"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: zarn

Bahzarngzeq | rice ball festival | 肉粽節
Bahzarngzoeq | rice ball festival | 肉粽節
bahzarngkag | concrete made for protecting seashore with shape like rice ball | 肉粽角
goxzarnthaq | five stories tower or pagoda | 五層塔
itzarn | one (lamp) | 一盞
kawzarnthaq | basil | 九層塔
putzarnseeng | to disapprove; disapproval | 無贊成; 不贊成
sabøthauzarng | clueless | 捎無頭摠
sabøzarng | can't grope | 捎無粽; 法摸索; 找無到原因
svazarnlaau | building of three stories | 三層樓
svazarnthaq | three-story tower | 三層塔
thauzarng | bun | 頭摠
tøsox zarnseeng | majority approved | 多數贊成
zarn | nice; pretty; great (said of something or someone); splendid; grand (slang); neat; nifty; terrific; fierce | 好; 讚; 棒; 漂亮
zarn'ioong | praise | 讚揚
zarnbie | praise; admire; extol; glorify | 讚美
zarnbie-sy | hymn, songs of praise | 讚美詩
zarnbykoaf | praise song | 讚美歌
zarnbysy | hymn (Protestant) | 讚美詩
zarng | plait; braid; pigtail; a mistake or shortcoming that may be exploited by an opponent; handle | 束; 摠; 把; 捉; 捉把; 辮子
zarnghah | a kind of leaf to pack rice dumpling | 粽箬
zarnghiøh | a kind of leaf to pack rice dumpling | 粽葉
zarnghiøqar | leaves used in Taiwanese steamed rice ball | 粽葉仔
zarngiorng | regard with admiration and respect | 讚仰
zarniar | fraud | 詐領
zarnkefng | warehouse; godown | 棧間; 棧房
zarnkenglai | in the warehouse | 棧間內
zarnlat | support | 贊力
zarnlea | ceremony | 讚禮
zarnliaau | warehouse | 棧寮; 倉庫
zarnmeh | the arteries are abundant | 脈博
zarnpaang | warehouse | 棧房; 倉庫
zarnpafng | duckboards; pallet | 棧板
zarnpangkhaf | duckboards bottom | 棧枋跤
zarnpangterng | duckboards top | 棧枋頂
zarnpoe | think highly of; to esteem; admire | 讚佩
zarnseeng | approve; support; approbation; support; approval; agree with | 贊成
zarnsengciar | pros | 贊成者
zarnsengphaix | pros | 贊成派
zarnsiong | sing the praises of | 讚頌
zarnsiorng | praise; to admire | 讚賞
zarnsuu | words of praise | 讚詞; (辭)
zarnsviaee | applauding | 贊聲的
zarnsviaf | praise | 贊聲; 讚聲
zarnthaxn | hold in regard; commendation; epraise; applaud; admiration; admiration; extol; be lost in admiration for | 讚嘆
zarntoong | agree with; concurrence; consent to; approve of | 贊同
zarnzo | assist in accomplishing the object; support; back up; patronage | 贊助
zarnzoxjiin | patron; sponsor | 贊助人
zhawzarng | bunch of rice straw | 草摠; 稻草把
zoanthea zarnseeng | unanimous approval | 全體贊成

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