"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: Ha

Ha | surname Xia; Hsia | 夏
Ha-tiaau | a Chinese dynasty | 夏朝
Haan Sixn | | 韓信
Haan | surname; Korea | 韓
Haau | surname | 侯
Habcioxng Kokzeasia | United Press International; UPI | 合眾國際社
Habhoafn Svoaf | Mt. Hohuan | 合歡山
Habhoansvoaf | a mountain in Taiwan | 合歡山
Habkay | Haggai (Protestant) | 哈該
Hae | Hi! O dear! (grief or unhappiness at actions of others) | 嗨
Hagkaq | a city in Tainan County Taiwan | 學甲
Hajidzok | person who likes and admires Japan and Japanese people or things | 哈日族
Hanciexn | Korean War (1950-1953) | 韓戰
Hangciw | a city in China | 杭州
Hankog | Korea | 韓國
Hankok'oe | Korean language | 韓國話
Hankoklaang | Korean people | 韓國人
Hanlo | Cold Dew; a solar period that arrives about October 8-22 | 寒露
Haokefng | the Canon of Filial Piety | 孝經
Harn'efng jixtiern | Chinese-English dictionary | 漢英字典
Harnbinzok | Chinese race | 漢民族
Harnbuun | Chinese written language and literature; written Chinese | 漢文
Harnguo | Chinese; Han language | 漢語
Harnhak | Chinese study; Chinese classics | 漢學
Harnji | Chinese characters | 漢字
Harnjiin | Chinese | 漢人
Harnliin | han people | 漢人
Harnpør | Hamburg (a city in Germany) | 漢堡
Harntiaau | Han dynasty | 漢朝
Harnzok | the Han race | 漢族
Haxgoaan | fifteenth day of the tenth lunar month | 下元
Haxn Buntex | | 漢文帝
Haxn Bwtex | | 漢武帝
Haxn Kongbuo | | 漢光武
Haxn køzor | | 漢高祖
Haxn-Efng jixtiern | Chinese-English dictionary | 漢英字典
Haxn-tiaau | Han Dynasty | 漢朝
Haxoaf | Eve (Protestant) | 夏娃
Hayhiabhoe | ARATS | 海協會
Haykihoe | SEF | 海基會
Haylaam | Hainan | 海南
Hayleng'oong | the dragon king; god of the ocean and rain; Neptune | 海龍王
Hayliong'oong | god of ocean and rain; Neptune | 海龍王
Hayongzhvef | the planet Neptune | 海王星
Hayoong-chvy | the planet Neptune | 海王星
Haysam'uy | Vladivostok | 海蔘威; 海參崴
Haysiin | Neptune | 海神
Haytoafn | a city in Taitung County Taiwan | 海端
Hayviuciw | Oceania | 海洋洲
Hayviuu taixhak | University of the Sea | 海洋大學
Iasof Haolwhoe | FI: Daughters of Jesus (Catholic) | 耶穌孝女會
Pasu Haykiab | Bashi Channel | 巴士海峽
Taai-Harn | Taiwanese-sino | 台漢
Taai-Haxn | Taiwanese-sino; Taiwanese-Han | 台漢
Taioaan Haykiab | the Taiwan Straits | 台灣海峽

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