"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: yar

ayar | suona; oboe-like musical instrument | 噯仔; 嗩吶
byarng'ar | rice jar | 米甕仔
bøefzvayar | the little finger | 尾指仔; 小指頭
chvyar | a pigeon; a dove | 鴿仔
cidkhuyar | one breath | 一口氣
cidphvyar | a tiny bit | 一疕仔
cidphyar | a bit; a little | 一疕仔; 一點兒
cvyar | pigeon, dove | 鴿仔
cvyar-tuu | pigeon-house | 茈仔櫥; 鴿子櫥
ezayar | this morning | 下早仔
hixkhangkuyar | eardrum | 耳空鬼仔
hvixkhafng kuyar | eardrum (slang) | 耳鼓膜
hvixkhangkuyar | eardrum | 耳空鬼仔
kawkhyar | cogwheel | 九齒仔; 齒輪
kiøo køex koayar ciu parngtiau | be ungrateful; forgetful of benefits received | 橋過柺仔就放掉; 過河拆橋
koayar | cane; walking-stick; climber's pick | 柺杖
kuyar | ghost; imp; sprite; little ghost; demon; common inferior ghost | 小鬼; 鬼仔; 鬼
kvoayar | a cane; stick | 枴仔
kvyar | a machine for gathering grains | 耞仔
kølezhaevyar | cabbage sprouts | 高麗菜穎仔
laixhayar | an inland sea; inland seas | 內海仔
liuophyar | last part of wounded skip peeled off | 遛疕仔
lyar | plum | 李仔; 李子
malaflyar | malaria | 瘧疾; 源自日語マラリヤ(mararia)
moachiokjyar | sparrow | 麻雀子仔
niawchyar | weaver's shuttle | 貓梭仔
oaqkuyar | steel trap | 捕獸器
phyar | scab | 瘡痂; 瘡口的皮乾了
phyphyar | small; little | 庀庀仔; 小無點兒; 庀; 星星; 微小
pngxphyar | the hard rind formed on the inside of a kettle when cooking rice (pngxphie is more common to use) | 飯疕仔; 鍋巴
putcyar | more than | 無止仔
puyar | prickly heat rash | 痱仔
seasealuyar | little flower or small eyes | 細細蕊仔
sincyar | wooden tablet used as a symbol of the deceased | 神子仔; 主牌
siøfkuyar | little devil | 小鬼仔
sorngbyar | dighten the waist | 宋米仔
syzabofkuyar | bad girl | 死查某鬼仔
talyar | dahlia (flower) which is native to Mexico and Central America | 乾李仔
tek'yar | bamboo chair | 竹椅仔
thuq koayar | to lean upon a staff | 持杖; 倚拐杖
tiaokuyar | hanging ghost | 吊鬼仔
toaxcyar | big sister | 大姊仔
tviafphyar | the hard rind formed on the inside of a kettle when cooking rice (pngxphie is more common to use) | 鼎疕仔; 鍋巴
tørchiwkvoayar | lefty | 倒手拐仔
yar | chair | 椅仔
zawzuyar | petty businessman who picks up small items to do business on his own account; sometimes smuggling goods on a small scale as a single individual | 走水仔; 跑單幫
zayar | in the morning | 早仔
zefngzvayar | finger | 手指頭
zha'yar | wooden chair | 柴椅仔
zhaecyar | vegetable seeds | 菜子仔
zhawcyar | kind of vine whose seeds can make a jelly | 草子仔; 愛玉
zhawlyar | paramecium | 草履仔
zhvecvyar | areca flower | 青茈仔
zuyarng'ar | water urn | 水甕仔
zuykuyar | diver; frogman | 潛水員; 水鬼

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