"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Gvoxkhofng | Sun Wu-k'ung; aware of the nothingness of life, name of a fictitious monkey with supernatural powers | 悟空; 孫悟空
Swn Gvoxkhofng | Monkey King, commonly known as [[Kaau Zethiefn]] | 孫悟空
aehvox | fondness, liking, to like, to be fond of | 愛好
chiwvox | ugly | 醜惡
eghvox | exchange of commodities | 易換; 易貨
gvoxban | arrogance; haughty; haughty and overbearing | 傲慢
gvoxchiaf | railway sleeping car | 臥車
gvoxhor | severe law-enforcing official; brave general; tyrannical official | 臥虎
gvoxhut | the Reclining Buddha | 臥佛
gvoxkhuie | commit suicide by throwing oneself on a railroad | 臥軌; 臥軌自殺
gvoxkud | proud character; innate pride; lofty character; lofty spirit; self-esteem | 傲骨
gvoxlogtviuu | playground | 娛樂場
gvoxlok | amusements; entertainments; recreation; enjoyment; relaxation; pleasure | 娛樂
gvoxsexng | savvy; power of understanding; power of insight; capacity for understanding | 悟性
gvoxsi | lordly; haughtily; look down upon | 傲視
gvoxsyn siongtvar | goad oneself ahead by depriving oneself all daily comfort and subjecting oneself to life's bitterness; nurse vengeance (Lit. lie on faggots and taste gall) | 臥薪嘗膽
gvoxzhngg | bed or couch; lie on a bed | 臥床
hvox | love to; be fond of; be addicted to | 好
iarm'vox | abhor, dislike, loathe | 厭惡
iarmvox | loath; dislike; detest | 厭惡
khøfhvox | can …? may … ? | 可好
khøfvox | abominable; hateful | 可惡
oarnvox | hate | 怨惡; 怨恨
piefnthøsvox | the tonsil | 扁桃腺
sixhvox | liking for, taste for, hobby, to reflesh, to indulge in, to be addicted to | 嗜好
swnhvox | to wear away | 損耗
swnhvox-lut | rate of waste | 損耗率
vievievorvox | making noise- complained | 喑喑噁噁
vievox | speech impediment | 喑噁; 語音無清
vorvox | nauseated | 噁噁
vox | hate; hateful; ok means evil; wrong; bad | 惡
zhørgvoxee | mistake | 錯誤的
zoex-khøfvox | the vilest, the most abominable | 最可惡

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