"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: Ta

Engkog Onghuy Tae'annar | Britain's Princess Diana | 英國王妃黛安娜
Serngthea Taixhoe | Eucharistic Congress (Catholic) | 聖體大會
Taai-Harn | Taiwanese-sino | 台漢
Taai-Haxn | Taiwanese-sino; Taiwanese-Han | 台漢
Taan | Chinese surname | 陳
Tadjiin | a city in Taitung County | 達仁
Tadmoo Zofsw | a fictional character | 達磨祖師
Tadninie | Daniel (Catholic) | 達尼爾; (達)
Taibunhe | Taiwanese literary dept. | 台文系
Taibunkaix | Taiwanese literary circles | 台文界
Taibuun | Taiwanese | 台文
Taigie | Taiwanese language | 台語
Taiguo | Taiwanese language | 台語; 臺語
Taiguo-buun | Taiwanese writing | 台語文
Taihae | Taiwan Strait | 臺海
Taikheq | Take; Taiwanese style | 台客
Tailaam | Tainan | 台南
Tailaam-koan | Tainan County | 台南縣
Tailamchi | Tainan city | 台南市
Tailamkoan | Tainan county | 台南縣
Tailøo | a Taiwanese writing system published by Taiwan Edu. Dept. | 台羅
Taioaan Haykiab | the Taiwan Straits | 台灣海峽
Taioaan Konghogcied | Retrocession Day (October5); commemorating the restoration of the island province to Chinese sovereignty in 1945 | 台灣光復節
Taioaan | Taiwan; Taiwan ─ the island of Formosa | 台灣; 臺灣
Taioaan-bunhoax | Taiwanese culture | 台灣文化
Taioaan-bøea | southwest point of Taiwan | 台灣尾
Taioaan-laang | Taiwanese person | 台灣人
Taioaan-oe | Taiwanese language | 台灣話; 臺灣話
Taioaan-thaau | north point of Taiwan | 台灣頭
Taioan'oe | Taiwanese (language) | 台灣話
Taioanbi | Taiwanese taste | 台灣味
Taioanbinpøx | Taiwan People's Daily | 台灣民報
Taioanboea | Taiwan island end | 台灣尾
Taioanbunhoax | Taiwanese culture | 台灣文化
Taioanhoax | influenced by Taiwan culture | 臺灣化
Taioankoaf | Taiwanese songs | 台灣歌
Taioankoaiaau | Taiwanese songs | 台灣歌謠
Taioanlaang | Taiwanese | 台灣人
Taioanmiaa | Taiwanese name | 台灣名
Taioanpek'hap | Taiwanese lily | 台灣百合
Taioanserng | the province of Taiwan | 台灣省
Taioansuo | Taiwanese history | 台灣史
Taioanthaau | Taiwan island end | 台灣頭
Taioantør | Taiwan island | 台灣島
Taipag | Taipei | 台北
Taipag-koan | Taipei County | 台北縣
Taipakchi | Taipei city | 台北市
Taipakkoan | Taipei county | 台北縣
Taipaksviaa | Taipei city | 台北城
Taipex | Taiwan currency | 台幣; 臺幣
Taiphiøx | Taiwan currency | 台幣; 臺票; 臺幣
Taisef | a town in the middle Taiwan | 台西
Taisi | Taiwan TV channel | 台視
Taisiofng | Taiwanese businessperson | 臺商
Taitafng | a city in Taitung County | 台東
Taitafng-koan | Taitung County | 台東縣
Taitai | Taiwan University | 台大
Taithiq | Taiwan Railway | 台鐵
Taithngg | Taiwan sugar | 台糖
Taitien | Taipower | 台電
Taitiofng | Taichung | 台中
Taitiofng-koan | Taichung County | 台中縣
Taix | surname Dai; Tai | 戴
Taixafn | a district in the city of Taipei | 大安
Taixbuo | a city in Taitung County | 大武
Taixgvar | a city in Taichung County | 大雅
Taixgvea | a city in Taichung County | 大雅
Taixhaan | Dahan (solar term); literally, the Big Cold; one of the 24 Chinese climatic periods which begins on January 20 or 21 | 大寒
Taixkahbø | famous hat made in Taixka | 大甲帽
Taixkahchiøh | bamboo matting; grass matting | 大甲蓆
Taixkaq | a city in Taichung County | 大甲
Taixkofng hoexgi | Ecumenical Council | 大公會議
Taixlie | a city in Taichung County | 大里
Taixliok | mainland; continent | 大陸
Taixparn | Osaka | 大阪
Taixse'viuu | the Atlantic Ocean | 大西洋
Taixseng-pudkaux | Buddhism | 大成佛教
Taixseviuu | Atlantic Ocean | 大西洋
Taixsoad | the term which begins on or about December 7th | 大雪
Taixsuo | Big Heat; the climatic period which begins on July3 or4 | 大暑
Taixtoong | a city in Yilan County | 大同
Taixzhefng | (historical) the official name of the Qing dynasty | 大清
Tanbek | Denmark | 丹麥
Tang'Af | East-Asia | 東亞
Tang'af | East Asia | 東亞
Tang'aw | eastern Europe | 東歐
Tang'irn | a city in Lienchiang County | 東引
Tang'viulaang | Orientals | 東方人
Tang'viuu | Orient | 東洋
Tangcioh | a city in Chiayi County | 東石
Tangciøh | a city in Chiayi County | 東石
Tanghae | East China Sea | 東海
Tanghngf | the East, the Orient | 東方
Tanghøo | a city in Taitung County | 東河
Tangkarng | a town in Pingtung | 東港
Tangkhix sitai | Bronze Age | 銅器時代
Tangkviaf | Tokyo | 東京
Tanglaam-Af | Southeast Asia | 東南亞
Tanglam'af | Southeast Asia | 東南亞
Tangløo | a city in Miaoli County | 銅鑼
Tangpo | eastern division, eastern part | 東部
Tangpvy | eastern side | 東邊
Tangsiezhux | a city in Yunlin County | 東勢厝
Tangsix | a city in Yunlin County | 東勢
Tangsvoaf | a city in Yilan County | 冬山
Tangsvoahøo | Yilan County river | 冬山河
Tangteg | East Germany | 東德
Tanhiongsafn | Honolulu | 檀香山
Tantor | Hawaii | 檀島
Tarng | surname Dong; Tung | 董
Tat | Daniel (Catholic) | 達尼爾
Tawlaam | a city in Yunlin County | 斗南
Tawlak | a city in Yunlin County | 斗六
Taxmkafng | a college in Taipei | 淡江
Taxmzuie | a seaside resort in Northern Taiwan | 淡水
Zethiefn Taixsexng | Great Sage, Heaven's Equal, a title taken by Kaau Zethiefn a fictional character | 齊天大聖
Zwkaux Taixlea Misad | Pontifical Mass (Catholic) | 主教大禮彌撒
pak'Taai | northern Taiwan | 北臺
seg Taan | married into the Tan family | 適陳
zoan'Taai | the whole of Taiwan | 全台; 全臺

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