"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: zaux

armzaux | secretly present a memorial to the throne | 暗奏; 密奏
bidzaux | secret memorial | 密奏
cienzaux | prelude; harbinger | 前奏
cietzaux | rhythm | 節奏; 上奏
guzaux | slaughterhouse | 牛灶; 屠牛場
habzaux | to play in concert; play musical instruments in harmony | 合奏
habzaux-kheg | musical score for an ensemble | 合奏曲
hiabzaux | harmonize | 協奏
hvoaizhaa giajip zaux | argue irrationally; do things the way they won't work (to put sticks of wood into the stove sideways; contrary to the way they fit) | 強詞奪理; 橫柴抬入灶
hvoaxtviafzaux | chef | 扞鼎灶
høefzaux | a cooking ancient stove | 火灶
iefnzaux | to play an instrument in a performance; perform music | 演奏
imgak-iefnzaux | musical performance | 音樂演奏
kexngzaux | name of a marriage custom (When Son-in-law moves into new home; the wife's family gives the kitchen things to the couple.) | 溫鍋; 競灶; 女婿新居落成娘家買廚具送給女婿 (一種風俗)
khawzaux | family; household | 口灶; 戶
khefzaux | to send memorial to emperor | 啟奏
kngrkhiim-phvoaxzaux | piano accompaniment | 鋼琴伴奏
lozaux | stove | 爐灶
moxzaux | make to the emperor a false accusation | 冒造; 誣告
phvoaxzaux | accompany (music); accompaniment; accompany (a soloist); play an accompaniment | 伴奏
poanzaux | accompany (music); accompaniment | 伴奏
sienzarm hiøxzaux | in old China order the execution of criminals before reporting the case to the emperor; (in modern sense) take action before reporting to one's superior | 先斬後奏
sioxngzaux | report to the master | 上奏
taang-khawzaux | share same stove; family | 同口灶
thengzaux | performance | 呈奏
tizaux | slaughter house for pigs | 豬屠; 屠宰場
toaxzaux | big stove | 大灶
togzaux | solo performance (in music) | 獨奏
tuzaux | pig stove | 豬灶
tviafzaux | cooking pots and cook-stove; kitchen range | 鼎灶
tvoazaux | to play 9a stringed musical instrument); play; strike the strings (or keys) | 彈奏
u-cietzaux | rhythmic, rhythmical | 有節奏
zaux aigak | play funeral music | 奏哀樂
zaux phvayoe | tattle to superiors about someone's faults | 打小報告
zaux | cook-stove; kitchen range | 灶; 奏; 竈
zauxcvii | give change | 找錢
zauxsiim | search | 找尋
zhoezaux | play | 吹奏
zhuizaux | play | 吹奏
zwnzaux | suggestions have been approved | 准奏
zøhzaux | make a Chinese style cooking hearth | 築灶

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