的紋路
pimoa'iuu | castor oil | 蓖麻油
pinbuun | verdict | 憑文
pirntuu | to expel, to oust | 驅逐; 擯除
pit'huun | a crack; a fissure; a rift; flaw | 裂痕; 必痕
pitgiap luxnbuun | thesis | 畢業論文
pitsuun | crack; lines of a crack; lines of cleavage; required patrol | 裂紋; 必巡
pixtuu-sox | dividend | 被除數
piøsiuu | sell by tender | 標售
poadbuun | postscript | 跋文
poadkuun | outstanding | 拔群
poadtuu | uproot; eradicate | 拔除
poarnkiuu | half of the globe; hemisphere | 半球
poexluun | against logic | 背倫
poezuun | airplane | 飛船
poghøiuu | mint oil | 薄荷油
poghøo-iuu | peppermint oil | 薄荷油
pokbuun | refutation | 駁文
pokzuun | barge | 駁船
poong jiok buu jiin | act audaciously or uninhibitedly; as if there were no other persons around | 旁若無人
porhuun | cloth mark | 布痕
porkørbuun | report | 報告文
poxbuun | class; section; department | 部門
poxkengzuun | whale boat | 捕鯨船
poxngkiuu | baseball | 棒球
puiiuu | fat oil | 肥油
punliuu | rush | 奔流
punpuun`leq | blow slightly | 吹吹咧
purnsørchixtviuu | dung market | 糞埽市場
put'afn uu seg | having extramarital affairs (a woman) | 無安於室
put'huu | do nor agree with, to be inconsistent with | 無符
putbuu sinkhor | it was very difficult; takes a lot of trouble | 無無辛苦
putbuun-putbun | care nothing about; an a ttitude of indifference; cut off all communications | 無聞不問
putcie`uu | not so ___ as to ___ | 無止有; 不止於
putguu | unexpected | 無虞
putjuu | there is no better way than to...; cannot be better than; not equal to; would rather... than.. | 無如; 不如
putliuu ute | without leaving leeway or elbow room | 無留餘地
putluu | not as good as | 不如
putluun | immorality; immoral; illicit | 無倫
putsuun | impure | 無純; 不純; 精
putzuu | inferior to; unequal to | 無及
putzuxiuu | no freedom | 無自由
putzuxjuu | uncomforatble | 無自如
puu thotau | roast peanuts in ashes | 炮花生
puu | bake or roast in hot ashes (potatoes or taro); forge (iron) in fire; treat (drugs) with fire (archaic); cook rice gruel in a small earthen pot (archaic) | 炰; 匏; 燒; 炮
puun kekui'ar | blow up a toy balloon | 吹雞規仔; 吹氣球
puun kekuy | boast; brag; draw a long bow | 吹牛
puun koekui'ar | blow a balloon | 歕雞胿仔
puun lapaf | blow the trumpet; play the trumpet | 吹喇叭
puun lapaq | blow the trumpet; play the trumpet | 吹喇叭
puun phyn'ar | play the flute | 吹笛仔
puun pi'ar | blow a whistle | 吹哨仔
puun pipi'ar | blow a whistle | 吹哨仔
puun | blow; blow with the mouth; breathe out; blow out | 吹; 歕
puun-hof sid | blow out (a candle) | 吹熄
puun-køekuy | boast | 吹氣球; 歕雞胿; 吹牛
puun-piar | to blow a whistle | 吹哨仔
pvetefzuun | punt | 平底船
pveviuu | vast level plain | 平原
pvi'uun | even | 平勻
pviartuu | to abandon, to clear away | 掃除; 摒除
pviartviuu | fight | 拚場
pviviuu | ocean; plain | 平洋; 平原
pvixguu | sick cow | 病牛
pvoachviuu | to climb over the wall; climb a wall; go in and out by climbing a wall or fence | 越牆; 翻牆
pvoafhuu | manfish | 魬魚
pvoariamviuu | hermaphrodite; (slang) | 陰陽人
pvoarkiuu | hemisphere | 半球
pvoarlamviuu | a bisexual person; doubtful sex; hermaphrodite | 陰陽人; 無男不女; 半
pvoatviuu | making appearance in different events | 搬場; 趕場
pvoazuun | transfer to a boat; transship merchandise; change ships; transshipment; reshipment | 換船
pvyhuu | flounder | 扁魚
pwnbuun | This article; main body of a writing | 本文
pwnguun | original capital | 本銀
pyjuu | for example; for instance; let us suppose; such as; like | 比如
pykuun | Chinese boxing bout | 比拳
pyluu | for example | 比如
pynkiuu | to petition; to present a petition | 稟求; 祈求; 請願
pynphongkiuu | pingpong | 乒乓球
pøezuun | airship | 飛船; 飛行船
pøfiofngtviuu | maintenance yard | 保養場
pøfleeng kiutviuu | bowling alley | 保齡球場
pøfleeng-kiutviuu | bowling alley | 保齡球場
pøflengkiuu | bowling ball; bowling | 保齡球
pøflinkiuu | bowling ball | 保齡球
pøfliuu ee zoe | reserved sin (Catholic) | 保留的罪
pøfliuu | defer; preserving; retain; reservation; preserve; retain (officials); to reserve (a decision) | 保留
pøfsinhuu | charm; talisman for protection; charm for self-protection | 保身符; 護身符
pøfzuun sveamia | preserve one's life | 保存生命
pøfzuun | keep; conservation; conserve; maintain; preserve; store; maintain; safeguard; safekeeping | 保存
pøletuu | glass cabinet; show case | 玻璃櫥
pøløbuun-kaux | Brahmanism | 婆羅門教
pøqhøiuu | mint oil; peppermint oil | 薄荷油
pørsiuu soat'hin | wipe out a grievance | 報仇雪恨
pørsiuu | avenge a grievance; take revenge | 報仇; 報酬; 酬報
pøx oansiuu | take revenge; avenge (a grievance) | 報冤仇
pøx-oansiuu | take revenge, take vengeance | 報冤仇; 報冤讎
saebea-tviuu | racetrack (for horses) | 賽馬場
saebeftviuu | race course | 賽馬場
saekiuu | ball game | 賽球
safnguu | emaciated cattle | 瘦牛
sai'afthuun | half-grown lion | 獅仔豚; 幼獅
saiguu | rhinoceros | 犀牛
saipvoarkiuu | western hemisphere | 西半球
salafiuu | salad oil | 沙拉油
sambunhuu | salmon | 三文魚
samgvor sengkuun | in groups of three or five | 三五成群
samhuun chitpheg | three spirits and seven animal souls which a human possesses | 三魂七魄
samhuun | three souls of man: one ascends to heaven; one goes to earth; one stays with the corpse | 三魂
samkaux-kiwliuu | Lit. the three religions (Confucianism; Buddhism and Taoism) and the nine schools (Confucianist; Taoist; Astrologist; Legalist; Nominalist; Mohist; Diplomatist; Miscellanist and Agriculturist) ─ people of all walks of life | 三教九流
samviuu | three oceans | 三洋
santuu | delete; cut off; leave out | 刪除
saotuu | sweep clean; eliminate (bad habits; undesirable elements) | 掃除
sapbuun | soap (from Portuguese: sabao) | 肥皂; 雪文
sarnbuun | prose; prose writing; prose | 散文
satbuun | soap | 肥皂; 雪文
satbuun-phøf | soap bubble | 肥皂波; 肥皂泡
satviuu | battlefield | 沙場
say-pvoarkiuu | Western Hemisphere | 西半球
sayzuun | sail; sail a boat | 駕船; 開船
seabuun | oath | 誓文
seakaix chixtviuu | world markets | 世界市場
seakaix tiauliuu | world trends; trend of the times | 世界潮流
seasuu | oath | 誓詞
sef-pvoarkiuu | western hemisphere | 西半球
sefbixnphuun | washbasin | 洗臉盆; 臉盆
sefegphuun | bathtub | 洗澡盆; 浴盆
seftuu | wash away completely | 洗除
sehkiuu | snowball | 雪球
sekkiuu | color ball | 色球
sektviuu | site for the performance of a ceremony | 式場; 禮堂
senghuun | vegetative soul | 生魂; 星雲
sengkiuu | planets; stars | 星球
sengkuun kiettui | gather in groups | 成群結隊
sengkuun | form into groups | 成群; 星群
senglie-tviuu | place of business | 生意場; 生理場; 商場
senglytviuu | business world; affairs of trade; the business district | 生意場
sengzuun kexngzefng | the struggle for existence | 生存競爭
sengzuun | exist; live; existence; life; survival; existence; to live; survive | 生存
sepvoarkiuu | Western Hemisphere | 西半球
serng'iuu | holy oils (Catholic) | 聖油
serngjuu | imperial decree, royal edict | 聖如
seviuu bunbeeng | Western civilization | 西洋文明
seviuu liauxlie | Western cooking | 西洋料理
seviuu | occident; Europe; the west; Western countries | 西洋
seviuu-laang | occidentals, westerners, European | 西洋人
seviuu-seg | western style, European style | 西洋式
seviuzuun | western ship | 西洋船
sex juu phørteg | Lit. their strength is like splitting bamboo ─ to advance with irresistible force; to push onward with overwhelming momentum (said of a victorious army) | 勢如破竹
sexng'uu | leavings; residual; leftover; surplus | 剩餘
si juu putkiexn | look at but not pay attention to | 視如無見
si suo juu kuy | look upon death as going home; fearless and dauntless | 視死如歸
si zaai juu beng | regard wealth as one's life | 視財如命
siafbuun | write a letter | 行文
siafmpixkiuu | dodge | 閃避球
siamzuu | toad | 蟾蜍
sianghie limbuun | have simultaneously two happy events in a family (as a son getting married on his father's birthday) | 雙喜臨門
siangkhaf tah siangzuun | try to keep neutral between two courses or parties; double dealing; double dealer | 雙腳踏雙船; 三心兩意
siaqliuu | pomegranate | 石榴
siariuu | castor oil | 瀉油; 麻油
siartuu | unload | 卸除
siauchiuu kaybun | allay sorrow and dissipate worry | 消愁解悶
siauchiuu | sorrow | 消愁
siauhuun | rapture; be held spellbound (by a beautiful woman); overwhelmed by beauty; love; enraptured; ecstasy | 銷魂; 狂喜; 消魂
siausiuu | sell; sale; demand | 銷售; 消售
siautuu | delete; remove | 消除
siauviuu | melt and dissipate | 消溶; 溶化
siaxkektviuu | archery or rifle range | 射擊場
siaxkuun | community | 社群
siaxliuu | pomegranate | 石榴
siaxsuu | an address of thanks | 謝辭; 謝詞
sidbudiuu | vegetable oil | 植物油
sidgiam longtviuu | experimental farm | 實驗農場
sidiong-iuu | edible oil | 實用油; 食用油
sidiuu | vegetable oil | 食油; 食用油
sidniuu | foodstuff; provisions | 食糧
sidtuu | cupboard | 食廚; 食櫥; 櫥櫃
siekhaafsiuu | beaststroke | 四跤仔泅
siekhasiuu | beaststroke | 四跤泅
siensveniuu | doctor's spouse | 先生娘
siensviniuu | wife of doctor; wife of one's teacher; master | 醫師娘; 先生娘; 師母; 太太,
sienzuu | my deceased mother | 先母; 先慈
siexn'uu | to be adept at, to be skilled in | 善於
simkiuu | seek after; entreat; try to get | 尋求
simkvoaf phuphuu | unsettled and inattentive | 心猿意馬
simtuu | find out | 尋除
sin-siøfkiuu | glomerulus | 腎小球
sinbuun jinbut | people in the news; VIPs | 新聞人物
sinbuun kieciar | reporter; a correspondent | 新聞記者; 記者
sinbuun kofngpox | news broadcast | 新聞廣播
sinbuun thongsirnsia | news agency | 新聞通訊社
sinbuun | news | 新聞
sinhuun | human soul; soul | 靈魂; 神魂
sinkafngbuun | written Taiwanese created by ministre in early stage | 新港文
sinkiuu | catch a (base-)ball | 接球; 承球
sinniuu bang'ar | bridal veil | 新娘網仔
sinniuu | bride | 新娘
sinniuu-paang | bridal chamber | 新娘房; 新房
sinsuu | new word | 新詞
sinsveniuu | teacher's wife; doctor's wife | 醫師娘; 太太,; 師母; 尊夫人
siog'uu | belong to | 屬於
sioksiuu | an old grudge | 宿仇
siong'ioxngsuu | common words | 常用詞
siongchiu-iuu | turpentine | 松樹油; 松脂
sionghoafnsuu | antonym | 相反詞
sionghuu | tally; correspond; agree; to match | 相符
sionghuun | scar; scaur; cicatrice; weal; scars from wounds | 傷痕
siongkexng juu pyn | married couple respect each other as if the other were a guest | 相敬如賓
siongtuiesuu | relative words | 相對詞
siongtviuu | market; bazaar; emporium; market place | 商場
siongzuun | merchant ship | 商船
sioxng'iuu | upper reaches of a river | 上游
sioxnghaxbuun | the context of a written work | 上下文
sioxngliuu jinsu | classes contrasted with the masses | 上流人士
sioxngliuu kaikib | higher classes | 上流階級
sioxngliuu siaxhoe | higher classes | 上流社會
sioxngliuu | upflow; gentility; upper stream of a river; high society | 上流
sioxngsuu | message of praise; congratulations or felicitations; eulogy | 頌詞
sioxngsuun | upper part of the month; first ten days of a month | 上旬
siqsuun | liquefy; liquid gradually reduce | 蝕循; 液體逐漸減少
sirngiorng zuxiuu | freedom of religion | 信仰自由
sirnkaux zuxiuu | freedom of religion | 信教自由
sisuu | line of poetry | 詩辭; 詩詞
sit'huun logpheg | despondent; listless; dejection | 失魂落魄
sitiuu | silk | 絲綢
sitkuun | become lost from one's group | 失群
sittviuu | cultivated field | 失場; 農場
siuhuun | spiritual ceremony | 收魂
siuliuu | give shelter to (a person); detain; to harbor; take in (orphans or refugees) | 收留
siuokiuu | embroidering ball | 繡球
siuokuun | embroidered skirt | 繡裙
siuophuun | show basin | 秀盆
siusuu | rhetoric; diction | 修辭
siutviuu | bring (a performance) to an end; the end of an incident or a story; conclusion | 收場
siuu | feud; prisoner; swim; swim | 泅; 仇; 囚; 售; 讎
siuxbuun | subject | 受文
siuxsuu | objective case (grammar) | 賓格; 受詞
siuzuun | put aside; receive for keeps; receive for custody | 收存
siwkhao juu paan | Lit. keep the mouth closed like a bottle ─ refuse to talk | 守口如瓶
siwkhao juu piin | Lit. keep the mouth closed like a bottle ─ refuse to talk | 守口如瓶
siwsyn juu giok | keep oneself as pure as jade; keep one's integrity intact in adversity | 守身如玉
sizuurn | the time; the moment | 時陣
siøfguu | a calf | 小牛
siøfguun | small money, small change | 小銀; 零錢
siøfkoniuu | missy; a young girl | 小姑娘
siøfkuun | a small flock, small group, minority group | 小群
siøfliukiuu | Liuqiu Island | 小琉球
siøfsuun | 旬- 10 days | 小旬
siøfviuu | a lamb | 小羊
siøfzuun | a small boat | 小船
siøguun | burn paper money | 燒銀; 燒紙錢
siøzhuun | treat each other with politeness; especially by each declining what the other offers or by consulting on an intended action | 相尊; 相禮讓
soaciøqaftviuu | sandstone farm | 砂石仔場
soafnkytviuu | election field | 選舉場
soahtauxiuu | spread soybean source | 撒豆油
soahuu | shark | 鯊魚
soaq tauxiuu | add soy sauce | 加醬油
soat'huu | cod | 鱈魚
soatbeeng lyiuu | tell the reason | 說明理由
soatbuun | soap | 肥皂
soeagoat juu liuu | the months and years run by like a stream; time and tide wait for no man | 歲月如流
sofbuun-sofkiexn | what is heard and seen | 所聞所見
soiuu | butter | 酥油
sorbuun | sparse text | 疏文
sorkiuu | request | 訴求
sorlieen juu itjit | with perseverance and consistency | 數年如一日
sorsuu | a numeral (grammar) | 數詞
subunsubuun | decorous | 斯文斯文
subuun saote | scholastic dignity trails in the dust | 斯文掃地
subuun | gentle; polite; cultured; refined; elegant (person) | 斯文
sudsuu | predicate | 述詞
suhoad ngguu | profiteer serving as arbitrator or liaison between a judge and a defendant | 司法黃牛
suiphøf tiogliuu | follow the current ─ do as others; time-server; speak and behave as others do without views of his own; a yes-man | 隨波逐流
sukiuu | requirement; demand; desiderate; need; require; needs; demand | 需求
sun'iuu | to tour | 巡遊
suniuu | consider; turn something.; over in one's mind | 思量
sunsuun | pure | 純純
sunviuu-lam | cruiser (ship) | 巡洋艦
suo buu cienle | unprecedented in history | 史無前例
suo buu zorngsyn cy te | die without a place for burial (a phrase usually used as a warning to somebody) | 死無葬身之地
suo jii buu hoex | die without regrets | 死而無悔
suo'uu | to grant; to bestow | 賜予
suobuu-kixtan | indulgent and reckless; without restraint of any kind; unscrupulous | 肆無忌憚
susiorng zuxiuu | freedom of thought | 思想自由
susiuu | personal grudge | 私仇
susuu | slowly, gradually, tardily | 辭辭; 徐徐; 拖延地
suu puttat ix | the sentence does not fully convey the idea | 詞無達意
suu | decline; to leave; depart; resign; dismiss; refuse (an offer; present; invitation) | 辭; 嗣; 祠; 殊; 詞
suu-putty | unexpectedly | 辭無知; 殊不知; 出乎意料
suuii | thought | 思維
suun khvoarbai | go about and inspect | 巡查一下; 巡看覓
suun | draw a line | 巡; 馴; 醇; 殉; 盹; 旬; 純; 徇; 畫線; 詢; 循; 紋
suun-budcid | pure substance | 純物質
suurn'suxnsun | smoothly | 順順順
suxbuun | a preface | 序文
suxiuu | affair; matter; reason; origin of a matter; subject (of a business letter) | 事由
suxn'exng tiauliuu | conform to modern trends; go with the tide | 順應潮流
suxnchiuo khanviuu | steal something in passing; steal something without premeditation because the article in question happens to be conveniently located when one chances to see it | 順手牽羊
suxnhofng saktør chviuu | Lit. take advantage of the wind and push down the wall ─ best a person by taking advantage of his adversity | 趁風勢推倒牆; 順水推舟
suxnliuu | downstream | 順流
suxsit put'huu | facts did not tally | 事實無符
suxsuxbuun | narration | 敘事文
suyguu | buffalo | 水牛
suyguun | mercury | 水銀
sva'afkuun | blouse and skirt, jacket and skirt | 衫仔裙; 衣裾
sva'aftuu | clothes closet | 衫仔櫥; 衣櫥
svaaftuu | wardrobe, clothespress, clothes cabinet | 衫仔櫥
svakuun | coat and skirt | 衫裙
svaliuu | 3rd class | 三流
svatuu | wardrobe | 衫櫥; 相除; 衣櫥
svatuu-siekhaux | to continually cut back | 三除四扣; 扣來扣去
sveliuu | have a tumor | 長瘤
sviachviuu | city walls | 城牆
sviafsiauu | what's that? | 啥迢
sviuguun | inlay with silver | 鑲銀
sviusviuu-cviuocviux | softened and spoiled by moisture; growing soft or sticky with moisture | 濕濕黏黏
sviuu | miry; muddy; oozy; quaggy; slimy; sloppy; lsosh; serum; watery matter from a wound; soft slimy dirt; the slime on an eel or fish's skin | 承; 泥濘的; 黏的; 黏液; 漬; 常; 相
svoahuun | spirit or soul of a mountain | 山魂
svoaniuu | Formosan blue magpie | 臺灣藍鵲
svoarbuun | prose | 散文
svoarluun | electric coil | 線輪
svoartviuu | be over (said of a show; a meeting) | 散場
svoatviuu | open area of mountain | 山場; 農場
svoaviuu | Formosan serow, Formosan mountain sheep | 山羊
sybuun | dead language | 死文; 已廢的語言
syhuun | dead soul | 死痕; 死魂
sym beeng juu kexng | mind is as clear as a mirror ─ devoid of personal emotions; feelings or sense of gain and loss | 心明如鏡
sym juu cysuie | Lit. the heart is like still water ─ a mind without worries; cares; ambition or worldly desires | 心如止水
sym juu tøf koaq | heart feels like it is being cut by a knife ─ heart broken | 心如刀割
sym khao juu id | The mouth agrees with the mind (literally) ─ to speak one's mind frankly | 心口如一
syn put'iuu zuo | unable to act according to one's own will | 身無由主
syn tiauliuu | new trend; new movements | 新潮流
sysuun | wrinkles; lines hard to disappear | 死紋; 無輕易消失的線條
søeftuu | wash completely away | 洗除; 洗掉
søiuu | rub on oil | 抹油; 搓粉唆
tadjuu | talent scholar | 達儒
tafm'afiuu | asphalt | 打馬膠
tafng-pvoarkiuu | eastern hemisphere | 東半球
tah'iuu | buy edible oil | 沽油; 買油
tahhuu | paste up written charms | 填符; 貼符
tahzuun | take a boat; take ship; take passage on a boat; board a boat | 搭船
taigybuun | Taiwanese literary | 台語文
taigysuu | Taiwanese phrase | 台語詞
taisuu | lines or script which a player is supposed to memorize | 臺詞
taixbengsuu | pronoun | 代名詞
taixtix jiogguu | The wise man looks dumb (because he never shows off) | 大智若愚
taixzoe køviuu | scapegoat | 代罪羔羊
tang'iuu | tung tree oil | 桐油
tang'viuu | Japan or Japanese | 東洋
tang'viuu-seg | oriental style | 東洋式
tangchviuu thihpiaq | extremely sturdy structure; tight (siege); strong (fortress; defense); impregnable; like walls of brass and iron | 銅牆鐵壁
tangguu | bronze bull | 銅牛
tangphuun | bronze laver | 銅盆
taniuu | dryfood; dry provisions; canned or packed food ready to serve; K-rations | 乾糧
tansuu | a single word | 單詞
tansuun | simple; plain; simplicity; simple; simple hearted; unsophisticated | 單純
taogutviuu | bull ring | 鬥牛場
taoguu | bullfight | 鬥牛
tapsuu | acknowledgement; an address in reply; a reply returning thanks | 答辭; 答詞
taq iuu | put a stamp on an envelope | 搭油
taqthauu | witch's helper | 搭頭
tarhuun | overcast sky; cloudy day | 雲罩
tauafiuu | oil pressed from beans | 豆仔油
tauafzuu | yam bean | 豆仔薯
taukiuu | pitch; to shoot | 投球
tauliuu | detain a person; detain some valuable thing; detain forcibly | 扣留
tauxiuu tiqar | small sauce plate | 醬油碟子
tauxiuu | soybean sauce | 醬油; 豆油
tauxzuu | yam bean | 豆薯
te'iuu | camellia-oil | 茶油
teafiuu | tea seed oil | 茶仔油
teeahuuo'ar | young brother-in-law | 弟婦仔
tefbuun | essay | 短文
tefkuun | short skirt | 短裙
tefng'iuu | top tour | 頂游
tefng'uu | be equal to; the same as | 等於
tefng'uun | last generation | 頂勻
tefngliuu | top stream | 頂流
tefngsuun | the precede ten days in a month | 上旬
tefngtuun | upper lip | 頂唇; 上唇
tegpiet lyiuu | special reasons | 特別理由
tegsuu koanhe | special relations | 特殊關係
tegsuu | special; unusual; particular | 特殊
teiuu | oil of camellia | 茶油
teng'afhuun | nail hole; nail marks | 釘仔痕
teng'iuu | lamp oil | 燈油
tengbuun paehorng | make a special call on another; at his home | 登門拜訪
tengbuun tapsia | make a special call on another at his home to express gratitude | 登門答謝
tengbuun | enter a house; pay a special visit to another's house | 登門
tenghuun | nail mark, scar of a nail, nail-print | 釘痕; 指甲印
tenghviu'iuu | oil of cloves | 丁香油
tengkiuu hoexoaan | recruit or enlist members; to canvass for members | 徵求會員
tengkiuu iekiexn | ask for opinions; solicit; others views; seek the opinion of | 徵求意見
tengkiuu | seek; solicit (answers); to want (an office clerk); to request | 徵求
tengniuu | measure again; re-measure; weigh again; to levy grains | 徵糧; 重量
tengsuun | double-fold eyelids | 層紋; 徵詢; 雙眼皮
tengtviuu | on stage | 豋場
tesuu | summary of the topic of a book; written as an introduction; complimentary verses or prose inserted at the beginning of a book by a person other than the author | 題辭
texguu | earth cow (a legend that says the earth is carried on the shoulders of a cow; when the cow moves; there is an earthquake) | 地牛; (古人相信地震是因地牛翻身引起)
texha siongtviuu | market place built below the ground; basement shops | 地下商場
texhngf sinbuun | local news | 地方新聞
texkiuu ynlek | terrestrial gravitation | 地球引力
texkiuu | the globe; the earth | 地球
texngkiuu | rigidity ball | 硬球
texngkizuun | regular liner | 定期船
texnglioxngsuu | quantitative words | 定量詞
texngzuun | certificate of deposit | 定存
textviuu | ground | 地場
thaekegkuun | taichichuan; often referred to as shadow boxing | 太極拳
thaekhofng-zuun | space craft | 太空船
thaekhongzuun | space craft (capsule); spaceship | 太空船
thaibahtviuu | chop shop | 宰肉場
thaiguu | kill an ox, kill a cow, kill a bull | 殺牛; 待遇
thaity-tøfviuu | have pigs and goats killed in great numbers for sacrificial offerings or great festivals | 殺豬屠羊
thak zeabuun | read sacrificial prayers | 讀祭文
thamkiuu | to desire or long for (usually more than one's rightful share) | 貪求
thang'iuu | oil of paulownia seed | 桐油
tharmkiuu | to seek; hunting | 探求
tharmsuun | to inquire about | 探尋; 探詢
tharnguo-suu | Interjection | 嘆氣詞
tharnsuu | an interjection (in grammar) | 歎詞; 嘆詞
thatkiuu | kick ball; punting; play football | 踢球
thauhø sinbuun | headline news; lead story in a paper | 頭號新聞
thaukeniuu | wife of the boss | 老闆娘; 頭家娘
thaukeniuu`hvoq | are you boss's wife? | 頭家娘乎
thaumngg-iuu | hair cream, hair tonic, pomade | 頭髮油
thaumoiuu | pomade; hair oil | 頭毛油
thausuun | first ten days after death | 頭旬
theatviuu | to leave the stage or hall; go away from; walk out of; make one's exit | 退場
thefiogtviuu | stadium | 體育場
thefiok-tviuu | astadium, an athletic field | 體育場
thektuu | remove | 剔除
thengbuun | official letter to a higher agency (from a lower agency or from the people); petition; appeal | 呈文
thengchiaf-tviuu | parking area, parking lot | 停車場
thengchiatviuu | parking lot | 停車場
thenghuun | fly | 騰雲
thenghuun-karbu | mount the clouds; as gods do | 騰雲駕霧
thengliuu | stay; lay over; make a stop; to stop (at a certain stage); to delay | 停留
thezuun | punting | 撐船
thiahchviuu | tear down a wall | 拆牆
thiahtuu | dismantle and get rid of; pull down (an old house) | 拆除
thiam'iuu | add oil | 添油
thiaochviuu | jump over a wall | 跳牆
thiefn buu zoat jiin cy lo | God will not close all doors. Heaven will always leave a door open | 天無絕人之路
thienbuun boxng'oafnkviax | astronomical telescope | 天文望遠鏡
thienbuun sorji | an astronomical figure | 天文數字
thienbuun texlie | astronomy and geography; astrology and geometry | 天文地理
thienbuun | astronomy; heavenly bodies; heavenly bodies; astronomy | 天文
thienbuun-hak | astronomy | 天文學
thienluun cy lok | family love and joy | 天倫之樂
thienluun | family affection; heavenly moral obligations; natural relationships of man | 天倫
thiensii putjuu texli | advantages of time are not equal to those of situation | 天時無如地利
thiensuu | write verses according to a fixed pattern | 填詞
thiettuu | abolish; do away with | 撤除
thihchviuu | iron wall | 鐵牆
thihguu | an iron ox; cultivator; garden tractor; small plot tractor | 鐵牛; 耕耘機
thihkahzuun | ironclad | 鐵甲船
thihkangtviuu | ironworks; ironmongery | 鐵工廠; 鐵工場
thihkiuu | iron ball ─ the shot (thrown in the shot put) | 鐵球
thihtuu | iron cabinet | 鐵廚; 鐵櫥
thin'iuu | pour oil | 斟油; 倒油
thiokbogtviuu | livestock farm; range; grazing ground | 畜牧場
thiq-kangtviuu | steel mill | 鐵工廠
thiusiong bengsuu | abstract nouns | 抽象名詞
thnghiøxsuu | pass on heirs | 傳後嗣
thoabang-hizuun | trawler | 拖網魚船
thoaluun | a tug, a tugboat | 拖輪
thoanbuun | rumor | 傳聞
thoankiuu | passing ball | 傳球
thoansuu | continue the line of male posterity | 傳嗣
thoat'iuu | wait for oil to drip from food | 脫油
thoazuun | take a ship in tow; a tow; tug boat | 拖船
thoiuu | oiled | 塗油
thoksuu | pretext, pretence, excuse | 託辭
thong'iuu | accessible by postal communication | 通郵
thongkhuun | commute | 通勤
thongniuu | through beam (roof) | 通梁; 橫樑
thortuun | harelip; cleft lip | 兔唇
thosviuu | soft slushy mud | 泥漿; 滑泥
thotau-iuu | peanut oil | 土豆油; 塗豆油; 花生油
thotauxiuu | peanut oil | 花生油
thothvoax-iuu | coal oil, kerosene | 土炭油; 煤油
thudluun | become dislocated | 脫輪
thuisuu | to decline; to reject; refuse politely | 推辭
thunhuun-thorbu | swallowing clouds and breathing out mists ─ magical tricks | 吞雲吐霧
thunthuun | muddle headed | 沌沌
thutluu | bald ass | 禿頭的屁股
thuu | a hoe; to hoe; do something slowly or lazily | 鋤; 慢吞吞; 延宕
thuun | black; dirt | 塵; 鈍
thuzuun | storage; safekeeping; savings; to store or stockpile | 儲存
thvetoxzuun | row ferry | 撐渡船
thvezuun | propel a boat with a pole; pole a boat | 搖船; 撐船
thvi'iuu | refuel; lubricate | 加油; 添油
thvisuu | to compose verse | 填辭
thvoarkiuu | charcoal ball | 炭球
thwbogtviuu | A place where timber is stored before transporting to a saw mill | 貯木場
thøeakhuun | go off duty, leave work | 退勤; 下班
thøeatviuu | exit | 退場
thøfhizuun | fishing boat | 討海舟; 捕魚舟
thøseg sinbuun | news of illicit love | 桃色新聞
thøtuun | peach-shaped lips | 桃唇; 櫻唇
ti'iuu | lard | 豬油
ti'iuu-phøh'ar | browned residue from rendered fat; cracklings | 豬油粕仔
tiafm'iuu zøx kiehø | make a mark with oil ─ cherish (a person); a grudge; black list | 點油為記; 黑名單
tiafm'iuu | make a mark with oil | 點油
tianiuu | dad and ma; father and mother; parents | 爹娘
tiaobuun | message of condolence; words of condolence; funeral oration; memorial address | 弔文; 弔唁函
tiaosuu | lament; funeral address; a condolatory speech | 弔辭; 追悼詞
tiaubuun | text of a treaty; regulation; law | 條文; 條紋
tiauliuu | current; a tendency; current or flow of the tide ─ the tide of public opinion; carried by the tide of the masses | 潮流
tiauzazuun | survey ship | 調查船
tidhuun | word-for-word translation; literal translation; verbatim translation | 直譯
tidliuu | direct (electric) current | 直流
tidsuun | straight line | 直線
tiefntviuu | exhibition hall | 展場
tiesuu | oration; make a speech; to address; deliver a speech | 致辭
tiexnkiuu | electric light bulb | 電球; 燈泡
tiexnliuu | current; electric current | 電流
tiexnzuu | electromagnetic | 電磁
tiiuu | lard | 豬油
tikawguu | pig dog cow | 豬狗牛
timhuu | mallard, wild duck | 鳧; 野鴨
timluun | to down and perish; wallow | 沈淪; 沉淪
timphuu | ups and downs | 沉浮
timzuun | shipwreck; sunken ship; scuttle a ship | 沉船
tinkiuu | solicit | 徵求
tiofng uu kokkaf | be faithful to one's fatherland | 忠於國家
tiofnglør-niuu | wife of an elder | 長老娘
tiokchviuu | build walls | 築牆
tiong'uu | to be loyal to, to be faithful to | 忠於
tiongkokbuun | Chinese literature | 中國文
tiongliedsuu | temple set up by the government for canonized mandarins who died for their country; the Martyrs Shrine (in Taipei) | 忠烈祠
tiongliuu | midstream | 中流; 中等
tiongniuu | ridge pole; the central beam; the roof beam | 中樑
tiongsuun | the middle part of a month; middle decade of a month | 中旬
tiongzuun | exist forever; last forever | 長存
tioxng'iuu | heavy oil; diesel oil | 重油
tirnsiaa-huu | suppressing evil talisman | 鎮邪符
titviuu | sty | 豬場
tiutuaftiutuu | hesitate | 躊躇仔躊躇
tiutuu | pause; (v) hesitate; falter; tentative; vacillate | 躊躇; 遲疑; 猶豫
tiuu | silk; thin silk; pongee; silk goods; fine and delicate; to bind; to twine and tangle | 綢
tiuxzhawkhuun | straw stack; heap or stack of cut rice | 稻草堆
tix jiok bofngbuun | to treat with indifference; act as if one had not heard; turn a deaf ear to | 置若罔聞
tiørhuu | fishing | 釣魚
tng'afsviuu | mucous discharge from the bowels | 腸仔𣻸
tngfluun | turn (one's eyes) | 轉輪; 轉動
tnghiuu | Chinese; long; warm garment | 長襖
tngkuun | long skirt | 長裙
tngtviuu | on the spot; in the very act; then and there | 當場
tngxsuu | hyphenation | 斷詞
tngzuun | galley | 長船
toa-imtuun | labia majora | 大陰唇
toaarsiuuo | big birthday | 大壽
toax-zhuttviuu | to arrange to take a bar girl out the establishment where she works for the evening | 帶出場
toaxbextviuu | hypermarket like Costco | 大賣場
toaxboextviuu | hypermarket like Costco | 大賣場
toaxguu | big cow | 大牛
toaxguun | large silver dollar | 大銀
toaxhiuu | kind of jacket with a heavy lining | 大裘
toaxnhuun | broken soul | 斷魂
toaxniuu | mistress of the house (when exist two wives) | 大娘; 原配
toaxnniuu | run out of food | 斷糧
toaxtuu | master chef | 大櫥
toaxtviuu | frequenters of gambling establishments | 外場; 外圍
toaxviuu | ocean | 大洋
toaxzuun | ship; vessel; marine; barque | 大船
toaxzuun`nii | three years ago | 大前年
toesuu | motto | 題辭
toexkiuu | earth | 地球
toftviuu | gambling joint; gambling den or house | 賭場
togbogzuun | dugout canoe | 獨木舟
toghuu | ruddy sheldrake (bird) | 瀆鳧
togkakguu | single horn cow | 獨角牛
togliuu | malignant tumor | 毒瘤
toktuu | prominent, eminent, outstanding | 突出
tong'iuu | tung oil; wood oil obtained from the seeds of paulownia | 桐油
tonggi-suu | a synonym | 同意辭; 同義詞
tonggixsuu | synonym | 同義詞
tongliuu hab'ux | wallow in mire with somebody | 同流合污
tongtviuu kauhoex | cash on delivery; C. O. D | 當場交貨
tongtviuu | on the spot; then and there; in the very act | 當場
torgutviuu | bull ring | 鬥牛場
torguu | bullfight | 鬥牛
torgviutviuu | bullring | 鬥牛場
torgviuu | bullfight | 鬥牛
torky-tviuu | playing field, arena, ring | 鬥雞場; 鬥技場
tornghongchviuu | windshield | 擋風牆
toxbuun siaxkheq | shut out visitors; refuse to see callers | 杜門謝客
toxkuun | earthworm | 蚯蚓
toxliuu | layover; linger; remain; stay; make a stop; stick around | 逗留
toxngkiuu | play billiards; play pool | 撞球; 打撞球
toxngkiuu-kefng | billiard parlor, pool room | 動撞間; 撞球場
toxngmeqliuu | aneurysm | 動脈瘤
toxngsuu | a verb; verb | 動詞
toxzuun | ferry; a ferryboat; passage boat | 渡船
tozvae-tviuu | a slaughter-house, an abattoir | 屠宰場
tozvaytviuu | slaughter house; abattoir | 屠宰場
tuie'uu | in regard to, as to | 對於
tuieliuu | convection (in physics) | 對流
tuietab jii liuu | give answers fluently | 對答如流
tuietuu | subtract, balance an account | 對除
tuikiuu | to go after; to seek; to pursue; chase; follow after; seek; pursue; go after; to court (a woman); courtship | 追求
tuiuu | pig oil | 豬油
tuix guu tvoakhiim | play a lute before an ox ─ speak to someone about something completely incomprehensible to him | 對牛彈琴
tutuu`khix | removed | 除除去
tuu zhuo cy goa | besides this (or these); in addition | 除此之外; 除此以外
tuu zhuo ygoa | besides this (or these); in addition | 除此之外; 除此以外
tuu | divide; division (in Math); remove; rid of; wipe out; subtract; deduct; aside from; besides; except; unless; to change or turn; e.g.; a new year | 除; 櫥; 厨
tuu`khix | expel, remove, take away | 除去
tuu`khylaai | divided to be | 除起來
tuun | lip; labial; labium | 唇; 脣
tuunchiog | to urge, to hasten | 敦促
tuurn'tuxntun | extremely dull | 鈍鈍鈍
tuxnniuu | hoard up; stockpile grains | 囤糧
tuxnsuu | evasive answer, evasive statement | 遁辭
tvafkorsuun | cholesterol | 膽固醇
tviabuun | written statement of accusation or defence | 埕文; 呈文; 書面指控或辯護聲明
tviafthuun | carbon incrustation on backside of a pan | 鼎灶; 鍋灰
tviaftuun | the edge of a pot | 鍋緣
tviaxguun | deposit money | 訂銀; 定銀
tviuu | place; open space; piece of level ground; yard; arena for drill; play ground; site or place for a special purpose; e.g.; examination; meeting | 場
tviuuokofng | father-in-law | 丈公
tviwlør-niuu | wife of an elder | 長老娘
tvoaimciet'suu | single syllable vocabulary | 單音節詞
tvoaimcietsuu | single syllable vocabulary | 單音節詞
twnniuu | stocking up grains | 囤樑
tø'uu | surplus | 多餘
tøbuun tøkiexn | extensively informed | 多聞多見
tøbuun | well-informed, learned | 多聞
tøefbogtviuu | A place where timber is stored before transporting to a saw mill | 貯木場
tøeguun | raise money by subscription to help some purpose | 題銀
tøexkiuu | earth; global representation of the earth; the earth; the globe | 地球
tøexkiuu-budlyhak | geophysics | 地球物理學
tøextviuu | place, region | 地場
tøfbuun | prayer in a set form or formula; litany (Catholic) | 禱文
tøfsuun | put the press in trousers or clothes; determine the nature of a relationship | 倒紋; 使衣服線條固定; 使定性
tøhkiuu | table-tennis; ping-pong; ping pong; table tennis | 桌球
tøhkuun | table cloth | 桌裙
tøhuun | scar | 刀痕
tøkiexn tøbuun | have seen and heard a lot; have wide experience; well versed | 多見多聞
tørliuu | backflow | 倒流
tøuu | superfluity; superfluous; unnecessary | 多餘
tøxiuu | tourist guide; tour leader | 導遊
tøxtviuu | place where Taoist ceremonies for delivering a soul from purgatory are performed; exercise hall | 道場
tøzuu | earthenware and porcelain | 陶瓷
u-ly'iuu | with certain reason | 有理由
uibuun | wrote the article | 為文
uichviuu | enclosing wall; fence | 圍牆
uieliuu | try to retain (a person intending to resign) in office | 慰留
uikuun | apron | 圍裙
uiqhuun | draw or score a line | 劃痕
uisinkuun | around skirt | 圍身裙
uisuikuun | apron | 圍錘裙
uisukuun | apron | 圍舒裙
uixhuun | draw or score a line | 畫雲
un'afhuu | farm fish | 鰮仔魚
un'unsunsuun | tender and pure | 溫溫純純
un'uun | evenly | 勻勻
unjiuu | gentle; meek; amiability; warm and tender; sweet natured | 溫柔
unjiuu`ee | amiable | 溫柔的
unkhuun | polite; courteous; civil; show sincere regard for | 慇懃; 慇勤
unliuu | gentle | 溫柔
unsuun | gentle; good natured; docile; obedient | 溫順; 溫馴; 溫柔
unzuu | kind, merciful | 恩慈
unzuun | caressing; gently considerate and attentive; bed of rose | 溫存
uo saxn huun siaw | rain stops; and the sky clears up | 雨散雲消
uojuu | readers who know nothing about the society | 迂儒
urn juu thaesafn | as stable as Mount Taishan | 穩如泰山
urntauxiuu | dip soy bean source | 搵豆油
usukuun | cook's apron | 圍軀裙
uu | remaining; remnant or remainder; the rest; surplus; excess; balance; complement of a number or figure | 餘; 寒鴉
uu`ciar | remaining people | 餘者
uun | even; smooth; patrol; make one's round; slow; to postpone; succession; equal; even; alike | 勻; 巡; 緩; 連續的
uxliuu | reserved | 預留
uxn tauxiuu | dip in soy sauce | 沾醬油
uxn-tauxiuu | dip in soybean sauce | 沾醬油; 搵豆油
uxnbuun | verse | 韻文
uxnkiuu | dribble balls; dribbling | 運球
uxnniuu | transport provisions (for the army) | 運糧
uxntong-tviuu | playing field | 運動埕
uxntoxngtviuu | playground; stadium; gymnasium; sports arena | 運動場
uxthauuxbea | through | 有頭有尾
uxthauuxboea | through | 有頭有尾
uxuun | do repeatedly | 有勻; 連續的
viaftviuu | conspicuous; showy | 顯目
viakiuu | win | 贏球
vikiuu | rounded ball | 圓球
viubuun | Western writing | 洋文
viuhogtuu | dress cupboard | 洋服櫥
viukuun | flocks of sheep or goats | 羊群
viusviuu | sick, weak (child), soft and slimy | 洋黏; 溶瘍; 虛弱
viuu jip hofkhao | hopeless perilous situation (Lit. sheep in a tiger's mouth) | 羊入虎口
viuu jip longkuun | perilous (Lit. sheep entering a pack of wolves) | 羊入狼群
viuu | sheep; dissolve; melt | 羊; 洋; 熔; 溶; 碎
viuviuu | melting, soft | 溶溶
vixbuun | peculiar news | 異聞
voaftuu | sideboard; china cupboard; china cabinet | 碗櫥
wmokiuu | badminton | 羽毛球
wn ciofng kiuu pøx | return evil for good; ungrateful | 恩將仇報
wn ciofng siuu pøx | return evil for good | 恩將仇報
wtiu-zuun | a space ship | 宇宙船
ynbuun | a quotation | 引文; 引述
ynhuun | call back the souls of those who have died away from home | 招魂; 引魂; 引靈
zabniuu | not the major grain | 雜糧
zabpøeq-koniuu | pretty teens (female) | 十八姑娘
zaekiuu | pray again; request again | 再求
zafmtuu | cut and remove, clear away, wipe out | 斬除; 剷除
zaftviuu | a morning show | 早場
zaixtviuu | be present; be on the spot; attending the conference; be present; on the spot | 在場
zaixuu | to lie in, to rest with, to consist in | 在於
zan'uu | left over | 殘餘
zangluu | Chinese coir palm | 椰棕; 木優櫚
zanhuu | rectangle shaped fishing net | 罾魚
zanliuu | remnant; residuary; rudiment; remains; remnants; remain | 殘留
zanzuun | survival | 殘存
zarnsuu | words of praise | 讚詞; (辭)
zasuun | reference; inquiry; investigate; enquire if there are any complaints | 查詢
zea'ituu | vestment case | 祭衣櫥
zeabuun | eulogy; written or printed prayer; read and burned; prayers said at the offering of any sacrifice | 祭文
zefngguu | bull used for breeding | 種牛
zefngkah'iuu | nail polish | 指甲油
zefngkahhuun | scratch | 指甲痕
zefngliuu | tumor | 腫瘤; 腫(月留)塊; 整流
zefngliuu-khix | a rectifier, a commutator | 整流器
zefngzuun | to deposit a sum | 整存
zekzuun | store; lay up | 積存
zeng'iuu | essential oil; to refine oil | 精油; 情由
zengbuun | to solicit for an article or essay, call for a paper | 徵文
zengliuu | distillation; distill; distillation; distil | 蒸溜; 蒸餾
zengsiuu | past grudge | 前仇
zengsuun | unmixed | 精純
zengtuu | to attack and exterminate (cf [[ciefntuu]]) | 爭除
zengtviuu sit'ix | frustrated in love | 情場失意
zengtviuu | the arena of love; romance | 情場; 前場
zerngbuun | text | 證文; 正文
zernghauxkuun | syndrome | 症候群
zerngjuu | just as, exactly as | 正如
zerngkoaxn chixtviuu | stock market | 證券市場
zerngsuu | witness; testimony given at a court of law | 證詞
zerngtofng ee iaokiuu | formal demand; fair claim | 正當的要求
zerngtofng ee lyiuu | just cause; proper reason | 正當的理由
zerngzuun | to deposit a sum | 正存
zexng'uu | present; give; donate; bestowal; bestow on | 贈與
zexngmeqliuu | varix; varicose vein | 靜脈瘤
zexngtiexntviuu | electrostatic field | 靜電場
zexngzuytviuu | water purification | 淨水場
zextiøh zhadzuun | take a pirate ship | 坐到賊船
zexzuun | travel by boat | 坐船; 乘船
zha'iuu | diesel | 柴油
zha'iuu-chiaf | diesel train | 柴油車; 柴油火車
zhadzuun | pirate ship | 賊船
zhae'iuu | oil of vegetable | 菜油; 花生油
zhaecyiuu | rape seed oil | 菜子油
zhaeiuu | vegetable oil | 菜油
zhaetuu | kitchen cupboard; cupboard for provisions | 菜櫥
zhahuu | dried bonito | 柴魚
zhaibuun | wooden door | 柴門
zhaikuun | morra; mora; guess at fingers | 猜拳
zhaitiuu | colored silk | 裁綢
zhaiuu | diesel | 柴油
zhakangtviuu | firewood workshop | 柴工場
zhan'viuu | rice field like ocean | 田洋; 稻田
zhankap'afsiuu | breaststroke | 田蛤仔泅
zhao'iuu | kerosene | 臭油; 煤油
zhaoiuu | kerosene | 臭油
zhaphuun | a wooden tub | 柴盆
zharm buu jintø | inhuman; brutal | 慘無人道
zharm buu thienjit | said of life under a tyrannical government; so dark; or full of suffering; that it is as if the sun were not in the sky | 慘無天日
zhasuun | inquire | 查詢
zhat'iuu | to oil, to rub on oil, to varnish | 漆油
zhaukuun | fist | 操拳
zhautviuu | playground; maidan; drill ground; drill or exercise field; athletic field | 操場
zhawhuu | grass carp | 草魚
zhawkhuun | bunch grasses | 草囷
zhawkuun | grass skirt | 草裙
zhawniuu | grass grain | 草糧
zhawpuu | rice straw pile | 草瓠; 草垺; 草堆
zhawtviuu | grassy ground | 草場; (操場)
zhayciøqtviuu | stone quarry | 採石場
zhayhuun | clouds of many hues | 彩雲
zhaykiuu | silk festoon | 綵球
zhaytiuu | colored silk | 彩綢; 綵綢
zhefng zhud uu laam | to surpass one's master or teacher in learning (Lit. Green comes from blue; but it excels blue.) | 青出於藍
zhefngkiuu | ask; beg; request; require; solicit; sue for; claim; to demand | 請求
zhefngthuun | sweep the dirt from things like beams; roof; idols or ceiling | 筅黗; 打掃
zhehtuu | bookshelves; book case | 書廚; 冊櫥; 書櫥
zhenghuun | light cloud | 青雲
zhengliuu | clear stream | 清流
zhengsuun | clear and pure | 清純
zhengtuu | clean out; clear away; decontaminate; climinate; get rid of; clear | 清除
zhengtviuu | get every movie goer out before the next show starts (said of theaters) | 清場
zhoanliuu putseg | constant flow; an incessant flow; continuous flow of traffic; people or conversation | 川流無息
zhoaxsinniuu | take a bride | 娶新娘
zhoemokiuzhuu | pick fault unfairly | 吹毛求疵
zhoexkiuu | seek; explore | 尋求
zhorsuu | wording of a letter or diplomatic note; diction | 措辭
zhosuun | the upper part of a month | 初旬
zhuiekhie-huun | scars from bites | 喙齒痕
zhuiekhyhuun | scars from bites | 嘴齒痕
zhuiekhysviuu | thin liquor on the surface of teeth | 喙齒液
zhuietuun khiaokhiaux | upper lip naturally turned up (angry) | 嘴唇翹翹的; (生氣的樣子)
zhuietuun sosof | parched lips | 嘴唇乾燥
zhuietuun | lips | 嘴唇; 喙脣
zhuihuu | reminder | 催符
zhuimoo-kiuzhuu | try to find out trifling faults (Lit. blow apart the hair to find out the defect of a fur) | 吹毛求疵
zhuisuu | decline | 推辭
zhun'iuu | spring outing | 春遊
zhun'uun | stretch body in a lazily manner | 伸緩; 伸勻; 伸懶腰
zhunguu | ticket scalping | 春牛
zhunluun | give a stretch; stretch one's limbs | 伸倫; 伸懶腰
zhunniuu | spring food | 春糧
zhuntiuu | spring silk | 春綢
zhuobuun | anecdote | 趣聞
zhuotviuu | house yard | 厝場
zhurnzhør-putliuu | leave not even a blade of grass; destroy completely | 寸草無留
zhut'huun | outside the line (as in tennis) | 出痕; 出界外
zhut'iuu | go on an excursion | 出遊
zhut'viuu | go abroad | 出國
zhutkhuun | go office; go to work; work | 出勤; 上班
zhutniuu | pay | 出糧
zhutparn zuxiuu | freedom of the press | 出版自由
zhutsiuu | sell; offer goods for sale | 出售
zhutsuun | to patrol; make the rounds (used for a general head or chief) | 出巡
zhuttviuu | come on the scene; appear; go on stage (said of actor); enter the stadium or arena (said of an athlete) | 出場
zhutzuun | send out the ship- fishing | 出船
zhuun | inform a superior or a friend of what we mean to do; get permission; ask a person's consent | 尊; 存
zhuun-auxpo | see zhun'auxpo | 存後步
zhuun-phvayix | bad intension | 存歹意
zhuun-thienlioong | conscience | 存天良
zhvekiuu | planets; stars | 星球
zhvemeguu | blind cow (scolding) an illiterate | 青盲牛; 文盲
zhwniuu | take grain | 取糧
zhø'iuu | bash oil | 臊油
zhøesuun | beginning of season | 初旬
zhøexkiuu | seek after (God, truth) | 尋求; 揣求
zhørsuu | terms, expressions | 措詞; 措辭
zngzuun | to load a ship | 裝船
zoadhiøxsuu | posterity cut off; without an heir; without male posterity | 絕後嗣
zoadkuun | unmatched; peerless | 絕群
zoadluun | without match; peerless; unparalleled | 絕倫
zoadniuu | run out of food | 絕糧
zoadsuu | no heir | 絕嗣; 無後
zoafnkhuun | transfer to another office | 轉存; 轉勤; 調職
zoafnkiuu | intercede for; to petition through someone | 轉求
zoafnsiuu | resell | 轉售
zoafzuun | paper boat | 紙船
zoaixkiuu | curve ball (baseball) | 扭球; 變化球; 曲線球
zoan'iuo bengsuu | proper noun | 專有名詞
zoan'iwmiasuu | proper nouns | 專有名詞
zoanbuun siulie phahjixky | typewriter repair specialist | 專門修理打字機
zoanbuun | specific; special; particular; complete text | 專門; 全文
zoanbuun-bengsuu | technical term | 專門名詞
zoanbuun-kaoiok | technical education | 專門教育
zoanbuun-kileeng | a specialized technique | 專門機能; 專門技能
zoanbuun-uyoaan | senior specialist (a government post) | 專門委員
zoanjuu | be cured, be healed (illness or wound) | 專渝; 痊癒
zoankiuu | whole earth; the globe; the world | 全球
zoaxnbuun | to write an essay | 論文; 撰文; 譔文
zoeasuun | worship the haven every ten days of a month | 做旬; 日儀
zoeazuun | to build a ship | 做船; 造船
zoex-sinniuu | be a bride | 做新娘
zogkuun | ethnic groups | 族群
zoguun | rent money | 租銀
zokbuun | composition; write an essay | 作文
zoksuu | lyrics | 作詞
zong'viuu | admire everything of foreign (especially western) origin | 崇洋
zongsuu | a small temple for ancestors; ancestral temple or clan shrine | 宗祠
zorngcix-bixsiuu | die before the fulfillment of his ambition or aspiration; usually said of a martyr or hero | 壯志未酬
zorngcix-lenghuun | soaring ambition or aspiration | 壯志凌雲
zoxsuu | auxiliary (in grammar) | 助詞
zoxtoxngsuu | auxiliary verb; an auxiliary verb | 助動詞
zubuun | rich and influential families | 朱門
zujuu | dwarf; midget pygmy | 侏儒
zunliuu | keep; hold in one's possession | 存留
zunsuun | act up to; follow instructions | 遵循
zunzhuun | inform a superior or a friend of what we mean to do; get permission; ask a person's consent | 尊讓
zuobuun | order (merchandise) | 訂貨; 注文; 訂購; 定購
zusuun | interrogation; question; to consult; seek an advice; inquire about; consult; consultation | 諮詢; 咨詢
zutuu | bookcase | 書廚; 書櫥
zutviuu | magnetic field | 磁場
zuu | yam; potato | 薯
zuu-lioxngzwsox | magnetic quantum number | 磁量子數
zuun kaux kiøthaau zuxjieen tit | It will take care of itself when the time comes. Let's cross that bridge when we come to it | 船到橋頭自然直。
zuun | boat; vessel; a ship | 船; 存; 舟
zuun`nii | the year before last | 前年
zuxhuun | burn oneself to death | 自焚
zuxiuu boxek | free trade | 自由貿易
zuxiuu citgiap | professions that do not require fixed office hours (such as doctors; writers; lawyers) | 自由職業
zuxiuu hengtong | free movement; a free hand; free action | 自由行動
zuxiuu iecix | free will | 自由意志
zuxiuu kexngzefng | free competition | 自由競爭
zuxiuu loan'aix | freedom of choice (between a man and a woman); as opposed to the old fashioned idea of arranged marriage | 自由戀愛
zuxiuu seakaix | free world | 自由世界
zuxiuu zwgi | liberalism; the principle of liberty | 自由主義
zuxiuu | freedom; free; liberal; easy-going; freedom; liberty; free; at ease; (feel) at home; at one's own free will | 自由
zuxiuu-hoax | to liberalize, liberalization | 自由化
zuxiuu-koaan | right of liberty | 自由權
zuxiuu-torng | the Liberal Party | 自由黨
zuxiuu-zuxzai | free and unrestricted; comfortable and at ease; care free | 自由自在
zuxjuu | move freely or without impairment | 自如; 自癒
zuxkie pøfzuun | self preservation | 自己保存
zuxkuun | a clustered group, a cluster | 自群; 聚群
zuxkuun-hunseg | cluster analysis | 自群分析; 聚群分析
zuxthaxn-putjuu | admit with regret that one is not so great; concede that the other fellow is better qualified | 自歎無如
zuxtoxngsuu | intransitive verbs | 自動詞
zuy'iuu | kerosene | 水油; 煤油
zuybuun | water pattern | 水紋
zuyguu | water buffalo | 水牛
zuyguun | mercury; quicksilver | 水銀
zuyhuun | water stains; watermarks | 水痕; 漣漪
zuyiuu | kerosene stove | 煤油
zuykeafsiuu | breaststroke; frog stroke | 水雞仔泅
zuykesiuu | breaststroke; frog stroke | 水雞泅
zuykiuu | water polo | 水球
zuykoesiuu | backstroke | 水雞泅
zuyliuu | water current, water flow | 水流
zuzuu | listless, indifferent, low-spirited, not interested, discouraged or disappointed, despondent, dejected | 無精打采 [*]
zva huu | block fishes with net | 㨻魚
zvariuu | fry with oil | 炸油
zvayguu | slaughter or butcher a steer | 宰牛
zvoa'iuu | brew oil | 煎油
zvoaliuu | stream | 熬油; 溪流
zvoariuu | decoct lard from fat | 熬油; 熬
zvoarti'iuu | deep-fry fat | 炸豬油
zwbuun | main body of court verdict | 主文
zwkiofng chiettuu | hysterectomy | 子宮切除
zwliuu | main influence | 主流
zwliuu-jinbut | very influential person | 主流人物
zwliuu-siaxhoe | mainstream society | 主流社會
zwnsinniuu | bride to be | 準新娘
zwsuu | subject (in grammar) | 主詞
zwtuu | masterchef | 主廚
zøeasuun | perform regular memorial rites after relative's death | 做旬
zøexguu tah-bøo puxn | Many bulls don't make any dung to step in; If there are too many workers nothing gets done | 濟牛踏無糞; 人濟反而成事難
zøguun | rent money | 租銀
zørbuun | write a composition, compose an essay | 作文
zørguu zørbea | work hard | 做牛做馬
zørsuun | perform regular memorial rites after relative's death | 做旬; 做旬忌
zøxchviuu | build walls | 築牆
zøxhog jinkuun | do good deeds to benefit all like building a road, bridge, school or orphanage | 造福人群
zøxzuun kongsy | shipbuilding company | 造船公司
zøxzuun | construct a ship; build a ship | 造船
ø'iuu | oyster oil | 蠔油; 蚵油; 奧遊
øe'iuu | shoe polish | 鞋油
øgiuu | snails | 蝸牛
øqbuun | study literature | 學文

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Checking Exact will only show the specific term "zab". e.g. "zabor and "apzab" When input type is non-MTL, exact match is forced.
Checking Front with the search term "zab" will show all the vocabularies start with with "zab" such as "zabor".

The following example will get all the words start with a


Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".

If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "bof.ng").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or back match.

Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]

Search Term:

"Hiexntai-buun" to

Unlike the above form, this form allows you specify number of spelling error.
Select '1' will show you those words with one spelling error.
For wildcard matching, use regular expression described in the above form with '0' spelling error.

Match Error #:

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